mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 13:11:04 +02:00
This commit is contained in:
169 changed files with 14582 additions and 14865 deletions
@ -189,231 +189,6 @@ gulp.task('build:client:scripts', done => {
.transform(aliasify, aliasifyConfig)
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
gutil.log('Build Tag: ' + file);
return source;
// tagの{}の''を不要にする (その代わりスタイルの記法は使えなくなるけど)
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
const tag = new Tag(source);
const html = tag.sections.filter(s => s.name == 'html')[0];
html.lines = html.lines.map(line => {
if (line.replace(/\t/g, '')[0] === '|') {
return line;
} else {
return line.replace(/([+=])\s?\{(.+?)\}/g, '$1"{$2}"');
const styles = tag.sections.filter(s => s.name == 'style');
if (styles.length == 0) {
return tag.compile();
styles.forEach(style => {
let head = style.lines.shift();
head = head.replace(/([+=])\s?\{(.+?)\}/g, '$1"{$2}"');
return tag.compile();
// tagの@hogeをref='hoge'にする
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
const tag = new Tag(source);
const html = tag.sections.filter(s => s.name == 'html')[0];
html.lines = html.lines.map(line => {
if (line.indexOf('@') === -1) {
return line;
} else if (line.replace(/\t/g, '')[0] === '|') {
return line;
} else {
while (line.match(/[^\s']@[a-z-]+/) !== null) {
const match = line.match(/@[a-z-]+/);
let name = match[0];
if (line[line.indexOf(name) + name.length] === '(') {
line = line.replace(name + '(', '(ref=\'' + camelCase(name.substr(1)) + '\',');
} else {
line = line.replace(name, '(ref=\'' + camelCase(name.substr(1)) + '\')');
return line;
return tag.compile();
function camelCase(str): string {
return str.replace(/-([^\s])/g, (match, group1) => {
return group1.toUpperCase();
// tagのchain-caseをcamelCaseにする
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
const tag = new Tag(source);
const html = tag.sections.filter(s => s.name == 'html')[0];
html.lines = html.lines.map(line => {
(line.match(/\{.+?\}/g) || []).forEach(x => {
line = line.replace(x, camelCase(x));
return line;
return tag.compile();
function camelCase(str): string {
str = str.replace(/([a-z\-]+):/g, (match, group1) => {
return group1.replace(/\-/g, '###') + ':';
str = str.replace(/'(.+?)'/g, (match, group1) => {
return "'" + group1.replace(/\-/g, '###') + "'";
str = str.replace(/-([^\s0-9])/g, (match, group1) => {
return group1.toUpperCase();
str = str.replace(/###/g, '-');
return str;
// tagのstyleの属性
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
const tag = new Tag(source);
const styles = tag.sections.filter(s => s.name == 'style');
if (styles.length == 0) {
return tag.compile();
styles.forEach(style => {
let head = style.lines.shift();
if (style.attr) {
style.attr = style.attr + ', type=\'stylus\', scoped';
} else {
style.attr = 'type=\'stylus\', scoped';
return tag.compile();
// tagのstyleの定数
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
const tag = new Tag(source);
const styles = tag.sections.filter(s => s.name == 'style');
if (styles.length == 0) {
return tag.compile();
styles.forEach(style => {
const head = style.lines.shift();
style.lines.unshift('$theme-color = ' + config.themeColor);
style.lines.unshift('$theme-color-foreground = #fff');
return tag.compile();
// tagのstyleを暗黙的に:scopeにする
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
const tag = new Tag(source);
const styles = tag.sections.filter(s => s.name == 'style');
if (styles.length == 0) {
return tag.compile();
styles.forEach((style, i) => {
if (i != 0) {
const head = style.lines.shift();
style.lines = style.lines.map(line => {
return '\t' + line;
return tag.compile();
// tagのtheme styleのパース
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
const tag = new Tag(source);
const styles = tag.sections.filter(s => s.name == 'style');
if (styles.length == 0) {
return tag.compile();
styles.forEach((style, i) => {
if (i == 0) {
} else if (style.attr.substr(0, 6) != 'theme=') {
const head = style.lines.shift();
style.lines = style.lines.map(line => {
return '\t' + line;
style.lines = style.lines.map(line => {
return '\t' + line;
style.lines.unshift('html[data-' + style.attr.match(/theme='(.+?)'/)[0] + ']');
return tag.compile();
// tagのstyleおよびscriptのインデントを不要にする
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
const tag = new Tag(source);
tag.sections = tag.sections.map(section => {
if (section.name != 'html') {
return section;
return tag.compile();
// スペースでインデントされてないとエラーが出る
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
@ -423,6 +198,8 @@ gulp.task('build:client:scripts', done => {
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
return source
.replace(/VERSION/g, `'${commit ? commit.hash : 'null'}'`)
.replace(/\$theme\-color\-foreground/g, '#fff')
.replace(/\$theme\-color/g, config.themeColor)
.replace(/CONFIG\.theme-color/g, `'${config.themeColor}'`)
.replace(/CONFIG\.themeColor/g, `'${config.themeColor}'`)
.replace(/CONFIG\.api\.url/g, `'${config.scheme}://api.${config.host}'`)
@ -435,7 +212,6 @@ gulp.task('build:client:scripts', done => {
.transform(riotify, {
template: 'pug',
type: 'livescript',
expr: false,
compact: true,
@ -446,17 +222,6 @@ gulp.task('build:client:scripts', done => {
// Riotが謎の空白を挿入する
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
return source.replace(/\s<mk\-ellipsis>/g, '<mk-ellipsis>');
// LiveScruptがHTMLクラスのショートカットを変な風に生成するのでそれを修正
.transform(transformify((source, file) => {
if (file.substr(-4) !== '.tag') return source;
return source.replace(/class="\{\(\{(.+?)\}\)\}"/g, 'class="{$1}"');
.pipe(source(entry.replace('./src/web/app/', './').replace('.ls', '.js')));
@ -531,87 +296,3 @@ gulp.task('build:client:pug', [
class Tag {
sections: {
name: string;
attr?: string;
indent: number;
lines: string[];
constructor(source) {
this.sections = [];
source = source
.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n')
.replace(/\n(\t+?)\n/g, '\n')
.replace(/\n+/g, '\n');
const html = {
name: 'html',
indent: 0,
lines: []
let flag = false;
source.split('\n').forEach((line, i) => {
const indent = line.lastIndexOf('\t') + 1;
if (i != 0 && indent == 0) {
flag = true;
if (!flag) {
source = source.replace(/^.*?\n/, '');
html.lines.push(i == 0 ? line : line.substr(1));
while (source != '') {
const line = source.substr(0, source.indexOf('\n'));
const root = line.match(/^\t*([a-z]+)(\.|\()?/)[1];
const beginIndent = line.lastIndexOf('\t') + 1;
flag = false;
const section = {
name: root,
attr: (line.match(/\((.+?)\)/) || [null, null])[1],
indent: beginIndent,
lines: []
source.split('\n').forEach((line, i) => {
const currentIndent = line.lastIndexOf('\t') + 1;
if (i != 0 && (currentIndent == beginIndent || currentIndent == 0)) {
flag = true;
if (!flag) {
if (i == 0 && line[line.length - 1] == '.') {
line = line.substr(0, line.length - 1);
if (i == 0 && line.indexOf('(') != -1) {
line = line.substr(0, line.indexOf('('));
source = source.replace(/^.*?\n/, '');
section.lines.push(i == 0 ? line.substr(beginIndent) : line.substr(beginIndent + 1));
compile(): string {
let dist = '';
this.sections.forEach((section, j) => {
dist += section.lines.map((line, i) => {
if (i == 0) {
const attr = section.attr != null ? '(' + section.attr + ')' : '';
const tail = j != 0 ? '.' : '';
return '\t'.repeat(section.indent) + line + attr + tail;
} else {
return '\t'.repeat(section.indent + 1) + line;
}).join('\n') + '\n';
return dist;
@ -1,126 +1,126 @@
i { app.name }
| があなたの
b アカウント
| に
b アクセス
| することを
b 許可
| しますか?
