diff --git a/src/web/app/boot.js b/src/web/app/boot.js
index 2671d372f..2686559e2 100644
--- a/src/web/app/boot.js
+++ b/src/web/app/boot.js
@@ -11,53 +11,55 @@
 'use strict';
-// Get the current url information
-const url = new URL(location.href);
+	// Get the current url information
+	const url = new URL(location.href);
-// Extarct the (sub) domain part of the current url
-// e.g.
-//   misskey.alice               => misskey
-//   misskey.strawberry.pasta    => misskey
-//   dev.misskey.alice.tachibana => dev
-let app = url.host.split('.')[0];
+	// Extarct the (sub) domain part of the current url
+	//
+	// e.g.
+	//   misskey.alice               => misskey
+	//   misskey.strawberry.pasta    => misskey
+	//   dev.misskey.alice.tachibana => dev
+	let app = url.host.split('.')[0];
-// Detect the user language
-// Note: The default language is English
-let lang = navigator.language.split('-')[0];
-if (!/^(en|ja)$/.test(lang)) lang = 'en';
+	// Detect the user language
+	// Note: The default language is English
+	let lang = navigator.language.split('-')[0];
+	if (!/^(en|ja)$/.test(lang)) lang = 'en';
-// Detect the user agent
-const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
-const isMobile = /mobile|iphone|ipad|android/.test(ua);
+	// Detect the user agent
+	const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
+	const isMobile = /mobile|iphone|ipad|android/.test(ua);
-// Get the <head> element
-const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+	// Get the <head> element
+	const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
-// If mobile, insert the viewport meta tag
-if (isMobile) {
-	const meta = document.createElement('meta');
-	meta.setAttribute('name', 'viewport');
-	meta.setAttribute('content', [
-		['width', 'device-width'],
-		['initial-scale', '1'],
-		['minimum-scale', '1'],
-		['maximum-scale', '1'],
-		['user-scalable', 'no']
-	].map(x => x.join('=')).join(','));
-	head.appendChild(meta);
+	// If mobile, insert the viewport meta tag
+	if (isMobile) {
+		const meta = document.createElement('meta');
+		meta.setAttribute('name', 'viewport');
+		meta.setAttribute('content', [
+			['width', 'device-width'],
+			['initial-scale', '1'],
+			['minimum-scale', '1'],
+			['maximum-scale', '1'],
+			['user-scalable', 'no']
+		].map(x => x.join('=')).join(','));
+		head.appendChild(meta);
+	}
+	// Switch desktop or mobile version
+	if (app == 'misskey') {
+		app = isMobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop';
+	}
+	// Load an app script
+	// Note: 'async' make it possible to load the script asyncly.
+	//       'defer' make it possible to run the script when the dom loaded.
+	const script = document.createElement('script');
+	script.setAttribute('src', `/assets/${app}.${VERSION}.${lang}.js`);
+	script.setAttribute('async', 'true');
+	script.setAttribute('defer', 'true');
+	head.appendChild(script);
-// Switch desktop or mobile version
-if (app == 'misskey') {
-	app = isMobile ? 'mobile' : 'desktop';
-// Load an app script
-// Note: 'async' make it possible to load the script asyncly.
-//       'defer' make it possible to run the script when the dom loaded.
-const script = document.createElement('script');
-script.setAttribute('src', `/assets/${app}.${VERSION}.${lang}.js`);
-script.setAttribute('async', 'true');
-script.setAttribute('defer', 'true');