syuilo aeac96a4f7
New Crowdin translations (#5901)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)

* New translations ja-JP.yml (Chinese Simplified)
2020-02-10 21:40:30 +09:00

728 lines
22 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

unknown: "未知"
future: "未来"
justNow: "最近"
secondsAgo: "{n}秒前"
minutesAgo: "{n}分前"
hoursAgo: "{n}小时前"
daysAgo: "{n}日前"
weeksAgo: "{n}周前"
monthsAgo: "{n}月前"
yearsAgo: "{n}年前"
second: "秒"
minute: "分"
hour: "小时"
day: "日"
introMisskey: "欢迎Misskey是一个开源的分散型SNS服务。\n通过「帖子」来分享现在发生的事情吧📡\n「反应」功能可以让你快速的对大家的「帖子」来表达感情👍\n一起来探索新的世界吧🚀"
monthAndDay: "{month}月 {day}日"
search: "搜索"
notifications: "通知"
username: "用户名"
password: "密码"
fetchingAsApObject: "联合查询中"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "我明白了"
cancel: "取消"
enterUsername: "输入用户名"
renotedBy: "由 {user} 转推"
noNotes: "没有投稿"
noNotifications: "无通知"
instance: "实例"
settings: "设置"
profile: "个人资料"
timeline: "时间线"
noAccountDescription: "这个人很懒,没有写自我介绍"
login: "登录"
loggingIn: "正在登录..."
logout: "登出"
signup: "新用户注册"
uploading: "正在上传"
save: "保存"
users: "用户"
addUser: "添加用户"
favorite: "收藏"
favorites: "收藏"
unfavorite: "取消收藏"
pin: "置顶"
unpin: "取消置顶"
copyContent: "复制内容"
copyLink: "复制链接"
delete: "删除"
addToList: "添加至列表"
sendMessage: "发送"
copyUsername: "复制用户名"
reply: "回复"
loadMore: "查看更多"
youGotNewFollower: "你有新的关注者"
receiveFollowRequest: "收到关注请求"
followRequestAccepted: "同意关注请求"
mentions: "提及"
directNotes: "指定用户可见"
importAndExport: "导入和导出"
import: "导入"
export: "导出"
files: "文件"
download: "下载"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "要删除「{name}」文件吗?附加此文件的帖子也会消失。"
unfollowConfirm: "要取消对{name}的关注吗?"
exportRequested: "导出请求已提交。可能需要花一些时间。导出的文件将保存到网盘中。"
importRequested: "导入请求已提交。这可能需要花一点时间。"
lists: "列表"
noLists: "列表为空"
note: "帖子"
notes: "帖子"
following: "关注中"
followers: "关注者"
followsYou: "关注了你"
createList: "创建列表"
manageLists: "管理列表"
error: "有点小问题"
retry: "重试"
enterListName: "输入列表名称"
privacy: "隐私"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "关注者请求需要批准"
defaultNoteVisibility: "默认可见性"
follow: "关注"
followRequest: "关注申请"
followRequests: "关注申请"
unfollow: "取消关注"
followRequestPending: "发送关注申请"
enterEmoji: "输入Emoji"
renote: "转发"
unrenote: "取消转发"
quote: "引用"
pinnedNote: "已置顶的帖子"
you: "您"
clickToShow: "点击以显示"
sensitive: "阅读注意"
add: "添加"
reaction: "反应"
reactionSettingDescription: "快速选择回应中的自定义表情符号,以换行符分隔。"
rememberNoteVisibility: "记录公开范围"
renameFile: "重命名文件"
attachCancel: "删除附件"
markAsSensitive: "阅读注意"
unmarkAsSensitive: "取消标记为敏感内容"
enterFileName: "请输入文件名"
mute: "屏蔽"
unmute: "解除屏蔽"
block: "屏蔽"
unblock: "取消屏蔽"
suspend: "冻结"
unsuspend: "解除冻结"
blockConfirm: "确定要屏蔽吗?"
unblockConfirm: "确定要解除屏蔽吗?"
suspendConfirm: "要冻结吗?"
unsuspendConfirm: "要解除冻结吗?"