img(src={ app.icon_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' })
h2 { app.name }
p.nid { app.name_id }
p.description { app.description }
h2 このアプリは次の権限を要求しています:
virtual(each={ p in app.permission })
li(if={ p == 'account-read' }) アカウントの情報を見る。
li(if={ p == 'account-write' }) アカウントの情報を操作する。
li(if={ p == 'post-write' }) 投稿する。
li(if={ p == 'like-write' }) いいねしたりいいね解除する。
li(if={ p == 'following-write' }) フォローしたりフォロー解除する。
li(if={ p == 'drive-read' }) ドライブを見る。
li(if={ p == 'drive-write' }) ドライブを操作する。
li(if={ p == 'notification-read' }) 通知を見る。
li(if={ p == 'notification-write' }) 通知を操作する。
<h1><i>{ app.name }</i>があなたの<b>アカウント</b>に<b>アクセス</b>することを<b>許可</b>しますか?</h1><img src="{ app.icon_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }"/>
<div class="app">
<h2>{ app.name }</h2>
<p class="nid">{ app.name_id }</p>
<p class="description">{ app.description }</p>
<virtual each="{ p in app.permission }">
<li if="{ p == 'account-read' }">アカウントの情報を見る。</li>
<li if="{ p == 'account-write' }">アカウントの情報を操作する。</li>
<li if="{ p == 'post-write' }">投稿する。</li>
<li if="{ p == 'like-write' }">いいねしたりいいね解除する。</li>
<li if="{ p == 'following-write' }">フォローしたりフォロー解除する。</li>
<li if="{ p == 'drive-read' }">ドライブを見る。</li>
<li if="{ p == 'drive-write' }">ドライブを操作する。</li>
<li if="{ p == 'notification-read' }">通知を見る。</li>
<li if="{ p == 'notification-write' }">通知を操作する。</li>
<div class="action">
<button onclick="{ cancel }">キャンセル</button>
<button onclick="{ accept }">アクセスを許可</button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
button(onclick={ cancel }) キャンセル
button(onclick={ accept }) アクセスを許可
> header
> h1
margin 0
padding 32px 32px 20px 32px
font-size 24px
font-weight normal
color #777
display block
color #77aeca
> header
> h1
margin 0
padding 32px 32px 20px 32px
font-size 24px
font-weight normal
color #777
content '「'
color #77aeca
content '」'
content '「'
color #666
> img
display block
z-index 1
width 84px
height 84px
margin 0 auto -38px auto
border solid 5px #fff
border-radius 100%
box-shadow 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> .app
padding 44px 16px 0 16px
color #555
background #eee
box-shadow 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset
content '」'
content ''
display block
clear both
color #666
> section
float left
width 50%
padding 8px
text-align left
> img
display block
z-index 1
width 84px
height 84px
margin 0 auto -38px auto
border solid 5px #fff
border-radius 100%
box-shadow 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> h2
margin 0
font-size 16px
color #777
> .app
padding 44px 16px 0 16px
color #555
background #eee
box-shadow 0 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1) inset
> .action
padding 16px
content ''
display block
clear both
> button
margin 0 8px
> section
float left
width 50%
padding 8px
text-align left
@media (max-width 600px)
> header
> img
box-shadow none
> h2
margin 0
font-size 16px
color #777
> .app
box-shadow none
> .action
padding 16px
@media (max-width 500px)
> header
> h1
font-size 16px
> button
margin 0 8px
@mixin \api
@media (max-width 600px)
> header
> img
box-shadow none
@session = @opts.session
@app = @session.app
> .app
box-shadow none
@cancel = ~>
@api \auth/deny do
token: @session.token
.then ~>
@trigger \denied
@media (max-width 500px)
> header
> h1
font-size 16px
@mixin \api
@session = @opts.session
@app = @session.app
@cancel = ~>
@api \auth/deny do
token: @session.token
.then ~>
@trigger \denied
@accept = ~>
@api \auth/accept do
token: @session.token
.then ~>
@trigger \accepted
@accept = ~>
@api \auth/accept do
token: @session.token
.then ~>
@trigger \accepted
@ -1,129 +1,136 @@
main(if={ SIGNIN })
p.fetching(if={ fetching })
| 読み込み中
mk-form@form(if={ state == null && !fetching }, session={ session })
div.denied(if={ state == 'denied' })
h1 アプリケーションの連携をキャンセルしました。
p このアプリがあなたのアカウントにアクセスすることはありません。
div.accepted(if={ state == 'accepted' })
h1 { session.app.is_authorized ? 'このアプリは既に連携済みです' : 'アプリケーションの連携を許可しました'}
p(if={ session.app.callback_url })
| アプリケーションに戻っています
p(if={ !session.app.callback_url }) アプリケーションに戻って、やっていってください。
div.error(if={ state == 'fetch-session-error' })
p セッションが存在しません。
main.signin(if={ !SIGNIN })
h1 サインインしてください
img(src='/_/resources/auth/logo.svg', alt='Misskey')
display block
> main
width 100%
max-width 500px
margin 0 auto
text-align center
background #fff
box-shadow 0px 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> .fetching
margin 0
padding 32px
color #555
> div
padding 64px
> h1
margin 0 0 8px 0
padding 0
font-size 20px
font-weight normal
> p
margin 0
color #555
&.denied > h1
color #e65050
&.accepted > h1
color #50bbe6
padding 32px 32px 16px 32px
> h1
margin 0 0 22px 0
padding 0
font-size 20px
font-weight normal
color #555
@media (max-width 600px)
max-width none
box-shadow none
@media (max-width 500px)
> div
> h1
font-size 16px
> footer
> img
<main if="{ SIGNIN }">
<p class="fetching" if="{ fetching }">読み込み中
<mk-form ref="form" if="{ state == null && !fetching }" session="{ session }"></mk-form>
<div class="denied" if="{ state == 'denied' }">
<div class="accepted" if="{ state == 'accepted' }">
<h1>{ session.app.is_authorized ? 'このアプリは既に連携済みです' : 'アプリケーションの連携を許可しました'}</h1>
<p if="{ session.app.callback_url }">アプリケーションに戻っています
<p if="{ !session.app.callback_url }">アプリケーションに戻って、やっていってください。</p>
<div class="error" if="{ state == 'fetch-session-error' }">
<main class="signin" if="{ !SIGNIN }">
<footer><img src="/_/resources/auth/logo.svg" alt="Misskey"/></footer>
<style type="stylus">
display block
width 64px
height 64px
margin 0 auto
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
> main
width 100%
max-width 500px
margin 0 auto
text-align center
background #fff
box-shadow 0px 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
@state = null
@fetching = true
> .fetching
margin 0
padding 32px
color #555
@token = window.location.href.split \/ .pop!
> div
padding 64px
@on \mount ~>
if not @SIGNIN then return
> h1
margin 0 0 8px 0
padding 0
font-size 20px
font-weight normal
# Fetch session
@api \auth/session/show do
token: @token
.then (session) ~>
@session = session
@fetching = false
> p
margin 0
color #555
# 既に連携していた場合
if @session.app.is_authorized
@api \auth/accept do
token: @session.token
.then ~>
&.denied > h1
color #e65050
@refs.form.on \denied ~>
@state = \denied
&.accepted > h1
color #50bbe6
padding 32px 32px 16px 32px
> h1
margin 0 0 22px 0
padding 0
font-size 20px
font-weight normal
color #555
@media (max-width 600px)
max-width none
box-shadow none
@media (max-width 500px)
> div
> h1
font-size 16px
> footer
> img
display block
width 64px
height 64px
margin 0 auto
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@state = null
@fetching = true
@token = window.location.href.split \/ .pop!
@on \mount ~>
if not @SIGNIN then return
# Fetch session
@api \auth/session/show do
token: @token
.then (session) ~>
@session = session
@fetching = false
# 既に連携していた場合
if @session.app.is_authorized
@api \auth/accept do
token: @session.token
.then ~>
@refs.form.on \accepted @accepted
@refs.form.on \denied ~>
@state = \denied
.catch (error) ~>
@fetching = false
@state = \fetch-session-error
@refs.form.on \accepted @accepted
.catch (error) ~>
@fetching = false
@state = \fetch-session-error
@accepted = ~>
@state = \accepted
@accepted = ~>
@state = \accepted
if @session.app.callback_url
location.href = @session.app.callback_url + '?token=' + @session.token
if @session.app.callback_url
location.href = @session.app.callback_url + '?token=' + @session.token
@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
span (c) syuilo 2014-2017
<mk-copyright><span>(c) syuilo 2014-2017</span>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
@ -1,63 +1,64 @@
//i: i.fa.fa-times-circle
img(src='/_/resources/error.jpg', alt='')
h1: mk-ripple-string サーバーに接続できません
| インターネット回線に問題があるか、サーバーがダウンまたはメンテナンスしている可能性があります。しばらくしてから
a(onclick={ retry }) 再度お試し
| ください。
p.thanks いつもMisskeyをご利用いただきありがとうございます。
<!--i: i.fa.fa-times-circle--><img src="/_/resources/error.jpg" alt=""/>
<p class="text">インターネット回線に問題があるか、サーバーがダウンまたはメンテナンスしている可能性があります。しばらくしてから<a onclick="{ retry }">再度お試し</a>ください。</p>
<p class="thanks">いつもMisskeyをご利用いただきありがとうございます。</p>
<style type="stylus">
position fixed
z-index 16385
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
text-align center
background #f8f8f8
position fixed
z-index 16385
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
text-align center
background #f8f8f8
> i
display block
margin-top 64px
font-size 5em
color #6998a0
> i
display block
margin-top 64px
font-size 5em
color #6998a0
> img
display block
height 200px
margin 64px auto 0 auto
pointer-events none
-ms-user-select none
-moz-user-select none
-webkit-user-select none
user-select none
> img
display block
height 200px
margin 64px auto 0 auto
pointer-events none
-ms-user-select none
-moz-user-select none
-webkit-user-select none
user-select none
> h1
display block
margin 32px auto 16px auto
font-size 1.5em
color #555
> h1
display block
margin 32px auto 16px auto
font-size 1.5em
color #555
> .text
display block
margin 0 auto
max-width 600px
font-size 1em
color #666
> .text
display block
margin 0 auto
max-width 600px
font-size 1em
color #666
> .thanks
display block
margin 32px auto 0 auto
padding 32px 0 32px 0
max-width 600px
font-size 0.9em
font-style oblique
color #aaa
border-top solid 1px #eee
> .thanks
display block
margin 32px auto 0 auto
padding 32px 0 32px 0
max-width 600px
font-size 0.9em
font-style oblique
color #aaa
border-top solid 1px #eee
@retry = ~>
@retry = ~>
@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
span .
span .
span .
