import $ from 'cafy'; import ID, { transform } from '../../../../misc/cafy-id'; import Note, { packMany } from '../../../../models/note'; import define from '../../define'; import { getFriends } from '../../common/get-friends'; import { getHideUserIds } from '../../common/get-hide-users'; export const meta = { desc: { 'ja-JP': '指定した投稿への返信/引用を取得します。', 'en-US': 'Get replies/quotes of a note.' }, tags: ['notes'], requireCredential: false, params: { noteId: { validator: $.type(ID), transform: transform, desc: { 'ja-JP': '対象の投稿のID', 'en-US': 'Target note ID' } }, limit: { validator: $.optional.num.range(1, 100), default: 10 }, sinceId: { validator: $.optional.type(ID), transform: transform, }, untilId: { validator: $.optional.type(ID), transform: transform, }, }, res: { type: 'array', items: { type: 'Note', }, }, }; export default define(meta, async (ps, user) => { const [followings, hideUserIds] = await Promise.all([ // フォローを取得 // Fetch following user ? getFriends(user._id) : [], // 隠すユーザーを取得 getHideUserIds(user) ]); const visibleQuery = user == null ? [{ visibility: { $in: [ 'public', 'home' ] } }] : [{ visibility: { $in: [ 'public', 'home' ] } }, { // myself (for followers/specified/private) userId: user._id }, { // to me (for specified) visibleUserIds: { $in: [ user._id ] } }, { visibility: 'followers', $or: [{ // フォロワーの投稿 userId: { $in: => }, }, { // 自分の投稿へのリプライ '_reply.userId': user._id, }, { // 自分へのメンションが含まれている mentions: { $in: [ user._id ] } }] }]; const q = { $and: [{ $or: [{ replyId: ps.noteId, }, { renoteId: ps.noteId, $or: [{ text: { $ne: null } }, { fileIds: { $ne: [] } }, { poll: { $ne: null } }] }] }, { $or: visibleQuery }] } as any; if (hideUserIds && hideUserIds.length > 0) { q['userId'] = { $nin: hideUserIds }; } const sort = { _id: -1 }; if (ps.sinceId) { sort._id = 1; q._id = { $gt: ps.sinceId }; } else if (ps.untilId) { q._id = { $lt: ps.untilId }; } const notes = await Note.find(q, { limit: ps.limit, sort: sort }); return await packMany(notes, user); });