import * as http from 'node:http'; import * as https from 'node:https'; import CacheableLookup from 'cacheable-lookup'; import { HttpProxyAgent, HttpsProxyAgent } from 'hpagent'; import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js'; import type { Config } from '@/config.js'; import { StatusError } from '@/misc/status-error.js'; import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js'; import * as undici from 'undici'; import { LookupFunction } from 'node:net'; import { LoggerService } from '@/core/LoggerService.js'; import type Logger from '@/logger.js'; // true to allow, false to deny export type IpChecker = (ip: string) => boolean; /* * Child class to create and save Agent for fetch. * You should construct this when you want * to change timeout, size limit, socket connect function, etc. */ export class UndiciFetcher { /** * Get http non-proxy agent (undici) */ public nonProxiedAgent: undici.Agent; /** * Get http proxy or non-proxy agent (undici) */ public agent: undici.ProxyAgent | undici.Agent; private proxyBypassHosts: string[]; private userAgent: string | undefined; private logger: Logger | undefined; constructor( args: { agentOptions: undici.Agent.Options; proxy?: { uri: string; options?: undici.Agent.Options; // Override of agentOptions }, proxyBypassHosts?: string[]; userAgent?: string; }, logger?: Logger, ) { this.logger = logger; this.logger?.debug('UndiciFetcher constructor', args); this.proxyBypassHosts = args.proxyBypassHosts ?? []; this.userAgent = args.userAgent; this.nonProxiedAgent = new undici.Agent({ ...args.agentOptions, connect: (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && typeof args.agentOptions.connect !== 'function') ? (options, cb) => { // Custom connector for debug undici.buildConnector(args.agentOptions.connect as undici.buildConnector.BuildOptions)(options, (err, socket) => { this.logger?.debug('Socket connector called', socket); if (err) { this.logger?.debug(`Socket error`, err); cb(new Error(`Error while socket connecting\n${err}`), null); return; } this.logger?.debug(`Socket connected: port ${socket.localPort} => remote ${socket.remoteAddress}`); cb(null, socket); }); } : args.agentOptions.connect, }); this.agent = args.proxy ? new undici.ProxyAgent({ ...args.agentOptions, ...args.proxy.options, uri: args.proxy.uri, connect: (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production' && typeof (args.proxy?.options?.connect ?? args.agentOptions.connect) !== 'function') ? (options, cb) => { // Custom connector for debug undici.buildConnector((args.proxy?.options?.connect ?? args.agentOptions.connect) as undici.buildConnector.BuildOptions)(options, (err, socket) => { this.logger?.debug('Socket connector called (secure)', socket); if (err) { this.logger?.debug(`Socket error`, err); cb(new Error(`Error while socket connecting\n${err}`), null); return; } this.logger?.debug(`Socket connected (secure): port ${socket.localPort} => remote ${socket.remoteAddress}`); cb(null, socket); }); } : (args.proxy?.options?.connect ?? args.agentOptions.connect), }) : this.nonProxiedAgent; } /** * Get agent by URL * @param url URL * @param bypassProxy Allways bypass proxy */ @bindThis public getAgentByUrl(url: URL, bypassProxy = false): undici.Agent | undici.ProxyAgent { if (bypassProxy || this.proxyBypassHosts.includes(url.hostname)) { return this.nonProxiedAgent; } else { return this.agent; } } @bindThis public async fetch( url: string | URL, options: undici.RequestInit = {}, privateOptions: { noOkError?: boolean; bypassProxy?: boolean; } = { noOkError: false, bypassProxy: false } ): Promise { const res = await undici.fetch(url, { dispatcher: this.getAgentByUrl(new URL(url), privateOptions.bypassProxy), ...options, headers: { 'User-Agent': this.userAgent ?? '', ...(options.headers ?? {}), }, }).catch((err) => { this.logger?.error(`fetch error to ${typeof url === 'string' ? url : url.href}`, err); throw new StatusError('Resource Unreachable', 500, 'Resource Unreachable'); }); if (!res.ok && !privateOptions.noOkError) { throw new StatusError(`${res.status} ${res.statusText}`, res.status, res.statusText); } return res; } @bindThis public async getJson(url: string, accept = 'application/json, */*', headers?: Record): Promise { const res = await this.fetch( url, { headers: Object.assign({ Accept: accept, }, headers ?? {}), } ); return await res.json() as T; } @bindThis public async getHtml(url: string, accept = 'text/html, */*', headers?: Record): Promise { const res = await this.fetch( url, { headers: Object.assign({ Accept: accept, }, headers ?? {}), } ); return await res.text(); } } @Injectable() export class HttpRequestService { public defaultFetcher: UndiciFetcher; public fetch: UndiciFetcher['fetch']; public getHtml: UndiciFetcher['getHtml']; public defaultJsonFetcher: UndiciFetcher; public getJson: UndiciFetcher['getJson']; //#region for old http/https, only used in S3Service // http non-proxy agent private http: http.Agent; // https non-proxy agent private https: https.Agent; // http proxy or non-proxy agent public httpAgent: http.Agent; // https proxy or non-proxy agent public httpsAgent: https.Agent; //#endregion public readonly dnsCache: CacheableLookup; public readonly clientDefaults: undici.Agent.Options; private maxSockets: number; private logger: Logger; constructor( @Inject(DI.config) private config: Config, private loggerService: LoggerService, ) { this.logger = this.loggerService.getLogger('http-request'); this.dnsCache = new CacheableLookup({ maxTtl: 3600, // 1hours errorTtl: 30, // 30secs lookup: false, // nativeのdns.lookupにfallbackしない }); this.clientDefaults = { keepAliveTimeout: 30 * 1000, keepAliveMaxTimeout: 10 * 60 * 1000, keepAliveTimeoutThreshold: 1 * 1000, strictContentLength: true, headersTimeout: 10 * 1000, bodyTimeout: 10 * 1000, maxHeaderSize: 16364, // default maxResponseSize: 10 * 1024 * 1024, maxRedirections: 3, connect: { timeout: 10 * 1000, // コネクションが確立するまでのタイムアウト maxCachedSessions: 300, // TLSセッションのキャッシュ数 lookup: this.dnsCache.lookup as LookupFunction, // }, } this.maxSockets = Math.max(64, this.config.deliverJobConcurrency ?? 128); this.defaultFetcher = new UndiciFetcher(this.getStandardUndiciFetcherOption(), this.logger); this.fetch = this.defaultFetcher.fetch; this.getHtml = this.defaultFetcher.getHtml; this.defaultJsonFetcher = new UndiciFetcher(this.getStandardUndiciFetcherOption({ maxResponseSize: 1024 * 256, }), this.logger); this.getJson = this.defaultJsonFetcher.getJson; //#region for old http/https, only used in S3Service this.http = new http.Agent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 30 * 1000, lookup: this.dnsCache.lookup, } as http.AgentOptions); this.https = new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 30 * 1000, lookup: this.dnsCache.lookup, } as https.AgentOptions); this.httpAgent = config.proxy ? new HttpProxyAgent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 30 * 1000, maxSockets: this.maxSockets, maxFreeSockets: 256, scheduling: 'lifo', proxy: config.proxy, }) : this.http; this.httpsAgent = config.proxy ? new HttpsProxyAgent({ keepAlive: true, keepAliveMsecs: 30 * 1000, maxSockets: this.maxSockets, maxFreeSockets: 256, scheduling: 'lifo', proxy: config.proxy, }) : this.https; //#endregion } @bindThis public getStandardUndiciFetcherOption(opts: undici.Agent.Options = {}, proxyOpts: undici.Agent.Options = {}) { return { agentOptions: { ...this.clientDefaults, ...opts, }, ...(this.config.proxy ? { proxy: { uri: this.config.proxy, options: { connections: this.maxSockets, ...proxyOpts, } } } : {}), userAgent: this.config.userAgent, } } /** * Get http agent by URL * @param url URL * @param bypassProxy Allways bypass proxy */ @bindThis public getHttpAgentByUrl(url: URL, bypassProxy = false): http.Agent | https.Agent { if (bypassProxy || (this.config.proxyBypassHosts || []).includes(url.hostname)) { return url.protocol === 'http:' ? this.http : this.https; } else { return url.protocol === 'http:' ? this.httpAgent : this.httpsAgent; } } /** * check ip */ @bindThis public getConnectorWithIpCheck(connector: undici.buildConnector.connector, checkIp: IpChecker): undici.buildConnector.connectorAsync { return (options, cb) => { connector(options, (err, socket) => { this.logger.debug('Socket connector (with ip checker) called', socket); if (err) { this.logger.error(`Socket error`, err) cb(new Error(`Error while socket connecting\n${err}`), null); return; } if (socket.remoteAddress == undefined) { this.logger.error(`Socket error: remoteAddress is undefined`); cb(new Error('remoteAddress is undefined (maybe socket destroyed)'), null); return; } // allow if (checkIp(socket.remoteAddress)) { this.logger.debug(`Socket connected (ip ok): ${socket.localPort} => ${socket.remoteAddress}`); cb(null, socket); return; } this.logger.error('IP is not allowed', socket); cb(new StatusError('IP is not allowed', 403, 'IP is not allowed'), null); socket.destroy(); }); }; } }