<style type="stylus">
display inline
display inline
> span
animation ellipsis 1.4s infinite ease-in-out both
> span
animation ellipsis 1.4s infinite ease-in-out both
animation-delay 0s
animation-delay 0s
animation-delay 0.16s
animation-delay 0.16s
animation-delay 0.32s
animation-delay 0.32s
@keyframes ellipsis
0%, 80%, 100%
opacity 1
opacity 0
@keyframes ellipsis
0%, 80%, 100%
opacity 1
opacity 0
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
i.fa.fa-file-image-o(if={ kind == 'image' })
<mk-file-type-icon><i class="fa fa-file-image-o" if="{ kind == 'image' }"></i>
<style type="stylus">
display inline
display inline
@file = @opts.file
@kind = @file.type.split \/ .0
@file = @opts.file
@kind = @file.type.split \/ .0
@ -1,37 +1,44 @@
a(href='https://github.com/syuilo/misskey', target='_blank', title='View source on Github', aria-label='View source on Github')
svg(width='80', height='80', viewBox='0 0 250 250', aria-hidden)
path(d='M0,0 L115,115 L130,115 L142,142 L250,250 L250,0 Z')
path.octo-arm(d='M128.3,109.0 C113.8,99.7 119.0,89.6 119.0,89.6 C122.0,82.7 120.5,78.6 120.5,78.6 C119.2,72.0 123.4,76.3 123.4,76.3 C127.3,80.9 125.5,87.3 125.5,87.3 C122.9,97.6 130.6,101.9 134.4,103.2', fill='currentColor')
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display block
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display block
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<mk-forkit><a href="https://github.com/syuilo/misskey" target="_blank" title="View source on Github" aria-label="View source on Github">
<svg width="80" height="80" viewBox="0 0 250 250" aria-hidden="aria-hidden">
<path d="M0,0 L115,115 L130,115 L142,142 L250,250 L250,0 Z"></path>
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animation octocat-wave 560ms ease-in-out
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transform rotate(0)
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transform rotate(-25deg)
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transform rotate(10deg)
@ -1,22 +1,29 @@
h1 Misskeyとは?
<p><ruby>Misskey<rt>みすきー</rt></ruby>は、<a href="http://syuilo.com" target="_blank">syuilo</a>が2014年くらいから<a href="https://github.com/syuilo/misskey" target="_blank">オープンソースで</a>開発・運営を行っている、ミニブログベースのSNSです。</p>
<p>Twitter, Facebook, LINE, Google+ などを<del>パクって</del><i>参考にして</i>います。</p>
<p><a href={ CONFIG.urls.about } target="_blank">もっと知りたい方はこちら</a></p>
<h1>Misskeyとは?</h1><p><ruby>Misskey<rt>みすきー</rt></ruby>は、<a href="http://syuilo.com" target="_blank">syuilo</a>が2014年くらいから<a href="https://github.com/syuilo/misskey" target="_blank">オープンソースで</a>開発・運営を行っている、ミニブログベースのSNSです。</p>
<p>Twitter, Facebook, LINE, Google+ などを<del>パクって</del><i>参考にして</i>います。</p>
<p><a href="{ CONFIG.urls.about }" target="_blank">もっと知りたい方はこちら</a></p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
margin 0
text-align center
font-size 1.2em
margin 0
text-align center
font-size 1.2em
margin 16px 0
margin 16px 0
margin 0
text-align center
margin 0
text-align center
@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
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display inline
display inline
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# バグ? https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2103
#value = @opts.value
value = @opts.riot-value
max = @opts.max
@on \mount ~>
# バグ? https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2103
#value = @opts.value
value = @opts.riot-value
max = @opts.max
if max? then if value > max then value = max
if max? then if value > max then value = max
@root.innerHTML = value.to-locale-string!
@root.innerHTML = value.to-locale-string!
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
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display inline
display inline
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<script>@root.innerHTML = @opts.content</script>
@ -1,24 +1,26 @@
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display inline
display inline
> span
animation ripple-string 5s infinite ease-in-out both
> span
animation ripple-string 5s infinite ease-in-out both
@keyframes ripple-string
0%, 50%, 100%
opacity 1
opacity 0.5
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0%, 50%, 100%
opacity 1
opacity 0.5
@on \mount ~>
text = @root.innerHTML
@root.innerHTML = ''
(text.split '').for-each (c, i) ~>
ce = document.create-element \span
ce.innerHTML = c
ce.style.animation-delay = (i / 10) + 's'
@root.append-child ce
@on \mount ~>
text = @root.innerHTML
@root.innerHTML = ''
(text.split '').for-each (c, i) ~>
ce = document.create-element \span
ce.innerHTML = c
ce.style.animation-delay = (i / 10) + 's'
@root.append-child ce
@ -1,136 +1,131 @@
form(onsubmit={ onsubmit }, class={ signing: signing })
oninput={ oninput })
button(type='submit', disabled={ signing }) { signing ? 'やっています...' : 'サインイン' }
display block
> form
display block
z-index 2
&, *
cursor wait !important
<form class="{ signing: signing }" onsubmit="{ onsubmit }">
<label class="user-name">
<input ref="username" type="text" pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$" placeholder="ユーザー名" autofocus="autofocus" required="required" oninput="{ oninput }"/><i class="fa fa-at"></i>
<label class="password">
<input ref="password" type="password" placeholder="パスワード" required="required"/><i class="fa fa-lock"></i>
<button type="submit" disabled="{ signing }">{ signing ? 'やっています...' : 'サインイン' }</button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin 12px 0
> form
display block
pointer-events none
position absolute
bottom 0
top 0
left 0
z-index 1
margin auto
padding 0 16px
height 1em
color #898786
z-index 2
user-select text
display inline-block
cursor auto
padding 0 0 0 38px
margin 0
width 100%
line-height 44px
font-size 1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
background #fff
outline none
border solid 1px #eee
border-radius 4px
&, *
cursor wait !important
background rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)
border-color #ddd
display block
margin 12px 0
& + i
color #797776
display block
pointer-events none
position absolute
bottom 0
top 0
left 0
z-index 1
margin auto
padding 0 16px
height 1em
color #898786
background #fff
border-color #ccc
user-select text
display inline-block
cursor auto
padding 0 0 0 38px
margin 0
width 100%
line-height 44px
font-size 1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
background #fff
outline none
border solid 1px #eee
border-radius 4px
& + i
color #797776
background rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)
border-color #ddd
cursor pointer
padding 16px
margin -6px 0 0 0
width 100%
font-size 1.2em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
outline none
border none
border-radius 0
background transparent
transition all .5s ease
& + i
color #797776
color $theme-color
transition all .2s ease
background #fff
border-color #ccc
color $theme-color
transition all .2s ease
& + i
color #797776
color darken($theme-color, 30%)
transition all .2s ease
cursor pointer
padding 16px
margin -6px 0 0 0
width 100%
font-size 1.2em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
outline none
border none
border-radius 0
background transparent
transition all .5s ease
opacity 0.7
color $theme-color
transition all .2s ease
@mixin \api
color $theme-color
transition all .2s ease
@user = null
@signing = false
color darken($theme-color, 30%)
transition all .2s ease
@oninput = ~>
@api \users/show do
username: @refs.username.value
.then (user) ~>
@user = user
@trigger \user user
opacity 0.7
@mixin \api
@user = null
@signing = false
@oninput = ~>
@api \users/show do
username: @refs.username.value
.then (user) ~>
@user = user
@trigger \user user
@onsubmit = (e) ~>
@signing = true
@onsubmit = (e) ~>
@api \signin do
username: @refs.username.value
password: @refs.password.value
.then ~>
.catch ~>
alert 'something happened'
@signing = false
@signing = true
@api \signin do
username: @refs.username.value
password: @refs.password.value
.then ~>
.catch ~>
alert 'something happened'
@signing = false
@ -1,352 +1,293 @@
form(onsubmit={ onsubmit }, autocomplete='off')
| ユーザー名
onkeyup={ on-change-username })
p.profile-page-url-preview(if={ refs.username.value != '' && username-state != 'invalid-format' && username-state != 'min-range' && username-state != 'max-range' }) { CONFIG.url + '/' + refs.username.value }
p.info(if={ username-state == 'wait' }, style='color:#999')
| 確認しています...
p.info(if={ username-state == 'ok' }, style='color:#3CB7B5')
| 利用できます
p.info(if={ username-state == 'unavailable' }, style='color:#FF1161')
| 既に利用されています
p.info(if={ username-state == 'error' }, style='color:#FF1161')
| 通信エラー
p.info(if={ username-state == 'invalid-format' }, style='color:#FF1161')
| a~z、A~Z、0~9、-(ハイフン)が使えます
p.info(if={ username-state == 'min-range' }, style='color:#FF1161')
| 3文字以上でお願いします!
