import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import Koa from 'koa'; import Router from '@koa/router'; import multer from '@koa/multer'; import bodyParser from 'koa-bodyparser'; import cors from '@koa/cors'; import { ModuleRef } from '@nestjs/core'; import { Config } from '@/config.js'; import { UsersRepository, InstancesRepository, AccessTokensRepository } from '@/models/index.js'; import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js'; import { UserEntityService } from '@/core/entities/UserEntityService.js'; import endpoints from './endpoints.js'; import { ApiCallService } from './ApiCallService.js'; import { SignupApiService } from './SignupApiService.js'; import { SigninApiService } from './SigninApiService.js'; import { GithubServerService } from './integration/GithubServerService.js'; import { DiscordServerService } from './integration/DiscordServerService.js'; import { TwitterServerService } from './integration/TwitterServerService.js'; @Injectable() export class ApiServerService { constructor( private moduleRef: ModuleRef, @Inject(DI.config) private config: Config, @Inject(DI.usersRepository) private usersRepository: UsersRepository, @Inject(DI.instancesRepository) private instancesRepository: InstancesRepository, @Inject(DI.accessTokensRepository) private accessTokensRepository: AccessTokensRepository, private userEntityService: UserEntityService, private apiCallService: ApiCallService, private signupApiServiceService: SignupApiService, private signinApiServiceService: SigninApiService, private githubServerService: GithubServerService, private discordServerService: DiscordServerService, private twitterServerService: TwitterServerService, ) { } public createApiServer() { const handlers: Record = {}; for (const endpoint of endpoints) { handlers[] = this.moduleRef.get('ep:' +, { strict: false }).exec; } // Init app const apiServer = new Koa(); apiServer.use(cors({ origin: '*', })); // No caching apiServer.use(async (ctx, next) => { ctx.set('Cache-Control', 'private, max-age=0, must-revalidate'); await next(); }); apiServer.use(bodyParser({ // リクエストが multipart/form-data でない限りはJSONだと見なす detectJSON: ctx => !'multipart/form-data'), })); // Init multer instance const upload = multer({ storage: multer.diskStorage({}), limits: { fileSize: this.config.maxFileSize ?? 262144000, files: 1, }, }); // Init router const router = new Router(); /** * Register endpoint handlers */ for (const endpoint of endpoints) { if (endpoint.meta.requireFile) {`/${}`, upload.single('file'), this.apiCallService.handleRequest.bind(this.apiCallService, endpoint, handlers[])); } else { // 後方互換性のため if ('-')) {`/${, '_')}`, this.apiCallService.handleRequest.bind(this.apiCallService, endpoint, handlers[])); if (endpoint.meta.allowGet) { router.get(`/${, '_')}`, this.apiCallService.handleRequest.bind(this.apiCallService, endpoint, handlers[])); } else { router.get(`/${, '_')}`, async ctx => { ctx.status = 405; }); } }`/${}`, this.apiCallService.handleRequest.bind(this.apiCallService, endpoint, handlers[])); if (endpoint.meta.allowGet) { router.get(`/${}`, this.apiCallService.handleRequest.bind(this.apiCallService, endpoint, handlers[])); } else { router.get(`/${}`, async ctx => { ctx.status = 405; }); } } }'/signup', ctx => this.signupApiServiceService.signup(ctx));'/signin', ctx => this.signinApiServiceService.signin(ctx));'/signup-pending', ctx => this.signupApiServiceService.signupPending(ctx)); router.use(this.discordServerService.create().routes()); router.use(this.githubServerService.create().routes()); router.use(this.twitterServerService.create().routes()); router.get('/v1/instance/peers', async ctx => { const instances = await this.instancesRepository.find({ select: ['host'], }); ctx.body = =>; });'/miauth/:session/check', async ctx => { const token = await this.accessTokensRepository.findOneBy({ session: ctx.params.session, }); if (token && token.session != null && !token.fetched) { this.accessTokensRepository.update(, { fetched: true, }); ctx.body = { ok: true, token: token.token, user: await this.userEntityService.pack(token.userId, null, { detail: true }), }; } else { ctx.body = { ok: false, }; } }); // Return 404 for unknown API router.all('(.*)', async ctx => { ctx.status = 404; }); // Register router apiServer.use(router.routes()); return apiServer; } }