import rndstr from 'rndstr'; import $ from 'cafy'; import define from '../../define'; import { Apps } from '../../../../models'; import { genId } from '../../../../misc/gen-id'; import { unique } from '../../../../prelude/array'; export const meta = { tags: ['app'], requireCredential: false, desc: { 'ja-JP': 'アプリを作成します。', 'en-US': 'Create a application.' }, params: { name: { validator: $.str, desc: { 'ja-JP': 'アプリの名前', 'en-US': 'Name of application' } }, description: { validator: $.str, desc: { 'ja-JP': 'アプリの説明', 'en-US': 'Description of application' } }, permission: { validator: $.arr($.str).unique(), desc: { 'ja-JP': 'このアプリに割り当てる権限(権限については"Permissions"を参照)', 'en-US': 'Permissions assigned to this app (see "Permissions" for the permissions)' } }, // TODO: Check it is valid url callbackUrl: { validator: $.optional.nullable.str, default: null as any, desc: { 'ja-JP': 'アプリ認証時にコールバックするURL', 'en-US': 'URL to call back at app authentication' } }, }, res: { type: 'object' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, ref: 'App', }, }; export default define(meta, async (ps, user) => { // Generate secret const secret = rndstr('a-zA-Z0-9', 32); // for backward compatibility const permission = unique( => v.replace(/^(.+)(\/|-)(read|write)$/, '$3:$1'))); // Create account const app = await{ id: genId(), createdAt: new Date(), userId: user ? : null, name:, description: ps.description, permission, callbackUrl: ps.callbackUrl, secret: secret }); return await Apps.pack(app, null, { detail: true, includeSecret: true }); });