selectList: "选择列表"
customEmojis: "自定义Emoji"
emojiName: "Emoji 名称"
emojiUrl: "emoji 地址"
addEmoji: "添加Emoji"
cacheRemoteFiles: "远程文件缓存"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "当禁用此设定时远程文件将直接从远程实例载入。禁用后会减小储存空间需求,但是会增加流量,因为缩略图不会被生成。"
flagAsBot: "这个账户是Bot"
flagAsCat: "这个账户是Cat"
autoAcceptFollowed: "自动允许关注"
addAcount: "添加账户"
loginFailed: "登录失败"
showOnRemote: "转到所在实例显示"
general: "常规设置"
wallpaper: "壁纸"
removeWallpaper: "移除壁纸"
searchWith: "搜索:{q}"
youHaveNoLists: "列表为空"
followConfirm: "你确定要关注{name}吗?"
proxyAccount: "代理账户"
host: "主机名"
selectUser: "选择用户"
recipient: "收件人"
annotation: "注解"
federation: "联合"
instances: "实例"
latestRequestSentAt: "上次发送的请求"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "上次收到的请求"
storageUsage: "已用存储"
charts: "图表"
perHour: "每小时"
perDay: "每天"
operations: "操作"
software: "软件"
version: "版本"
metadata: "元数据"
withNFiles: "{n}个文件"
monitor: "监视器"
jobQueue: "作业队列"
cpuAndMemory: "CPU使用量"
network: "网络"
disk: "存储"
instanceInfo: "实例情报"
statistics: "统计"
clearQueue: "清除队列"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "确定清除队列?"
clearCachedFiles: "清除缓存"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "确定要清除缓存文件?"
blockedInstances: "被阻拦的实例"
blockedInstancesDescription: "设定要阻拦的实例,以换行来进行分割。被阻拦的实例将无法与本实例进行交换通讯。"
muteAndBlock: "屏蔽/拉黑"
mutedUsers: "禁言用户"
blockedUsers: "已屏蔽用户"
noUsers: "无用户"
editProfile: "编辑资料"
noteDeleteConfirm: "要删除该帖子吗?"
pinLimitExceeded: "无法置顶更多了"
intro: "Misskey的部署结束啦填写管理员账号吧"
done: "完成"
processing: "处理中"
preview: "预览"
noCustomEmojis: "无自定义Emoji"
customEmojisOfRemote: "远程Emoji"
noJobs: "没有任务"
federating: "联合中"
blocked: "已拦截"
suspended: "停止推流"
all: "全部"
subscribing: "已订阅"
publishing: "直播中"
notResponding: "没有响应"
instanceFollowing: "关注实例"
instanceFollowers: "关注实例"
instanceUsers: "实例用户"
changePassword: "修改密码"
security: "安全性"
retypedNotMatch: "两次输入不一致!"
currentPassword: "现在的密码"
newPassword: "新密码"
newPasswordRetype: "重新输入密码:"
attachFile: "插入附件"
more: "更多!"
featured: "高亮"
usernameOrUserId: "用户名或用户ID"
noSuchUser: "用户不存在"
lookup: "查询"
announcements: "公告"
imageUrl: "图片URL"
remove: "删除"
removed: "已删除"
removeAreYouSure: "要删掉「{x}」吗?"