p.info(if={ username-state == 'max-range' }, style='color:#FF1161')
| 20文字以内でお願いします
| パスワード
onkeyup={ on-change-password })
div.meter(if={ password-strength != '' }, data-strength={ password-strength })
p.info(if={ password-strength == 'low' }, style='color:#FF1161')
| 弱いパスワード
p.info(if={ password-strength == 'medium' }, style='color:#3CB7B5')
| まあまあのパスワード
p.info(if={ password-strength == 'high' }, style='color:#3CB7B5')
| 強いパスワード
| パスワード(再入力)
onkeyup={ on-change-password-retype })
p.info(if={ password-retype-state == 'match' }, style='color:#3CB7B5')
| 確認されました
p.info(if={ password-retype-state == 'not-match' }, style='color:#FF1161')
| 一致していません
i.fa.fa-toggle-on(if={ recaptchaed })
i.fa.fa-toggle-off(if={ !recaptchaed })
| 認証
data-sitekey={ CONFIG.recaptcha.site-key })
a(href={ CONFIG.urls.about + '/tou' }, target='_blank') 利用規約
| に同意する
button(onclick={ onsubmit })
| アカウント作成
display block
min-width 302px
overflow hidden
> form
<form onsubmit="{ onsubmit }" autocomplete="off">
<label class="username">
<p class="caption"><i class="fa fa-at"></i>ユーザー名</p>
<input ref="username" type="text" pattern="^[a-zA-Z0-9-]{3,20}$" placeholder="a~z、A~Z、0~9、-" autocomplete="off" required="required" onkeyup="{ onChangeUsername }"/>
<p class="profile-page-url-preview" if="{ refs.username.value != '' && username-state != 'invalidFormat' && username-state != 'minRange' && username-state != 'maxRange' }">{ CONFIG.url + '/' + refs.username.value }</p>
<p class="info" if="{ usernameState == 'wait' }" style="color:#999"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i>確認しています...</p>
<p class="info" if="{ usernameState == 'ok' }" style="color:#3CB7B5"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"></i>利用できます</p>
<p class="info" if="{ usernameState == 'unavailable' }" style="color:#FF1161"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>既に利用されています</p>
<p class="info" if="{ usernameState == 'error' }" style="color:#FF1161"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>通信エラー</p>
<p class="info" if="{ usernameState == 'invalid-format' }" style="color:#FF1161"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>a~z、A~Z、0~9、-(ハイフン)が使えます</p>
<p class="info" if="{ usernameState == 'min-range' }" style="color:#FF1161"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>3文字以上でお願いします!</p>
<p class="info" if="{ usernameState == 'max-range' }" style="color:#FF1161"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>20文字以内でお願いします</p>
<label class="password">
<p class="caption"><i class="fa fa-lock"></i>パスワード</p>
<input ref="password" type="password" placeholder="8文字以上を推奨します" autocomplete="off" required="required" onkeyup="{ onChangePassword }"/>
<div class="meter" if="{ passwordStrength != '' }" data-strength="{ passwordStrength }">
<div class="value" ref="passwordMetar"></div>
<p class="info" if="{ passwordStrength == 'low' }" style="color:#FF1161"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>弱いパスワード</p>
<p class="info" if="{ passwordStrength == 'medium' }" style="color:#3CB7B5"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"></i>まあまあのパスワード</p>
<p class="info" if="{ passwordStrength == 'high' }" style="color:#3CB7B5"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"></i>強いパスワード</p>
<label class="retype-password">
<p class="caption"><i class="fa fa-lock"></i>パスワード(再入力)</p>
<input ref="passwordRetype" type="password" placeholder="確認のため再入力してください" autocomplete="off" required="required" onkeyup="{ onChangePasswordRetype }"/>
<p class="info" if="{ passwordRetypeState == 'match' }" style="color:#3CB7B5"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-check"></i>確認されました</p>
<p class="info" if="{ passwordRetypeState == 'not-match' }" style="color:#FF1161"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>一致していません</p>
<label class="recaptcha">
<p class="caption"><i class="fa fa-toggle-on" if="{ recaptchaed }"></i><i class="fa fa-toggle-off" if="{ !recaptchaed }"></i>認証</p>
<div class="g-recaptcha" data-callback="onRecaptchaed" data-expired-callback="onRecaptchaExpired" data-sitekey="{ CONFIG.recaptcha.siteKey }"></div>
<label class="agree-tou">
<input name="agree-tou" type="checkbox" autocomplete="off" required="required"/>
<p><a href="{ CONFIG.urls.about + '/tou' }" target="_blank">利用規約</a>に同意する</p>
<button onclick="{ onsubmit }">アカウント作成</button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
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overflow hidden
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margin 0 0 4px 0
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margin-right 0.25em
color #96adac
> .info
display block
margin 4px 0
font-size 0.8em
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margin-right 0.3em
display block
margin 4px 8px 0 4px
font-size 0.8em
color #888
margin 16px 0
display none
> .caption
margin 0 0 4px 0
color #828888
font-size 0.95em
&:not(:empty) + .info
margin-top 0
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margin-right 0.25em
color #96adac
display block
margin-top 8px
width 100%
height 8px
display none
> .value
background #d73612
> .value
background #d7ca12
> .value
background #61bb22
> .value
> .info
display block
width 0%
height 100%
background transparent
border-radius 4px
transition all 0.1s ease
margin 4px 0
font-size 0.8em
[type=text], [type=password]
user-select text
display inline-block
cursor auto
padding 0 12px
margin 0
width 100%
line-height 44px
font-size 1em
color #333 !important
background #fff !important
outline none
border solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-radius 4px
box-shadow 0 0 0 114514px #fff inset
transition all .3s ease
> i
margin-right 0.3em
border-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
transition all .1s ease
display block
margin 4px 8px 0 4px
font-size 0.8em
color #888
color $theme-color !important
border-color $theme-color
box-shadow 0 0 0 1024px #fff inset, 0 0 0 4px rgba($theme-color, 10%)
transition all 0s ease
display none
opacity 0.5
&:not(:empty) + .info
margin-top 0
padding 4px
border-radius 4px
display block
margin-top 8px
width 100%
height 8px
background #f4f4f4
display none
background #eee
> .value
background #d73612
&, *
cursor pointer
> .value
background #d7ca12
display inline
color #555
> .value
background #61bb22
margin 0 0 32px 0
padding 16px
width 100%
font-size 1em
color #fff
background $theme-color
border-radius 3px
> .value
display block
width 0%
height 100%
background transparent
border-radius 4px
transition all 0.1s ease
background lighten($theme-color, 5%)
[type=text], [type=password]
user-select text
display inline-block
cursor auto
padding 0 12px
margin 0
width 100%
line-height 44px
font-size 1em
color #333 !important
background #fff !important
outline none
border solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-radius 4px
box-shadow 0 0 0 114514px #fff inset
transition all .3s ease
background darken($theme-color, 5%)
border-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
transition all .1s ease
@mixin \api
@mixin \get-password-strength
color $theme-color !important
border-color $theme-color
box-shadow 0 0 0 1024px #fff inset, 0 0 0 4px rgba($theme-color, 10%)
transition all 0s ease
@username-state = null
@password-strength = ''
@password-retype-state = null
@recaptchaed = false
opacity 0.5
window.on-recaptchaed = ~>
@recaptchaed = true
padding 4px
border-radius 4px
window.on-recaptcha-expired = ~>
background #f4f4f4
background #eee
&, *
cursor pointer
display inline
color #555
margin 0 0 32px 0
padding 16px
width 100%
font-size 1em
color #fff
background $theme-color
border-radius 3px
background lighten($theme-color, 5%)
background darken($theme-color, 5%)
@mixin \api
@mixin \get-password-strength
@username-state = null
@password-strength = ''
@password-retype-state = null
@recaptchaed = false
@on \mount ~>
head = (document.get-elements-by-tag-name \head).0
script = document.create-element \script
..set-attribute \src \https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js
head.append-child script
@on-change-username = ~>
username = @refs.username.value
if username == ''
@username-state = null
err = switch
| not username.match /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$/ => \invalid-format
| username.length < 3chars => \min-range
| username.length > 20chars => \max-range
| _ => null
if err?
@username-state = err
@username-state = \wait
window.on-recaptchaed = ~>
@recaptchaed = true
@api \username/available do
username: username
.then (result) ~>
if result.available
@username-state = \ok
@username-state = \unavailable
window.on-recaptcha-expired = ~>
@recaptchaed = false
@on \mount ~>
head = (document.get-elements-by-tag-name \head).0
script = document.create-element \script
..set-attribute \src \https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js
head.append-child script
@on-change-username = ~>
username = @refs.username.value
if username == ''
@username-state = null
.catch (err) ~>
@username-state = \error
err = switch
| not username.match /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+$/ => \invalid-format
| username.length < 3chars => \min-range
| username.length > 20chars => \max-range
| _ => null
if err?
@username-state = err
@username-state = \wait
@on-change-password = ~>
password = @refs.password.value
@api \username/available do
username: username
.then (result) ~>
if result.available
@username-state = \ok
@username-state = \unavailable
.catch (err) ~>
@username-state = \error
if password == ''
@password-strength = ''
@on-change-password = ~>
password = @refs.password.value
strength = @get-password-strength password
if password == ''
@password-strength = ''
if strength > 0.3
@password-strength = \medium
if strength > 0.7
@password-strength = \high
@password-strength = \low
strength = @get-password-strength password
if strength > 0.3
@password-strength = \medium
if strength > 0.7
@password-strength = \high
@password-strength = \low
@refs.password-metar.style.width = (strength * 100) + \%
@on-change-password-retype = ~>
password = @refs.password.value
retyped-password = @refs.password-retype.value
@refs.password-metar.style.width = (strength * 100) + \%
if retyped-password == ''
@password-retype-state = null
@on-change-password-retype = ~>
password = @refs.password.value
retyped-password = @refs.password-retype.value
if password == retyped-password
@password-retype-state = \match
@password-retype-state = \not-match
if retyped-password == ''
@password-retype-state = null
@onsubmit = (e) ~>
if password == retyped-password
@password-retype-state = \match
@password-retype-state = \not-match
username = @refs.username.value
password = @refs.password.value
@onsubmit = (e) ~>
locker = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-locker
username = @refs.username.value
password = @refs.password.value
@api \signup do
username: username
password: password
'g-recaptcha-response': grecaptcha.get-response!
