import { VNode, defineComponent, h } from 'vue'; import * as mfm from 'mfm-js'; import MkUrl from '@client/components/global/url.vue'; import MkLink from '@client/components/link.vue'; import MkMention from '@client/components/mention.vue'; import MkEmoji from '@client/components/global/emoji.vue'; import { concat } from '@client/../prelude/array'; import MkFormula from '@client/components/formula.vue'; import MkCode from '@client/components/code.vue'; import MkGoogle from '@client/components/google.vue'; import MkSparkle from '@client/components/sparkle.vue'; import MkA from '@client/components/global/a.vue'; import { host } from '@client/config'; export default defineComponent({ props: { text: { type: String, required: true }, plain: { type: Boolean, default: false }, nowrap: { type: Boolean, default: false }, author: { type: Object, default: null }, i: { type: Object, default: null }, customEmojis: { required: false, }, isNote: { type: Boolean, default: true }, }, render() { if (this.text == null || this.text == '') return; const ast = (this.plain ? mfm.parsePlain : mfm.parse)(this.text); const validTime = (t: string | null | undefined) => { if (t == null) return null; return t.match(/^[0-9.]+s$/) ? t : null; }; const genEl = (ast: mfm.MfmNode[]) => concat( VNode[] => { switch (token.type) { case 'text': { const text = token.props.text.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '\n'); if (!this.plain) { const res = []; for (const t of text.split('\n')) { res.push(h('br')); res.push(t); } res.shift(); return res; } else { return [text.replace(/\n/g, ' ')]; } } case 'bold': { return [h('b', genEl(token.children))]; } case 'strike': { return [h('del', genEl(token.children))]; } case 'italic': { return h('i', { style: 'font-style: oblique;' }, genEl(token.children)); } case 'fn': { // TODO: CSSを文字列で組み立てていくと token.props.args.~~~ 経由でCSSインジェクションできるのでよしなにやる let style; switch ( { case 'tada': { style = `font-size: 150%;` + (this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? 'animation: tada 1s linear infinite both;' : ''); break; } case 'jelly': { const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '1s'; style = (this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? `animation: mfm-rubberBand ${speed} linear infinite both;` : ''); break; } case 'twitch': { const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '0.5s'; style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? `animation: mfm-twitch ${speed} ease infinite;` : ''; break; } case 'shake': { const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '0.5s'; style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? `animation: mfm-shake ${speed} ease infinite;` : ''; break; } case 'spin': { const direction = token.props.args.left ? 'reverse' : token.props.args.alternate ? 'alternate' : 'normal'; const anime = token.props.args.x ? 'mfm-spinX' : token.props.args.y ? 'mfm-spinY' : 'mfm-spin'; const speed = validTime(token.props.args.speed) || '1.5s'; style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? `animation: ${anime} ${speed} linear infinite; animation-direction: ${direction};` : ''; break; } case 'jump': { style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? 'animation: mfm-jump 0.75s linear infinite;' : ''; break; } case 'bounce': { style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? 'animation: mfm-bounce 0.75s linear infinite; transform-origin: center bottom;' : ''; break; } case 'flip': { const transform = (token.props.args.h && token.props.args.v) ? 'scale(-1, -1)' : token.props.args.v ? 'scaleY(-1)' : 'scaleX(-1)'; style = `transform: ${transform};`; break; } case 'x2': { style = `font-size: 200%;`; break; } case 'x3': { style = `font-size: 400%;`; break; } case 'x4': { style = `font-size: 600%;`; break; } case 'font': { const family = token.props.args.serif ? 'serif' : token.props.args.monospace ? 'monospace' : token.props.args.cursive ? 'cursive' : token.props.args.fantasy ? 'fantasy' : token.props.args.emoji ? 'emoji' : token.props.args.math ? 'math' : null; if (family) style = `font-family: ${family};`; break; } case 'blur': { return h('span', { class: '_mfm_blur_', }, genEl(token.children)); } case 'rainbow': { style = this.$store.state.animatedMfm ? 'animation: mfm-rainbow 1s linear infinite;' : ''; break; } case 'sparkle': { if (!this.$store.state.animatedMfm) { return genEl(token.children); } let count = token.props.args.count ? parseInt(token.props.args.count) : 10; if (count > 100) { count = 100; } const speed = token.props.args.speed ? parseFloat(token.props.args.speed) : 1; return h(MkSparkle, { count, speed, }, genEl(token.children)); } } if (style == null) { return h('span', {}, ['$[',, ' ', ...genEl(token.children), ']']); } else { return h('span', { style: 'display: inline-block;' + style, }, genEl(token.children)); } } case 'small': { return [h('small', { style: 'opacity: 0.7;' }, genEl(token.children))]; } case 'center': { return [h('div', { style: 'text-align:center;' }, genEl(token.children))]; } case 'url': { return [h(MkUrl, { key: Math.random(), url: token.props.url, rel: 'nofollow noopener', })]; } case 'link': { return [h(MkLink, { key: Math.random(), url: token.props.url, rel: 'nofollow noopener', }, genEl(token.children))]; } case 'mention': { return [h(MkMention, { key: Math.random(), host: ( == null && && != null ? : || host, username: token.props.username })]; } case 'hashtag': { return [h(MkA, { key: Math.random(), to: this.isNote ? `/tags/${encodeURIComponent(token.props.hashtag)}` : `/explore/tags/${encodeURIComponent(token.props.hashtag)}`, style: 'color:var(--hashtag);' }, `#${token.props.hashtag}`)]; } case 'blockCode': { return [h(MkCode, { key: Math.random(), code: token.props.code, lang: token.props.lang, })]; } case 'inlineCode': { return [h(MkCode, { key: Math.random(), code: token.props.code, inline: true })]; } case 'quote': { if (!this.nowrap) { return [h('div', { class: 'quote' }, genEl(token.children))]; } else { return [h('span', { class: 'quote' }, genEl(token.children))]; } } case 'emojiCode': { return [h(MkEmoji, { key: Math.random(), emoji: `:${}:`, customEmojis: this.customEmojis, normal: this.plain })]; } case 'unicodeEmoji': { return [h(MkEmoji, { key: Math.random(), emoji: token.props.emoji, customEmojis: this.customEmojis, normal: this.plain })]; } case 'mathInline': { return [h(MkFormula, { key: Math.random(), formula: token.props.formula, block: false })]; } case 'mathBlock': { return [h(MkFormula, { key: Math.random(), formula: token.props.formula, block: true })]; } case 'search': { return [h(MkGoogle, { key: Math.random(), q: token.props.query })]; } default: { console.error('unrecognized ast type:', token.type); return []; } } })); // Parse ast to DOM return h('span', genEl(ast)); } });