saved: "已保存"
messaging: "聊天"
upload: "上传"
fromDrive: "从网盘中"
fromUrl: "从 URL"
explore: "发现"
games: "Misskey游戏"
messageRead: "已读"
recentUsedEmojis: "最近使用的Emoji表情"
noMoreHistory: "没有更多的历史记录"
startMessaging: "开始聊天"
nUsersRead: "{n}人已读"
agreeTo: "{0}人同意"
tos: "服务条款"
start: "开始"
home: "首页"
remoteUserCaution: "由于是远程用户,信息不完整。"
activity: "活动"
images: "图片"
birthday: "生日"
yearsOld: "{age}岁"
registeredDate: "注册于"
location: "位置"
theme: "主题"
lightThemes: "亮色主题"
darkThemes: "暗色主题"
drive: "网盘"
selectFile: "选择文件"
selectFiles: "选择文件"
renameFolder: "重命名文件夹"
createFolder: "创建文件夹"
deleteFolder: "删除文件夹"
addFile: "添加文件"
emptyDrive: "驱动器为空"
emptyFolder: "空文件夹"
copyUrl: "复制链接"
rename: "重命名"
avatar: "头像"
banner: "Banner"
nsfw: "阅读注意"
disconnectedFromServer: "已从服务器断开连接"
reloadConfirm: "确定要重新加载吗"
accept: "允许"
reject: "拒绝"
instanceName: "实例名称"
instanceDescription: "实例介绍"
maintainerName: "管理员名称"
maintainerEmail: "管理员电子邮箱"
tosUrl: "服务条款URL"
thisYear: "今年"
thisMonth: "本月"
today: "今天"
dayX: "{day}日"
monthX: "{month}月"
yearX: "{year}年"
pages: "页面"
integration: "连携"
connectSerice: "已连接"
disconnectSerice: "断开连接"
enableLocalTimeline: "启用本地时间线功能"
enableGlobalTimeline: "启用全局时间线"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "即使时间线功能被禁用,出于便利性的原因,管理员和数据图表也可以继续使用。"
registration: "注册"
enableRegistration: "允许新用户注册"
invite: "邀请"
proxyRemoteFiles: "代理远程文件"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "启用此设置后,由于超出存储容量而导致未保存被删除的远程文件将被本地代理,并且会生成缩略图。不会影响服务器的存储。"
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "每个用户的网盘空间"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "每个远程用户的网盘容量"
inMb: "以兆字节(Mbps)为单位"
iconUrl: "图标URL"
bannerUrl: "Banner URL"
basicInfo: "基本信息"
pinnedUsers: "置顶用户"
pinnedUsersDescription: "在「发现」页面中使用换行标记想要置顶的用户。"
recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "启用 reCAPTCHA\n(请注意, 此功能在中国大陆不可用. 如果启用, 可能导致无法正常使用登录或注册等功能)"
recaptchaSiteKey: "网站密钥"
recaptchaSecretKey: "reCAPTCHA 密钥"
name: "名称"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "使用空格分隔会产生AND规范并且使用换行符分隔会产生OR规范"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "启用ServiceWorker"
caseSensitive: "区分大小写"
connectedTo: "您的账号已连到接以下社交账号"
notesAndReplies: "帖子与回复"
withFiles: "附件"
silence: "禁言"
silenceConfirm: "确认要禁言吗?"
unsilenceConfirm: "要解除禁言吗?"
popularUsers: "热门用户"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "最近投稿用户"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "最近登录用户"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "最近发现的用户"
popularTags: "热门标签"
userList: "列表"
about: "关于"
aboutMisskey: "关于 Misskey"
aboutMisskeyText: "Misskey是由syuilo于2014年开发的开放源代码软件。"
misskeyMembers: "现在由以下成员进行开发和维护:"
misskeySource: "源代码在这里公开:"
misskeyDonate: "可以向 Misskey 进行捐款以支持开发:"
morePatrons: "还有很多其他的人也在支持我们,非常感谢🥰"
patrons: "支持者"
administrator: "管理员"
token: "令牌"
twoStepAuthentication: "两步验证"
moderator: "版主"
nUsersMentioned: "{n} 被提到"
securityKey: "安全密钥"
securityKeyName: "密钥名称"
lastUsed: "最后使用:"
unregister: "删除账户"
resetPassword: "重置密码"
newPasswordIs: "新的密码是「{password}」"
post: "投稿"
posted: "已投稿"
autoReloadWhenDisconnected: "断开连接时自动重新加载"
reduceUiAnimation: "减少UI动画"
share: "分享"
notFound: "未找到"
uploadFolder: "默认上传文件夹"
cacheClear: "清空缓存"
markAsReadAllNotifications: "将所有通知标为已读"
markAsReadAllUnreadNotes: "将所有帖子标记为已读"
help: "帮助"
inputMessageHere: "在此键入信息"
close: "关闭"
group: "群组"
groups: "群组"
createGroup: "创建群组"
ownedGroups: "拥有的群组"
joinedGroups: "已加入的群组"
invites: "邀请"
groupName: "群组名"
members: "成员"
transfer: "转让"
enable: "启用"
next: "下一个"
retype: "重新输入"
noteOf: "{user}的帖子"
inviteToGroup: "群组邀请"
title: "Misskey的使用方法"
step1_1: "欢迎!"