.then ~>
@api \signin do
locker = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-locker
@api \signup do
username: username
password: password
'g-recaptcha-response': grecaptcha.get-response!
.then ~>
location.href = CONFIG.url
.catch ~>
alert '何らかの原因によりアカウントの作成に失敗しました。再度お試しください。'
@api \signin do
username: username
password: password
.then ~>
location.href = CONFIG.url
.catch ~>
alert '何らかの原因によりアカウントの作成に失敗しました。再度お試しください。'
@recaptchaed = false
@recaptchaed = false
locker.parent-node.remove-child locker
locker.parent-node.remove-child locker
@ -1,24 +1,27 @@
p(if={ m == 1 && d == 1 }) Happy New Year!
p(if={ m == 12 && d == 25 }) Merry Christmas!
<p if="{ m == 1 && d == 1 }">Happy New Year! </p>
<p if="{ m == 12 && d == 25 }">Merry Christmas!</p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
display none
display none
> p
margin 0
padding 4px
text-align center
font-size 14px
font-weight bold
text-transform uppercase
color #fff
background #ff1036
> p
margin 0
padding 4px
text-align center
font-size 14px
font-weight bold
text-transform uppercase
color #fff
background #ff1036
now = new Date!
@d = now.get-date!
@m = now.get-month! + 1
now = new Date!
@d = now.get-date!
@m = now.get-month! + 1
@ -1,43 +1,41 @@
time(datetime={ opts.time })
span(if={ mode == 'relative' }) { relative }
span(if={ mode == 'absolute' }) { absolute }
span(if={ mode == 'detail' }) { absolute } ({ relative })
<time datetime="{ opts.time }"><span if="{ mode == 'relative' }">{ relative }</span><span if="{ mode == 'absolute' }">{ absolute }</span><span if="{ mode == 'detail' }">{ absolute } ({ relative })</span></time>
@time = new Date @opts.time
@mode = @opts.mode || \relative
@tickid = null
@time = new Date @opts.time
@mode = @opts.mode || \relative
@tickid = null
@absolute =
@time.get-full-year! + \年 +
@time.get-month! + 1 + \月 +
@time.get-date! + \日 +
' ' +
@time.get-hours! + \時 +
@time.get-minutes! + \分
@absolute =
@time.get-full-year! + \年 +
@time.get-month! + 1 + \月 +
@time.get-date! + \日 +
' ' +
@time.get-hours! + \時 +
@time.get-minutes! + \分
@on \mount ~>
if @mode == \relative or @mode == \detail
@tickid = set-interval @tick, 1000ms
@on \mount ~>
if @mode == \relative or @mode == \detail
@tickid = set-interval @tick, 1000ms
@on \unmount ~>
if @mode == \relative or @mode == \detail
clear-interval @tickid
@on \unmount ~>
if @mode == \relative or @mode == \detail
clear-interval @tickid
@tick = ~>
now = new Date!
ago = (now - @time) / 1000ms
@relative = switch
| ago >= 31536000s => ~~(ago / 31536000s) + '年前'
| ago >= 2592000s => ~~(ago / 2592000s) + 'ヶ月前'
| ago >= 604800s => ~~(ago / 604800s) + '週間前'
| ago >= 86400s => ~~(ago / 86400s) + '日前'
| ago >= 3600s => ~~(ago / 3600s) + '時間前'
| ago >= 60s => ~~(ago / 60s) + '分前'
| ago >= 10s => ~~(ago % 60s) + '秒前'
| ago >= 0s => 'たった今'
| ago < 0s => '未来'
| _ => 'なぞのじかん'
@tick = ~>
now = new Date!
ago = (now - @time) / 1000ms
@relative = switch
| ago >= 31536000s => ~~(ago / 31536000s) + '年前'
| ago >= 2592000s => ~~(ago / 2592000s) + 'ヶ月前'
| ago >= 604800s => ~~(ago / 604800s) + '週間前'
| ago >= 86400s => ~~(ago / 86400s) + '日前'
| ago >= 3600s => ~~(ago / 3600s) + '時間前'
| ago >= 60s => ~~(ago / 60s) + '分前'
| ago >= 10s => ~~(ago % 60s) + '秒前'
| ago >= 0s => 'たった今'
| ago < 0s => '未来'
| _ => 'なぞのじかん'
@ -1,201 +1,195 @@
ol(if={ uploads.length > 0 })
li(each={ uploads })
div.img(style='background-image: url({ img })')
| { name }
span.initing(if={ progress == undefined })
| 待機中
span.kb(if={ progress != undefined })
| { String(Math.floor(progress.value / 1024)).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1,') }
i KB
= ' / '
| { String(Math.floor(progress.max / 1024)).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1,') }
i KB
span.percentage(if={ progress != undefined }) { Math.floor((progress.value / progress.max) * 100) }
progress(if={ progress != undefined && progress.value != progress.max }, value={ progress.value }, max={ progress.max })
div.progress.initing(if={ progress == undefined })
div.progress.waiting(if={ progress != undefined && progress.value == progress.max })
display block
overflow auto
display none
> ol
display block
margin 0
padding 0
list-style none
> li
<ol if="{ uploads.length > 0 }">
<li each="{ uploads }">
<div class="img" style="background-image: url({ img })"></div>
<p class="name"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i>{ name }</p>
<p class="status"><span class="initing" if="{ progress == undefined }">待機中
<mk-ellipsis></mk-ellipsis></span><span class="kb" if="{ progress != undefined }">{ String(Math.floor(progress.value / 1024)).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1,') }<i>KB</i> / { String(Math.floor(progress.max / 1024)).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, '$1,') }<i>KB</i></span><span class="percentage" if="{ progress != undefined }">{ Math.floor((progress.value / progress.max) * 100) }</span></p>
<progress if="{ progress != undefined && progress.value != progress.max }" value="{ progress.value }" max="{ progress.max }"></progress>
<div class="progress initing" if="{ progress == undefined }"></div>
<div class="progress waiting" if="{ progress != undefined && progress.value == progress.max }"></div>
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin 8px 0 0 0
padding 0
height 36px
box-shadow 0 -1px 0 rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
border-top solid 8px transparent
overflow auto
margin 0
box-shadow none
border-top none
display none
> .img
> ol
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 0
width 36px
height 36px
background-size cover
background-position center center
> .name
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 44px
margin 0
padding 0
max-width 256px
font-size 0.8em
color rgba($theme-color, 0.7)
white-space nowrap
text-overflow ellipsis
overflow hidden
list-style none
> i
margin-right 4px
> li
display block
margin 8px 0 0 0
padding 0
height 36px
box-shadow 0 -1px 0 rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
border-top solid 8px transparent
> .status
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 0
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 0.8em
margin 0
box-shadow none
border-top none
> .initing
color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
> .img
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 0
width 36px
height 36px
background-size cover
background-position center center
> .kb
color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
> .name
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 44px
margin 0
padding 0
max-width 256px
font-size 0.8em
color rgba($theme-color, 0.7)
white-space nowrap
text-overflow ellipsis
overflow hidden
> .percentage
display inline-block
width 48px
text-align right
> i
margin-right 4px
color rgba($theme-color, 0.7)
> .status
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 0
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 0.8em
content '%'
> .initing
color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
> progress
display block
position absolute
bottom 0
right 0
margin 0
width calc(100% - 44px)
height 8px
background transparent
border none
border-radius 4px
overflow hidden
> .kb
color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
background $theme-color
> .percentage
display inline-block
width 48px
text-align right
background rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
color rgba($theme-color, 0.7)
> .progress
display block
position absolute
bottom 0
right 0
margin 0
width calc(100% - 44px)
height 8px
border none
border-radius 4px
background linear-gradient(
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 25%,
$theme-color 25%,
$theme-color 50%,
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 50%,
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 75%,
$theme-color 75%,
background-size 32px 32px
animation bg 1.5s linear infinite
content '%'
opacity 0.3
> progress
display block
position absolute
bottom 0
right 0
margin 0
width calc(100% - 44px)
height 8px
background transparent
border none
border-radius 4px
overflow hidden
@keyframes bg
from {background-position: 0 0;}
to {background-position: -64px 32px;}
background $theme-color
@mixin \i
background rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
@uploads = []
> .progress
display block
position absolute
bottom 0
right 0
margin 0
width calc(100% - 44px)
height 8px
border none
border-radius 4px
background linear-gradient(
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 25%,
$theme-color 25%,
$theme-color 50%,
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 50%,
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 75%,
$theme-color 75%,
background-size 32px 32px
animation bg 1.5s linear infinite
opacity 0.3
@upload = (file, folder) ~>
id = Math.random!
