import { EntityRepository, Repository } from 'typeorm'; import { MessagingMessage } from '../entities/messaging-message'; import { Users, DriveFiles, UserGroups } from '..'; import { SchemaType } from '../../misc/schema'; export type PackedMessagingMessage = SchemaType; @EntityRepository(MessagingMessage) export class MessagingMessageRepository extends Repository { public validateText(text: string): boolean { return text.trim().length <= 1000 && text.trim() != ''; } public async pack( src: MessagingMessage['id'] | MessagingMessage, me?: any, options?: { populateRecipient?: boolean, populateGroup?: boolean, } ): Promise { const opts = options || { populateRecipient: true, populateGroup: true, }; const message = typeof src === 'object' ? src : await this.findOneOrFail(src); return { id:, createdAt: message.createdAt.toISOString(), text: message.text, userId: message.userId, user: await Users.pack(message.user || message.userId, me), recipientId: message.recipientId, recipient: message.recipientId && opts.populateRecipient ? await Users.pack(message.recipient || message.recipientId, me) : undefined, groupId: message.groupId, group: message.groupId && opts.populateGroup ? await UserGroups.pack( || message.groupId) : undefined, fileId: message.fileId, file: message.fileId ? await DriveFiles.pack(message.fileId) : null, isRead: message.isRead, reads: message.reads, }; } } export const packedMessagingMessageSchema = { type: 'object' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, properties: { id: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, format: 'id', description: 'The unique identifier for this MessagingMessage.', example: 'xxxxxxxxxx', }, createdAt: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, format: 'date-time', description: 'The date that the MessagingMessage was created.' }, userId: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, format: 'id', }, user: { type: 'object' as const, ref: 'User', optional: true as const, nullable: false as const, }, text: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: true as const, }, fileId: { type: 'string' as const, optional: true as const, nullable: true as const, format: 'id', }, file: { type: 'object' as const, optional: true as const, nullable: true as const, ref: 'DriveFile', }, recipientId: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: true as const, format: 'id', }, recipient: { type: 'object' as const, optional: true as const, nullable: true as const, ref: 'User' }, groupId: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: true as const, format: 'id', }, group: { type: 'object' as const, optional: true as const, nullable: true as const, ref: 'UserGroup' }, isRead: { type: 'boolean' as const, optional: true as const, nullable: false as const, }, reads: { type: 'array' as const, optional: true as const, nullable: false as const, items: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, format: 'id' } }, }, };