alreadyRegistered: "此设备已被注册"
registerDevice: "注册设备"
registerKey: "注册密钥"
"read:account": "查看账户信息"
"write:account": "更改帐户信息"
"read:blocks": "查看黑名单"
"write:blocks": "编辑黑名单"
"read:drive": "查看网盘"
"write:drive": "管理网盘文件"
"read:favorites": "查看收藏夹"
"write:favorites": "编辑收藏夹"
"read:following": "查看关注信息"
"write:following": "关注/取消关注"
"read:mutes": "查看屏蔽列表"
"write:mutes": "编辑屏蔽列表"
"read:notifications": "查看通知"
"write:notifications": "管理通知"
"read:reactions": "查看回应"
"write:reactions": "回应操作"
"write:votes": "投票"
"read:pages": "查看页面"
"write:pages": "操作页面"
"read:page-likes": "查看喜欢的页面"
"write:page-likes": "操作喜欢的页面"
"read:user-groups": "查看用户组"
"write:user-groups": "操作用户组"
permissionAsk: "这个应用程序需要以下权限"
sunday: "星期日"
monday: "星期一"
tuesday: "星期二"
wednesday: "星期三"
thursday: "星期四"
friday: "星期五"
saturday: "星期六"
memo: "便签"
notifications: "通知"
timeline: "时间线"
calendar: "日历"
trends: "趋势"
clock: "时钟"
rss: "RSS阅读器"
hide: "隐藏"
show: "查看更多"
chars: "{count}个字符"
files: "{count} 个文件"
poll: "投票"
noOnlyOneChoice: "需要至少两个选项"
choiceN: "选择{n}"
noMore: "无法再添加更多了"
canMultipleVote: "允许多个投票"
expiration: "截止时间"
infinite: "无限期"
at: "指定日期"
after: "指定时间"
deadlineDate: "截止日期"
deadlineTime: "小时"
duration: "时长"
votesCount: "{n}票"
totalVotes: "总票数{n}"
vote: "投票"
showResult: "显示结果"
voted: "已投票"
closed: "已截止"
remainingDays: "{d}天{h}小时后截止"
remainingHours: "{h}小时{m}分后截止"
remainingMinutes: "{m}分{s}秒后截止"
remainingSeconds: "{s}秒后截止"
public: "公开"
home: "首页"
followers: "关注者"
specified: "指定用户"
name: "名称"
username: "用户名"
description: "个人简介"
metadata: "额外信息"
metadataLabel: "标签"
metadataContent: "内容"
allNotes: "所有帖子"
followingList: "关注中"
muteList: "屏蔽"
blockingList: "屏蔽"
userLists: "列表"
usersIncDec: "用户数量:增加/减少"
users: "用户数量:增加/减少"
usersTotal: "用户总数"
ff: "关注/被关注:数量变化"
ffTotal: "关注/被关注:总数"
cacheSize: "缓存大小:增加/减少"
home: "首页"
local: "本地"
social: "社交"
global: "全局"
newPage: "创建页面"
editPage: "编辑页面"
page-created: "页面已创建"
page-updated: "页面已更新"
name-already-exists: "该页面URL已存在"
title-invalid-name: "无效的页面URL"
text-invalid-name: "请确认该项不为空"
editThisPage: "编辑此页面"
viewSource: "查看源代码"
viewPage: "查看页面"
like: "赞"
unlike: "取消赞"
liked-pages: "喜欢的页面"
my-pages: "我的页面"
inspector: "检查器"
content: "页面内容"
variables: "变量"
variables-info: "您可以使用变量创建动态页面。在文本中通过<b>{变量名}</b>的写法来嵌入变量值。例如在文本<b>Hello { thing } world!</b>中,如果变量(thing)的值为<b>ai</b>,那么该文本会成为<b>Hello ai world!</b>。"
variables-info2: "因为变量的计算(计算变量值)是从上到下执行的,所以不能在变量中引用下面的变量。例如从上到下依次定义了<b>ABC</b>3个变量那么<b>C</b>中可以引用<b>A</b>或<b>B</b>,但是<b>A</b>无法引用<b>B</b>或<b>C</b>。"
variables-info3: "为了接收来自用户的输入,页面上设有“用户输入”块,在“变量名称”中设置要在其中保存输入值的变量名(变量会自动创建)。您可以使用该变量执行操作以响应用户输入。"
variables-info4: "通过使用函数,您可以将数值计算过程组合成可重用的形式。要创建函数,需要创建一个“函数”类型的变量。你可以将函数设定为槽函数(参数)的格式槽函数的值可作为函数中的变量使用。另外AiScript标准中还有一些函数会将函数作为参数(称为高阶函数)。\n除了已经预先定义的函数外您也可以将它们设置为这些高阶函数的槽函数。"
more-details: "详细说明"
title: "标题"
url: "页面URL"
summary: "页面摘要"
alignCenter: "居中"
hide-title-when-pinned: "置顶时隐藏标题"
font: "字体"
fontSerif: "衬线字体"
fontSansSerif: "无衬线字体"
set-eye-catching-image: "设置封面图片"
remove-eye-catching-image: "删除封面图片"
chooseBlock: "添加块"
selectType: "选择类型"