@keyframes bg
from {background-position: 0 0;}
to {background-position: -64px 32px;}
ctx =
id: id
name: file.name || \untitled
progress: undefined
@mixin \i
@uploads.push ctx
@trigger \change-uploads @uploads
@uploads = []
reader = new FileReader!
reader.onload = (e) ~>
ctx.img = e.target.result
reader.read-as-data-URL file
@upload = (file, folder) ~>
id = Math.random!
data = new FormData!
data.append \i @I.token
data.append \file file
ctx =
id: id
name: file.name || \untitled
progress: undefined
if folder?
data.append \folder_id folder
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest!
xhr.open \POST CONFIG.api.url + '/drive/files/create' true
xhr.onload = (e) ~>
drive-file = JSON.parse e.target.response
@trigger \uploaded drive-file
@uploads = @uploads.filter (x) -> x.id != id
@uploads.push ctx
@trigger \change-uploads @uploads
xhr.upload.onprogress = (e) ~>
if e.length-computable
if ctx.progress == undefined
ctx.progress = {}
ctx.progress.max = e.total
ctx.progress.value = e.loaded
reader = new FileReader!
reader.onload = (e) ~>
ctx.img = e.target.result
reader.read-as-data-URL file
data = new FormData!
data.append \i @I.token
data.append \file file
if folder?
data.append \folder_id folder
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest!
xhr.open \POST CONFIG.api.url + '/drive/files/create' true
xhr.onload = (e) ~>
drive-file = JSON.parse e.target.response
@trigger \uploaded drive-file
@uploads = @uploads.filter (x) -> x.id != id
@trigger \change-uploads @uploads
xhr.send data
xhr.upload.onprogress = (e) ~>
if e.length-computable
if ctx.progress == undefined
ctx.progress = {}
ctx.progress.max = e.total
ctx.progress.value = e.loaded
xhr.send data
@ -1,105 +1,110 @@
a(href={ url }, target='_blank', title={ url }, if={ !loading })
div.thumbnail(if={ thumbnail }, style={ 'background-image: url(' + thumbnail + ')' })
header: h1 { title }
p { description }
img.icon(if={ icon }, src={ icon })
p { sitename }
<mk-url-preview><a href="{ url }" target="_blank" title="{ url }" if="{ !loading }">
<div class="thumbnail" if="{ thumbnail }" style="{ 'background-image: url(' + thumbnail + ')' }"></div>
<h1>{ title }</h1>
<p>{ description }</p>
<footer><img class="icon" if="{ icon }" src="{ icon }"/>
<p>{ sitename }</p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
font-size 16px
display block
font-size 16px
> a
display block
border solid 1px #eee
border-radius 4px
overflow hidden
> a
display block
border solid 1px #eee
border-radius 4px
overflow hidden
text-decoration none
border-color #ddd
text-decoration none
border-color #ddd
> article > header > h1
text-decoration underline
> article > header > h1
text-decoration underline
> .thumbnail
position absolute
width 100px
height 100%
background-position center
background-size cover
> .thumbnail
position absolute
width 100px
height 100%
background-position center
background-size cover
& + article
left 100px
width calc(100% - 100px)
& + article
left 100px
width calc(100% - 100px)
> article
padding 16px
> article
padding 16px
> header
margin-bottom 8px
> header
margin-bottom 8px
> h1
margin 0
font-size 1em
color #555
> h1
margin 0
font-size 1em
color #555
> p
margin 0
color #777
font-size 0.8em
> p
margin 0
color #777
font-size 0.8em
> footer
margin-top 8px
> footer
margin-top 8px
> img
display inline-block
width 16px
heigth 16px
margin-right 4px
vertical-align bottom
> img
display inline-block
width 16px
heigth 16px
margin-right 4px
vertical-align bottom
> p
display inline-block
margin 0
color #666
font-size 0.8em
line-height 16px
> p
display inline-block
margin 0
color #666
font-size 0.8em
line-height 16px
@media (max-width 500px)
font-size 8px
@media (max-width 500px)
font-size 8px
> a
border none
> a
border none
> .thumbnail
width 70px
> .thumbnail
width 70px
& + article
left 70px
width calc(100% - 70px)
& + article
left 70px
width calc(100% - 70px)
> article
padding 8px
> article
padding 8px
@mixin \api
@mixin \api
@url = @opts.url
@loading = true
@url = @opts.url
@loading = true
@on \mount ~>
fetch CONFIG.url + '/api:url?url=' + @url
.then (res) ~>
info <~ res.json!.then
@title = info.title
@description = info.description
@thumbnail = info.thumbnail
@icon = info.icon
@sitename = info.sitename
@on \mount ~>
fetch CONFIG.url + '/api:url?url=' + @url
.then (res) ~>
info <~ res.json!.then
@title = info.title
@description = info.description
@thumbnail = info.thumbnail
@icon = info.icon
@sitename = info.sitename
@loading = false
@loading = false
@ -1,50 +1,46 @@
a(href={ url }, target={ opts.target })
span.schema { schema }//
span.hostname { hostname }
span.port(if={ port != '' }) :{ port }
span.pathname(if={ pathname != '' }) { pathname }
span.query { query }
span.hash { hash }
<mk-url><a href="{ url }" target="{ opts.target }"><span class="schema">{ schema }//</span><span class="hostname">{ hostname }</span><span class="port" if="{ port != '' }">:{ port }</span><span class="pathname" if="{ pathname != '' }">{ pathname }</span><span class="query">{ query }</span><span class="hash">{ hash }</span></a>
<style type="stylus">
> a
content "\f14c"
display inline-block
padding-left 2px
font-family FontAwesome
font-size .9em
font-weight 400
font-style normal
> a
content "\f14c"
display inline-block
padding-left 2px
font-family FontAwesome
font-size .9em
font-weight 400
font-style normal
> .schema
opacity 0.5
> .schema
opacity 0.5
> .hostname
font-weight bold
> .hostname
font-weight bold
> .pathname
opacity 0.8
> .pathname
opacity 0.8
> .query
opacity 0.5
> .query
opacity 0.5
> .hash
font-style italic
> .hash
font-style italic
@url = @opts.href
@url = @opts.href
@on \before-mount ~>
parser = document.create-element \a
parser.href = @url
@on \before-mount ~>
parser = document.create-element \a
parser.href = @url
@schema = parser.protocol
@hostname = parser.hostname
@port = parser.port
@pathname = parser.pathname
@query = parser.search
@hash = parser.hash
@schema = parser.protocol
@hostname = parser.hostname
@port = parser.port
@pathname = parser.pathname
@query = parser.search
@hash = parser.hash
@ -1,102 +1,105 @@
canvas@canvas(width='256', height='256')
<canvas ref="canvas" width="256" height="256"></canvas>
<style type="stylus">
> canvas
display block
width 256px
height 256px
> canvas
display block
width 256px
height 256px
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @draw, 1000ms
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @draw, 1000ms
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@draw = ~>
now = new Date!
s = now.get-seconds!
m = now.get-minutes!
h = now.get-hours!
@draw = ~>
now = new Date!
s = now.get-seconds!
m = now.get-minutes!
h = now.get-hours!
vec2 = (x, y) ->
@x = x
@y = y
vec2 = (x, y) ->
@x = x
@y = y
ctx = @refs.canvas.get-context \2d
canv-w = @refs.canvas.width
canv-h = @refs.canvas.height
ctx.clear-rect 0, 0, canv-w, canv-h
ctx = @refs.canvas.get-context \2d
canv-w = @refs.canvas.width
canv-h = @refs.canvas.height
ctx.clear-rect 0, 0, canv-w, canv-h
# 背景
center = (Math.min (canv-w / 2), (canv-h / 2))
line-start = center * 0.90
line-end-short = center * 0.87
line-end-long = center * 0.84
for i from 0 to 59 by 1
angle = Math.PI * i / 30
uv = new vec2 (Math.sin angle), (-Math.cos angle)
ctx.line-width = 1
ctx.move-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * line-start
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * line-start
if i % 5 == 0
ctx.stroke-style = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * line-end-long
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * line-end-long
ctx.stroke-style = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)'
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * line-end-short
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * line-end-short
# 背景
center = (Math.min (canv-w / 2), (canv-h / 2))
line-start = center * 0.90
line-end-short = center * 0.87
line-end-long = center * 0.84
for i from 0 to 59 by 1
angle = Math.PI * i / 30
# 分
angle = Math.PI * (m + s / 60) / 30
length = (Math.min canv-w, canv-h) / 2.6
uv = new vec2 (Math.sin angle), (-Math.cos angle)
ctx.line-width = 1
ctx.stroke-style = \#ffffff
ctx.line-width = 2
ctx.move-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * line-start
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * line-start
if i % 5 == 0
ctx.stroke-style = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)'
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * line-end-long
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * line-end-long
ctx.stroke-style = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)'
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * line-end-short
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * line-end-short
(canv-w / 2) - uv.x * length / 5
(canv-h / 2) - uv.y * length / 5
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * length
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * length
# 分
angle = Math.PI * (m + s / 60) / 30
length = (Math.min canv-w, canv-h) / 2.6
uv = new vec2 (Math.sin angle), (-Math.cos angle)
ctx.stroke-style = \#ffffff
ctx.line-width = 2
ctx.move-to do
(canv-w / 2) - uv.x * length / 5
(canv-h / 2) - uv.y * length / 5
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * length
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * length
# 時
angle = Math.PI * (h % 12 + m / 60) / 6
length = (Math.min canv-w, canv-h) / 4
uv = new vec2 (Math.sin angle), (-Math.cos angle)
#ctx.stroke-style = \#ffffff
ctx.stroke-style = CONFIG.theme-color
ctx.line-width = 2
ctx.move-to do
(canv-w / 2) - uv.x * length / 5
(canv-h / 2) - uv.y * length / 5
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * length
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * length
# 時
angle = Math.PI * (h % 12 + m / 60) / 6
length = (Math.min canv-w, canv-h) / 4
uv = new vec2 (Math.sin angle), (-Math.cos angle)
#ctx.stroke-style = \#ffffff
ctx.stroke-style = CONFIG.theme-color
ctx.line-width = 2
ctx.move-to do
(canv-w / 2) - uv.x * length / 5
(canv-h / 2) - uv.y * length / 5
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * length
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * length
# 秒
angle = Math.PI * s / 30
length = (Math.min canv-w, canv-h) / 2.6
uv = new vec2 (Math.sin angle), (-Math.cos angle)
ctx.stroke-style = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)'
ctx.line-width = 1
ctx.move-to do
(canv-w / 2) - uv.x * length / 5
(canv-h / 2) - uv.y * length / 5
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * length
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * length
# 秒
angle = Math.PI * s / 30
length = (Math.min canv-w, canv-h) / 2.6
uv = new vec2 (Math.sin angle), (-Math.cos angle)
ctx.stroke-style = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)'
