/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import * as assert from 'assert'; import * as mfm from '@transfem-org/sfm-js'; import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { CoreModule } from '@/core/CoreModule.js'; import { MfmService } from '@/core/MfmService.js'; import { GlobalModule } from '@/GlobalModule.js'; describe('MfmService', () => { let mfmService: MfmService; beforeAll(async () => { const app = await Test.createTestingModule({ imports: [GlobalModule, CoreModule], }).compile(); mfmService = app.get<MfmService>(MfmService); }); describe('toHtml', () => { test('br', () => { const input = 'foo\nbar\nbaz'; const output = '<p><span>foo<br>bar<br>baz</span></p>'; assert.equal(mfmService.toHtml(mfm.parse(input)), output); }); test('br alt', () => { const input = 'foo\r\nbar\rbaz'; const output = '<p><span>foo<br>bar<br>baz</span></p>'; assert.equal(mfmService.toHtml(mfm.parse(input)), output); }); }); describe('fromHtml', () => { test('p', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a</p><p>b</p>'), 'a\n\nb'); }); test('block element', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<div>a</div><div>b</div>'), 'a\nb'); }); test('inline element', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<ul><li>a</li><li>b</li></ul>'), 'a\nb'); }); test('block code', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<pre><code>a\nb</code></pre>'), '```\na\nb\n```'); }); test('inline code', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<code>a</code>'), '`a`'); }); test('quote', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<blockquote>a\nb</blockquote>'), '> a\n> b'); }); test('br', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>abc<br><br/>d</p>'), 'abc\n\nd'); }); test('link with different text', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a href="https://example.com/b">c</a> d</p>'), 'a [c](https://example.com/b) d'); }); test('link with different text, but not encoded', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a href="https://example.com/ä">c</a> d</p>'), 'a [c](<https://example.com/ä>) d'); }); test('link with same text', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a href="https://example.com/b">https://example.com/b</a> d</p>'), 'a https://example.com/b d'); }); test('link with same text, but not encoded', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a href="https://example.com/ä">https://example.com/ä</a> d</p>'), 'a <https://example.com/ä> d'); }); test('link with no url', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a href="b">c</a> d</p>'), 'a [c](b) d'); }); test('link without href', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a>c</a> d</p>'), 'a c d'); }); test('link without text', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a href="https://example.com/b"></a> d</p>'), 'a https://example.com/b d'); }); test('link without both', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a></a> d</p>'), 'a d'); }); test('mention', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a href="https://example.com/@user" class="u-url mention">@user</a> d</p>'), 'a @user@example.com d'); }); test('hashtag', () => { assert.deepStrictEqual(mfmService.fromHtml('<p>a <a href="https://example.com/tags/a">#a</a> d</p>', ['#a']), 'a #a d'); }); }); });