enterVariableName: "请输入变量名"
the-variable-name-is-already-used: "变量名已使用"
content-blocks: "内容"
input-blocks: "输入"
special-blocks: "特殊"
post-from-post-form: "发布此内容"
posted-from-post-form: "已发布"
text: "文本"
image: "图片"
if: "如果"
variable: "变量"
post: "投稿窗口"
text: "内容"
textInput: "文本输入"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
default: "默认值"
textareaInput: "多行文本输入"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
default: "默认值"
numberInput: "输入数值"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
default: "默认值"
switch: "开关"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
default: "默认值"
counter: "计数器"
name: "变量名"
text: "标题"
inc: "增加值"
text: "标题"
colored: "彩色"
action: "按下按钮时的行为"
dialog: "显示对话框"
content: "内容"
resetRandom: "重置随机值"
pushEvent: "发送事件"
event: "事件名称"
message: "按下时显示的消息"
variable: "发送的变量"
no-variable: "空"
radioButton: "选择项"
name: "变量名"
title: "标题"
values: "使用换行区分的选择项"
default: "默认值"
flow: "控制"
logical: "逻辑运算"
operation: "计算"
comparison: "比较"
random: "随机"
value: "值"
fn: "函数"
text: "文本操作"
convert: "转换"
list: "列表"
text: "文本"
multiLineText: "文本 (多行)"
textList: "文本列表"
info: "请使用换行符分隔每行"
strLen: "文本长度"
arg1: "文本"
strPick: "提取字符"
arg1: "文本"
arg2: "字符位置"
strReplace: "替换文本"
arg1: "文本"
arg2: "替换之前"
arg3: "替换之后"
strReverse: "文本反向"
arg1: "文本"
join: "合并文本"
arg1: "列表"
arg2: "分隔符"
add: "加"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "减"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "乘"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "除"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "取模(MOD)"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "四舍五入"
arg1: "数值"
eq: "A和B相等"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A和B不等"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A和B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A或B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A小于B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A大于B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A小于等于B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A大于等于B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "分支"
arg1: "如果"
arg2: "如果"
arg3: "否则"
not: "否"
arg1: "否"
random: "随机"
arg1: "概率"
rannum: "随机数"
arg1: "最小值"
arg2: "最大值"
randomPick: "从列表中随机选择"
arg1: "列表"
dailyRandom: "随机(每个用户每日)"
arg1: "概率"
dailyRannum: "随机数(每个用户每日)"
arg1: "最小值"
arg2: "最大值"
dailyRandomPick: "从列表中随机选择(每个用户每日)"
arg1: "列表"
seedRandom: "随机 (种子)"
arg1: "种子"
arg2: "概率"
seedRannum: "随机数(种子)"
arg1: "种子"
arg2: "最小值"
arg3: "最大值"
seedRandomPick: "从列表中随机选择 (种子)"
arg1: "种子"
arg2: "列表"
DRPWPM: "从概率列表中随机选择(每用户每天)"
arg1: "文本列表"
pick: "从列表中选择"
arg1: "列表"
arg2: "位置"
listLen: "获取列表长度"
arg1: "列表"
number: "数值"
stringToNumber: "文本到数字"
arg1: "文本"
numberToString: "数字到文本"
arg1: "数值"
splitStrByLine: "将文本按行拆分"
arg1: "文本"
ref: "变量"
fn: "函数"
arg1: "输出"
for: "重复"
arg1: "次数"
arg2: "处理"
thereIsEmptySlot: "槽函数{slot}为空!"
string: "文字"
number: "数值"
boolean: "Flag"
array: "列表"
stringArray: "文本列表"
emptySlot: "空白槽函数"
enviromentVariables: "环境变量"
pageVariables: "页面元素"
argVariables: "输入变量"