ctx.line-width = 1
ctx.move-to do
(canv-w / 2) - uv.x * length / 5
(canv-h / 2) - uv.y * length / 5
ctx.line-to do
(canv-w / 2) + uv.x * length
(canv-h / 2) + uv.y * length
@ -1,182 +1,183 @@
ol.users@users(if={ users.length > 0 })
li(each={ users }, onclick={ parent.on-click }, onkeydown={ parent.on-keydown }, tabindex='-1')
img.avatar(src={ avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }, alt='')
span.name { name }
span.username @{ username }
display block
position absolute
z-index 65535
margin-top calc(1em + 8px)
overflow hidden
background #fff
border solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-radius 4px
> .users
display block
margin 0
padding 4px 0
max-height 190px
max-width 500px
overflow auto
list-style none
> li
<ol class="users" ref="users" if="{ users.length > 0 }">
<li each="{ users }" onclick="{ parent.onClick }" onkeydown="{ parent.onKeydown }" tabindex="-1"><img class="avatar" src="{ avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }" alt=""/><span class="name">{ name }</span><span class="username">@{ username }</span></li>
<style type="stylus">
display block
padding 4px 12px
white-space nowrap
position absolute
z-index 65535
margin-top calc(1em + 8px)
overflow hidden
font-size 0.9em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
cursor default
background #fff
border solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-radius 4px
&, *
user-select none
> .users
display block
margin 0
padding 4px 0
max-height 190px
max-width 500px
overflow auto
list-style none
color #fff
background $theme-color
> li
display block
padding 4px 12px
white-space nowrap
overflow hidden
font-size 0.9em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
cursor default
color #fff
&, *
user-select none
color #fff
color #fff
background $theme-color
color #fff
background darken($theme-color, 10%)
color #fff
color #fff
color #fff
color #fff
color #fff
background darken($theme-color, 10%)
vertical-align middle
min-width 28px
min-height 28px
max-width 28px
max-height 28px
margin 0 8px 0 0
border-radius 100%
color #fff
margin 0 8px 0 0
/*font-weight bold*/
font-weight normal
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
color #fff
font-weight normal
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
vertical-align middle
min-width 28px
min-height 28px
max-width 28px
max-height 28px
margin 0 8px 0 0
border-radius 100%
@mixin \api
margin 0 8px 0 0
/*font-weight bold*/
font-weight normal
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
@q = @opts.q
@textarea = @opts.textarea
@loading = true
@users = []
@select = -1
font-weight normal
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
@on \mount ~>
@textarea.add-event-listener \keydown @on-keydown
@mixin \api
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.add-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@q = @opts.q
@textarea = @opts.textarea
@loading = true
@users = []
@select = -1
@api \users/search_by_username do
query: @q
limit: 30users
.then (users) ~>
@users = users
@loading = false
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@on \mount ~>
@textarea.add-event-listener \keydown @on-keydown
@on \unmount ~>
@textarea.remove-event-listener \keydown @on-keydown
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.add-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.remove-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@api \users/search_by_username do
query: @q
limit: 30users
.then (users) ~>
@users = users
@loading = false
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@mousedown = (e) ~>
if (!contains @root, e.target) and (@root != e.target)
@on \unmount ~>
@textarea.remove-event-listener \keydown @on-keydown
@on-click = (e) ~>
@complete e.item
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.remove-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@on-keydown = (e) ~>
key = e.which
switch (key)
| 10, 13 => # Key[ENTER]
if @select != -1
@complete @users[@select]
| 27 => # Key[ESC]
| 38 => # Key[↑]
if @select != -1
| 9, 40 => # Key[TAB] or Key[↓]
| _ =>
@mousedown = (e) ~>
if (!contains @root, e.target) and (@root != e.target)
@select-next = ~>
@on-click = (e) ~>
@complete e.item
if @select >= @users.length
@select = 0
@on-keydown = (e) ~>
key = e.which
switch (key)
| 10, 13 => # Key[ENTER]
if @select != -1
@complete @users[@select]
| 27 => # Key[ESC]
| 38 => # Key[↑]
if @select != -1
| 9, 40 => # Key[TAB] or Key[↓]
| _ =>
@select-next = ~>
@select-prev = ~>
if @select >= @users.length
@select = 0
if @select < 0
@select = @users.length - 1
@select-prev = ~>
@apply-select = ~>
@refs.users.children.for-each (el) ~>
el.remove-attribute \data-selected
if @select < 0
@select = @users.length - 1
@refs.users.children[@select].set-attribute \data-selected \true
@complete = (user) ~>
@opts.complete user
@apply-select = ~>
@refs.users.children.for-each (el) ~>
el.remove-attribute \data-selected
@close = ~>
@refs.users.children[@select].set-attribute \data-selected \true
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parent-node
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parent-node
return false
@complete = (user) ~>
@opts.complete user
@close = ~>
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parent-node
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parent-node
return false
@ -1,134 +1,127 @@
button(if={ !init }, class={ wait: wait, follow: !user.is_following, unfollow: user.is_following },
onclick={ onclick },
disabled={ wait },
title={ user.is_following ? 'フォロー解除' : 'フォローする' })
span(if={ !wait && user.is_following })
| フォロー解除
span(if={ !wait && !user.is_following })
| フォロー
i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse.fa-fw(if={ wait })
div.init(if={ init }): i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse.fa-fw
<button class="{ wait: wait, follow: !user.is_following, unfollow: user.is_following }" if="{ !init }" onclick="{ onclick }" disabled="{ wait }" title="{ user.is_following ? 'フォロー解除' : 'フォローする' }"><span if="{ !wait && user.is_following }"><i class="fa fa-minus"></i>フォロー解除</span><span if="{ !wait && !user.is_following }"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i>フォロー</span><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw" if="{ wait }"></i></button>
<div class="init" if="{ init }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw"></i></div>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> button
> .init
display block
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 100%
line-height 38px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
> button
> .init
display block
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 100%
line-height 38px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
pointer-events none
pointer-events none
margin-right 8px
margin-right 8px
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
font-weight bold
font-weight bold
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
cursor wait !important
opacity 0.7
cursor wait !important
opacity 0.7
@mixin \api
@mixin \is-promise
@mixin \stream
@mixin \api
@mixin \is-promise
@mixin \stream
@user = null
@user-promise = if @is-promise @opts.user then @opts.user else Promise.resolve @opts.user
@init = true
@wait = false
@user = null
@user-promise = if @is-promise @opts.user then @opts.user else Promise.resolve @opts.user
@init = true
@wait = false
@on \mount ~>
@user-promise.then (user) ~>
@user = user
@init = false
@stream.on \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.on \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.off \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on-stream-follow = (user) ~>
if user.id == @user.id
@user = user
@on-stream-unfollow = (user) ~>
if user.id == @user.id
@user = user
@onclick = ~>
@wait = true
if @user.is_following
@api \following/delete do
user_id: @user.id
.then ~>
@user.is_following = false
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
.then ~>
@wait = false
@on \mount ~>
@user-promise.then (user) ~>
@user = user
@init = false
@api \following/create do
user_id: @user.id
.then ~>
@user.is_following = true
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
.then ~>
@wait = false
@stream.on \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.on \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.off \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on-stream-follow = (user) ~>
if user.id == @user.id
@user = user
@on-stream-unfollow = (user) ~>
if user.id == @user.id
@user = user
@onclick = ~>
@wait = true
if @user.is_following
@api \following/delete do
user_id: @user.id
.then ~>
@user.is_following = false
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
.then ~>
@wait = false
@api \following/create do
user_id: @user.id
.then ~>
@user.is_following = true
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
.then ~>
@wait = false
@ -1,138 +1,139 @@
| <yield />
<mk-contextmenu><yield />
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display none
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margin 0
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display block
margin 0
padding $padding 0
list-style none
display block
display block
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margin-top $padding
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> p
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> p
cursor default
> i:last-child
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> i:last-child
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visibility visible
&:hover > ul
visibility visible
> p, a
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> p, a
background $theme-color
display block
z-index 1
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text-decoration none
cursor pointer
> p, a
display block
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0 32px 0 38px
line-height $item-height
color #868C8C
text-decoration none
cursor pointer
text-decoration none
text-decoration none
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pointer-events none
> i
width 28px
margin-left -28px
text-align center
> i
width 28px
margin-left -28px
text-align center
> p, a
text-decoration none
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color $theme-color-foreground
> p, a
text-decoration none
background $theme-color
color $theme-color-foreground
> p, a
text-decoration none
background darken($theme-color, 10%)
color $theme-color-foreground
> p, a
text-decoration none
background darken($theme-color, 10%)
color $theme-color-foreground
li > ul
visibility hidden
position absolute
top 0
left $width
margin-top -($padding)
width $width
background #fff
border-radius 0 4px 4px 4px
box-shadow 2px 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
