process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { port, relativeFetch, signup, startServer } from '../utils.js'; import type { INestApplicationContext } from '@nestjs/common'; import { AuthorizationCode } from 'simple-oauth2'; import pkceChallenge from 'pkce-challenge'; import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom'; const clientPort = port + 1; const redirect_uri = `${clientPort}/redirect`; function getClient(): AuthorizationCode<'client_id'> { return new AuthorizationCode({ client: { id: `${clientPort}/`, }, auth: { tokenHost: `${port}`, tokenPath: '/oauth/token', authorizePath: '/oauth/authorize', }, options: { authorizationMethod: 'body', }, }); } function getTransactionId(html: string): string | undefined { const fragment = JSDOM.fragment(html); return fragment.querySelector('meta[name="misskey:oauth:transaction-id"]')?.content; } function fetchDecision(cookie: string, transactionId: string, user: any, { cancel }: { cancel?: boolean } = {}): Promise { return fetch(`${port}/oauth/decision`, { method: 'post', body: new URLSearchParams({ transaction_id: transactionId!, login_token: user.token, cancel: cancel ? 'cancel' : '', }), redirect: 'manual', headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', cookie, }, }); } async function fetchDecisionFromResponse(response: Response, user: any, { cancel }: { cancel?: boolean } = {}): Promise { const cookie = response.headers.get('set-cookie'); const transactionId = getTransactionId(await response.text()); return await fetchDecision(cookie!, transactionId!, user, { cancel }); } describe('OAuth', () => { let app: INestApplicationContext; let alice: any; beforeAll(async () => { app = await startServer(); alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); // fastify = Fastify(); }, 1000 * 60 * 2); afterAll(async () => { await app.close(); }); test('Full flow', async () => { const { code_challenge, code_verifier } = pkceChallenge.default(128); const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge, code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200); const cookie = response.headers.get('set-cookie'); assert.ok(cookie?.startsWith('connect.sid=')); const transactionId = getTransactionId(await response.text()); assert.strictEqual(typeof transactionId, 'string'); const decisionResponse = await fetchDecision(cookie!, transactionId!, alice); assert.strictEqual(decisionResponse.status, 302); assert.ok(decisionResponse.headers.has('location')); const location = new URL(decisionResponse.headers.get('location')!); assert.strictEqual(location.origin + location.pathname, redirect_uri); assert.ok(location.searchParams.has('code')); assert.strictEqual(location.searchParams.get('state'), 'state'); assert.strictEqual(location.searchParams.get('iss'), 'http://misskey.local'); // RFC 9207 const token = await client.getToken({ code: location.searchParams.get('code')!, redirect_uri, code_verifier, }); assert.strictEqual(typeof token.token.access_token, 'string'); assert.strictEqual(typeof token.token.refresh_token, 'string'); assert.strictEqual(token.token.token_type, 'Bearer'); const createResponse = await relativeFetch('api/notes/create', { method: 'POST', headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${token.token.access_token}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ text: 'test' }), }); assert.strictEqual(createResponse.status, 200); const createResponseBody: any = await createResponse.json(); assert.strictEqual(createResponseBody.createdNote.text, 'test'); }); describe('PKCE', () => { test('Require PKCE', async () => { const client = getClient(); // Pattern 1: No PKCE fields at all let response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', })); assert.ok(!response.ok); // Pattern 2: Only code_challenge response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', })); assert.ok(!response.ok); // Pattern 2: Only code_challenge_method response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); assert.ok(!response.ok); // Pattern 3: Unsupported code_challenge_method response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'SSSS', })); assert.ok(!response.ok); }); test('Verify PKCE', async () => { const { code_challenge, code_verifier } = pkceChallenge.default(128); const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge, code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200); const decisionResponse = await fetchDecisionFromResponse(response, alice); assert.strictEqual(decisionResponse.status, 302); const code = new URL(decisionResponse.headers.get('location')!).searchParams.get('code')!; assert.ok(!!code); // Pattern 1: code followed by some junk code await assert.rejects(client.getToken({ code, redirect_uri, code_verifier: code_verifier + 'x', })); // Pattern 2: clipped code await assert.rejects(client.getToken({ code, redirect_uri, code_verifier: code_verifier.slice(0, 80), })); // Pattern 3: Some part of code is replaced await assert.rejects(client.getToken({ code, redirect_uri, code_verifier: code_verifier.slice(0, -10) + 'x'.repeat(10), })); // And now the code is invalidated by the previous failures await assert.rejects(client.getToken({ code, redirect_uri, code_verifier, })); }); }); test('Cancellation', async () => { const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200); const decisionResponse = await fetchDecisionFromResponse(response, alice, { cancel: true }); assert.strictEqual(decisionResponse.status, 