import $ from 'cafy'; import { ID } from '@/misc/cafy-id'; import define from '../../define'; import * as bcrypt from 'bcryptjs'; import rndstr from 'rndstr'; import { Users, UserProfiles } from '../../../../models'; export const meta = { desc: { 'ja-JP': '指定したユーザーのパスワードをリセットします。', 'en-US': 'Reset password to specified user.' }, tags: ['admin'], requireCredential: true as const, requireModerator: true, params: { userId: { validator: $.type(ID), desc: { 'ja-JP': '対象のユーザーID', 'en-US': 'The user ID which you want to suspend' } }, }, res: { type: 'object' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, properties: { password: { type: 'string' as const, optional: false as const, nullable: false as const, minLength: 8, maxLength: 8 } } } }; export default define(meta, async (ps) => { const user = await Users.findOne(ps.userId as string); if (user == null) { throw new Error('user not found'); } if (user.isAdmin) { throw new Error('cannot reset password of admin'); } const passwd = rndstr('a-zA-Z0-9', 8); // Generate hash of password const hash = bcrypt.hashSync(passwd); await UserProfiles.update({ userId: }, { password: hash }); return { password: passwd }; });