import $ from 'cafy'; import define from '../../define'; import config from '@/config'; import { createPerson } from '../../../../remote/activitypub/models/person'; import { createNote } from '../../../../remote/activitypub/models/note'; import Resolver from '../../../../remote/activitypub/resolver'; import { ApiError } from '../../error'; import { extractDbHost } from '@/misc/convert-host'; import { Users, Notes } from '../../../../models'; import { Note } from '../../../../models/entities/note'; import { User } from '../../../../models/entities/user'; import { fetchMeta } from '@/misc/fetch-meta'; import { validActor, validPost } from '../../../../remote/activitypub/type'; export const meta = { tags: ['federation'], desc: { 'ja-JP': 'URIを指定してActivityPubオブジェクトを参照します。', 'en-US': 'Browse to the ActivityPub object by specifying the URI.' }, requireCredential: false as const, params: { uri: { validator: $.str, desc: { 'ja-JP': 'ActivityPubオブジェクトのURI' } }, }, errors: { noSuchObject: { message: 'No such object.', code: 'NO_SUCH_OBJECT', id: 'dc94d745-1262-4e63-a17d-fecaa57efc82' } }, res: { type: 'object' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, properties: { type: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, enum: ['User', 'Note'] }, object: { type: 'object' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const } } } }; export default define(meta, async (ps) => { const object = await fetchAny(ps.uri); if (object) { return object; } else { throw new ApiError(meta.errors.noSuchObject); } }); /*** * URIからUserかNoteを解決する */ async function fetchAny(uri: string) { // URIがこのサーバーを指しているなら、ローカルユーザーIDとしてDBからフェッチ if (uri.startsWith(config.url + '/')) { const parts = uri.split('/'); const id = parts.pop(); const type = parts.pop(); if (type === 'notes') { const note = await Notes.findOne(id); if (note) { return { type: 'Note', object: await Notes.pack(note, null, { detail: true }) }; } } else if (type === 'users') { const user = await Users.findOne(id); if (user) { return { type: 'User', object: await Users.pack(user, null, { detail: true }) }; } } } // ブロックしてたら中断 const meta = await fetchMeta(); if (meta.blockedHosts.includes(extractDbHost(uri))) return null; // URI(AP Object id)としてDB検索 { const [user, note] = await Promise.all([ Users.findOne({ uri: uri }), Notes.findOne({ uri: uri }) ]); const packed = await mergePack(user, note); if (packed !== null) return packed; } // リモートから一旦オブジェクトフェッチ const resolver = new Resolver(); const object = await resolver.resolve(uri) as any; // /@user のような正規id以外で取得できるURIが指定されていた場合、ここで初めて正規URIが確定する // これはDBに存在する可能性があるため再度DB検索 if (uri !== { if ( + '/')) { const parts ='/'); const id = parts.pop(); const type = parts.pop(); if (type === 'notes') { const note = await Notes.findOne(id); if (note) { return { type: 'Note', object: await Notes.pack(note, null, { detail: true }) }; } } else if (type === 'users') { const user = await Users.findOne(id); if (user) { return { type: 'User', object: await Users.pack(user, null, { detail: true }) }; } } } const [user, note] = await Promise.all([ Users.findOne({ uri: }), Notes.findOne({ uri: }) ]); const packed = await mergePack(user, note); if (packed !== null) return packed; } // それでもみつからなければ新規であるため登録 if (validActor.includes(object.type)) { const user = await createPerson(; return { type: 'User', object: await Users.pack(user, null, { detail: true }) }; } if (validPost.includes(object.type)) { const note = await createNote(, undefined, true); return { type: 'Note', object: await Notes.pack(note!, null, { detail: true }) }; } return null; } async function mergePack(user: User | null | undefined, note: Note | null | undefined) { if (user != null) { return { type: 'User', object: await Users.pack(user, null, { detail: true }) }; } if (note != null) { return { type: 'Note', object: await Notes.pack(note, null, { detail: true }) }; } return null; }