302); const location = new URL(decisionResponse.headers.get('location')!); assert.ok(!location.searchParams.has('code')); assert.ok(location.searchParams.has('error')); }); describe('Scope', () => { test('Missing scope', async () => { const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); // TODO: But 500 is not a valid code, should be 403 or such. Check the OAuth spec assert.strictEqual(response.status, 500); }); test('Empty scope', async () => { const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: '', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); // TODO: But 500 is not a valid code, should be 403 or such. Check the OAuth spec assert.strictEqual(response.status, 500); }); test('Unknown scopes', async () => { const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'test:unknown test:unknown2', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); // TODO: But 500 is not a valid code, should be 403 or such. Check the OAuth spec assert.strictEqual(response.status, 500); }); test('Partially known scopes', async () => { const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes test:unknown test:unknown2', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); // Just get the known scope for this case for backward compatibility assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200); // TODO: OAuth2 requires returning `scope` in the token response in this case but oauth2orize seemingly doesn't support this }); test('Known scopes', async () => { const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes read:account', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); // Just get the known scope for this case for backward compatibility assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200); }); // TODO: duplicate scopes test (currently token response doesn't return final scopes, although it must) // TODO: write failure when no scope }); test('Authorization header', async () => { const { code_challenge, code_verifier } = pkceChallenge.default(128); const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge, code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200); const decisionResponse = await fetchDecisionFromResponse(response, alice); assert.strictEqual(decisionResponse.status, 302); const location = new URL(decisionResponse.headers.get('location')!); assert.ok(location.searchParams.has('code')); const token = await client.getToken({ code: location.searchParams.get('code')!, redirect_uri, code_verifier, }); // Pattern 1: No preceding "Bearer " let createResponse = await relativeFetch('api/notes/create', { method: 'POST', headers: { Authorization: token.token.access_token as string, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ text: 'test' }), }); assert.strictEqual(createResponse.status, 401); // Pattern 2: Incorrect token createResponse = await relativeFetch('api/notes/create', { method: 'POST', headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${(token.token.access_token as string).slice(0, -1)}`, 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ text: 'test' }), }); // RFC 6750 section 3.1 says 401 but it's SHOULD not MUST. 403 should be okay for now. assert.strictEqual(createResponse.status, 403); // TODO: error code (invalid_token) }); describe('Redirection', () => { test('Invalid redirect_uri at authorization endpoint', async () => { const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri: '', scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); // TODO: status code assert.strictEqual(response.status, 500); }); test('No redirect_uri at authorization endpoint', async () => { const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge: 'code', code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); // TODO: status code assert.strictEqual(response.status, 500); }); test('Invalid redirect_uri at token endpoint', async () => { const { code_challenge, code_verifier } = pkceChallenge.default(128); const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge, code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200); const decisionResponse = await fetchDecisionFromResponse(response, alice); assert.strictEqual(decisionResponse.status, 302); const location = new URL(decisionResponse.headers.get('location')!); assert.ok(location.searchParams.has('code')); await assert.rejects(client.getToken({ code: location.searchParams.get('code')!, redirect_uri: '', code_verifier, })); }); test('No redirect_uri at token endpoint', async () => { const { code_challenge, code_verifier } = pkceChallenge.default(128); const client = getClient(); const response = await fetch(client.authorizeURL({ redirect_uri, scope: 'write:notes', state: 'state', code_challenge, code_challenge_method: 'S256', })); assert.strictEqual(response.status, 200); const decisionResponse = await fetchDecisionFromResponse(response, alice); assert.strictEqual(decisionResponse.status, 302); const location = new URL(decisionResponse.headers.get('location')!); assert.ok(location.searchParams.has('code')); await assert.rejects(client.getToken({ code: location.searchParams.get('code')!, code_verifier, })); }); // TODO: disallow random same-origin URLs with strict redirect_uris with client information discovery }); // TODO: .well-known/oauth-authorization-server // TODO: authorizing two users concurrently // TODO: Error format required by OAuth spec // TODO: Client Information Discovery });