diff --git a/locales/he-IL.yml b/locales/he-IL.yml index 730e7450d..105bc3f9a 100644 --- a/locales/he-IL.yml +++ b/locales/he-IL.yml @@ -1,41 +1,41 @@ --- -_lang_: "English" -headlineMisskey: "A network connected by notes" -introMisskey: "Welcome! Sharkey is an open source, decentralized microblogging service.\nCreate \"notes\" to share your thoughts with everyone around you. 馃摗\nWith \"reactions\", you can also quickly express your feelings about everyone's notes. 馃憤\nLet's explore a new world! 馃殌" +_lang_: "注讘专讬转" +headlineMisskey: "专砖转 砖诪讞讜讘专转 注诇 讬讚讬 驻转拽讬诐" +introMisskey: "讘专讜讻讬诐! Sharkey is an open source, decentralized microblogging service.\nCreate \"notes\" to share your thoughts with everyone around you. 馃摗\nWith \"reactions\", you can also quickly express your feelings about everyone's notes. 馃憤\nLet's explore a new world! 馃殌" poweredByMisskeyDescription: "{name} is one of the services powered by the open source platform Sharkey which is based on Misskey (referred to as a \"Misskey instance\")." monthAndDay: "{month}/{day}" -search: "Search" -notifications: "Notifications" -username: "Username" -password: "Password" -forgotPassword: "Forgot password" -fetchingAsApObject: "Fetching from the Fediverse..." -ok: "OK" -gotIt: "Got it!" -cancel: "Cancel" -noThankYou: "Not now" -enterUsername: "Enter username" -renotedBy: "Boosted by {user}" -noNotes: "No notes" -noNotifications: "No notifications" +search: "讞讬驻讜砖" +notifications: "讛转专讗讜转" +username: "砖诐 诪砖转诪砖" +password: "住讬住诪讗" +forgotPassword: "砖讞讻转讬 讗转 讛住讬住诪讗" +fetchingAsApObject: "诪砖讬讙 诪驻讚讬讜专住" +ok: "讗讜拽讬讬" +gotIt: "讛讘谞转讬!" +cancel: "讘讬讟讜诇" +noThankYou: "诇讗 注讻砖讬讜" +enterUsername: "讛讻谞住 砖诐 诪砖转诪砖" +renotedBy: "谞讚讞祝 注诇 讬讚讬 {user}" +noNotes: "讗讬谉 驻转拽讬诐" +noNotifications: "讗讬谉 讛转专讗讜转" instance: "Instance" -settings: "Settings" -notificationSettings: "Notification Settings" -basicSettings: "Basic Settings" -otherSettings: "Other Settings" -openInWindow: "Open in window" -profile: "Profile" -timeline: "Timeline" -noAccountDescription: "This user has not written their bio yet." -login: "Sign In" -loggingIn: "Signing In" -logout: "Sign Out" -signup: "Sign Up" -uploading: "Uploading..." -save: "Save" -users: "Users" -approvals: "Approvals" -addUser: "Add a user" +settings: "讛讙讚专讜转" +notificationSettings: "讛讙讚专转 讛转专讗讜转" +basicSettings: "讛讙讙专讜转 讘住讬住讬讜转" +otherSettings: "讛讙讚专讜转 讗讞专讜转" +openInWindow: "驻转讞 讘讞诇讜谉" +profile: "驻专讜驻讬诇" +timeline: "爪讬专 讝诪谉" +noAccountDescription: "诪砖转诪砖 诇讗 讻转讘 讘讬讜讙专驻讬讛." +login: "讛讬讻谞住" +loggingIn: "谞讻谞住" +logout: "爪讗" +signup: "讛爪讟专祝" +uploading: "诪注诇讛..." +save: "砖诪讜专" +users: "诪砖转诪砖讬诐" +approvals: "讗讬砖讜专讬诐" +addUser: "讛讜住祝 诪砖转诪砖" favorite: "Add to favorites" favorites: "Favorites" unfavorite: "Remove from favorites"