transition visibility 0s linear 0.2s
li > ul
visibility hidden
position absolute
top 0
left $width
margin-top -($padding)
width $width
background #fff
border-radius 0 4px 4px 4px
box-shadow 2px 2px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
transition visibility 0s linear 0.2s
@root.add-event-listener \contextmenu (e) ~>
@mousedown = (e) ~>
if (!contains @root, e.target) and (@root != e.target)
return false
@root.add-event-listener \contextmenu (e) ~>
@open = (pos) ~>
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.add-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@root.style.display = \block
@root.style.left = pos.x + \px
@root.style.top = pos.y + \px
@mousedown = (e) ~>
if (!contains @root, e.target) and (@root != e.target)
return false
Velocity @root, \finish true
Velocity @root, { opacity: 0 } 0ms
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 1
} {
queue: false
duration: 100ms
easing: \linear
@open = (pos) ~>
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.add-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@root.style.display = \block
@root.style.left = pos.x + \px
@root.style.top = pos.y + \px
@close = ~>
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.remove-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@trigger \closed
Velocity @root, \finish true
Velocity @root, { opacity: 0 } 0ms
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 1
} {
queue: false
duration: 100ms
easing: \linear
@close = ~>
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.remove-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@trigger \closed
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parent-node
while (node != null)
if (node == parent)
return true
node = node.parent-node
return false
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parent-node
while (node != null)
if (node == parent)
return true
node = node.parent-node
return false
@ -1,189 +1,188 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ true }, width={ '800px' })
<yield to="header">
| { parent.title }
<yield to="content">
img@img(src={ parent.image.url + '?thumbnail&quality=80' }, alt='')
button.skip(onclick={ parent.skip }) クロップをスキップ
button.cancel(onclick={ parent.cancel }) キャンセル
button.ok(onclick={ parent.ok }) 決定
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ true }" width="{ '800px' }"><yield to="header"><i class="fa fa-crop"></i>{ parent.title }</yield>
<yield to="content">
<div class="body"><img ref="img" src="{ parent.image.url + '?thumbnail&quality=80' }" alt=""/></div>
<div class="action">
<button class="skip" onclick="{ parent.skip }">クロップをスキップ</button>
<button class="cancel" onclick="{ parent.cancel }">キャンセル</button>
<button class="ok" onclick="{ parent.ok }">決定</button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> .body
> img
width 100%
max-height 400px
> .body
> img
width 100%
max-height 400px
.cropper-modal {
opacity: 0.8;
.cropper-modal {
opacity: 0.8;
.cropper-view-box {
outline-color: $theme-color;
.cropper-view-box {
outline-color: $theme-color;
.cropper-line, .cropper-point {
background-color: $theme-color;
.cropper-line, .cropper-point {
background-color: $theme-color;
.cropper-bg {
animation: cropper-bg 0.5s linear infinite;
.cropper-bg {
animation: cropper-bg 0.5s linear infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes cropper-bg {
0% {
background-position: 0 0;
@-webkit-keyframes cropper-bg {
0% {
background-position: 0 0;
100% {
background-position: -8px -8px;
100% {
background-position: -8px -8px;
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0% {
background-position: 0 0;
@-moz-keyframes cropper-bg {
0% {
background-position: 0 0;
100% {
background-position: -8px -8px;
100% {
background-position: -8px -8px;
@-ms-keyframes cropper-bg {
0% {
background-position: 0 0;
@-ms-keyframes cropper-bg {
0% {
background-position: 0 0;
100% {
background-position: -8px -8px;
100% {
background-position: -8px -8px;
@keyframes cropper-bg {
0% {
background-position: 0 0;
@keyframes cropper-bg {
0% {
background-position: 0 0;
100% {
background-position: -8px -8px;
100% {
background-position: -8px -8px;
> .action
height 72px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
> .action
height 72px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
display block
position absolute
bottom 16px
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
height 40px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
bottom 16px
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
height 40px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
opacity 0.7
cursor default
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
width 120px
opacity 0.7
cursor default
right 16px
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
width 120px
font-weight bold
right 16px
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
font-weight bold
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
right 148px
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
left 16px
width 150px
right 148px
@mixin \cropper
left 16px
width 150px
@image = @opts.file
@title = @opts.title
@aspect-ratio = @opts.aspect-ratio
@cropper = null
@mixin \cropper
@on \mount ~>
@img = @refs.window.refs.img
@cropper = new @Cropper @img, do
aspect-ratio: @aspect-ratio
highlight: no
view-mode: 1
@image = @opts.file
@title = @opts.title
@aspect-ratio = @opts.aspect-ratio
@cropper = null
@ok = ~>
@cropper.get-cropped-canvas!.to-blob (blob) ~>
@trigger \cropped blob
@on \mount ~>
@img = @refs.window.refs.img
@cropper = new @Cropper @img, do
aspect-ratio: @aspect-ratio
highlight: no
view-mode: 1
@ok = ~>
@cropper.get-cropped-canvas!.to-blob (blob) ~>
@trigger \cropped blob
@skip = ~>
@trigger \skiped
@skip = ~>
@trigger \skiped
@cancel = ~>
@trigger \canceled
@cancel = ~>
@trigger \canceled
@ -1,87 +1,90 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ false }, width={ '700px' }, height={ '550px' })
<yield to="header">
| Debugger
<yield to="content">
h1 progress-dialog
button.style-normal(onclick={ parent.progress-dialog }): i.fa.fa-play
button.style-normal(onclick={ parent.progress-dialog-destroy }): i.fa.fa-stop
p VAL:
input@progress-value(type='number', oninput={ parent.progress-change }, value=0)
p MAX:
input@progress-max(type='number', oninput={ parent.progress-change }, value=100)
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ false }" width="{ '700px' }" height="{ '550px' }"><yield to="header"><i class="fa fa-wrench"></i>Debugger</yield>
<yield to="content">
<section class="progress-dialog">
<button class="style-normal" onclick="{ parent.progressDialog }"><i class="fa fa-play"></i></button>
<button class="style-normal" onclick="{ parent.progressDialogDestroy }"><i class="fa fa-stop"></i></button>
<input ref="progressTitle" value="Title"/>
<input ref="progressValue" type="number" oninput="{ parent.progressChange }" value="0"/>
<input ref="progressMax" type="number" oninput="{ parent.progressChange }" value="100"/>
<style type="stylus">
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
overflow auto
overflow auto
> section
padding 32px
> section
padding 32px
// & + section
// margin-top 16px
// & + section
// margin-top 16px
> h1
display block
margin 0
padding 0 0 8px 0
font-size 1em
color #555
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
> h1
display block
margin 0
padding 0 0 8px 0
font-size 1em
color #555
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
> label
display block
> label
display block
> p
display inline
margin 0
> p
display inline
margin 0
> .progress-dialog
display inline-block
margin 8px
> .progress-dialog
display inline-block
margin 8px
@mixin \open-window
@mixin \open-window
@on \mount ~>
@progress-title = @tags['mk-window'].progress-title
@progress-value = @tags['mk-window'].progress-value
@progress-max = @tags['mk-window'].progress-max
@on \mount ~>
@progress-title = @tags['mk-window'].progress-title
@progress-value = @tags['mk-window'].progress-value
@progress-max = @tags['mk-window'].progress-max
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@progress-controller = riot.observable!
@progress-controller = riot.observable!
@progress-dialog = ~>
@open-window \mk-progress-dialog do
title: @progress-title.value
value: @progress-value.value
max: @progress-max.value
controller: @progress-controller
@progress-dialog = ~>
@open-window \mk-progress-dialog do
title: @progress-title.value
value: @progress-value.value
max: @progress-max.value
controller: @progress-controller
@progress-change = ~>
@progress-controller.trigger do
@progress-change = ~>
@progress-controller.trigger do
@progress-dialog-destroy = ~>
@progress-controller.trigger \close
@progress-dialog-destroy = ~>
@progress-controller.trigger \close
@ -1,56 +1,60 @@
i: i.fa.fa-exclamation
div: p インターネット回線が遅いようです。
display block
pointer-events none
position fixed
z-index 16384
top 64px
right 16px
margin 0
padding 0
width 298px
font-size 0.9em
background #fff
box-shadow 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
opacity 0
> i
display block
width 48px
line-height 48px
margin-right 0.25em
text-align center
color $theme-color-foreground
font-size 1.5em
background $theme-color
> div
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 48px
margin 0
width 250px
height 48px
color #666
> p
<mk-detect-slow-internet-connection-notice><i><i class="fa fa-exclamation"></i></i>
<style type="stylus">
display block
pointer-events none
position fixed
z-index 16384
top 64px
right 16px
margin 0
padding 8px
padding 0
width 298px
font-size 0.9em
background #fff
box-shadow 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
opacity 0
@mixin \net
> i
display block
width 48px
line-height 48px
margin-right 0.25em
text-align center
color $theme-color-foreground
font-size 1.5em
background $theme-color
@net.on \detected-slow-network ~>
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 1
} 200ms \linear
set-timeout ~>
> div
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 48px
margin 0
width 250px
height 48px
color #666
> p
display block
margin 0
padding 8px
@mixin \net
@net.on \detected-slow-network ~>
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 0
opacity: 1
} 200ms \linear
, 10000ms
set-timeout ~>
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 0
} 200ms \linear
, 10000ms
@ -1,141 +1,147 @@
div.bg@bg(onclick={ bg-click })
virtual(each={ opts.buttons })
button(onclick={ _onclick }) { text }
<div class="bg" ref="bg" onclick="{ bgClick }"></div>
<div class="main" ref="main">
<header ref="header"></header>
<div class="body" ref="body"></div>
<div class="buttons">
<virtual each="{ opts.buttons }">
<button onclick="{ _onclick }">{ text }</button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> .bg
display block
position fixed
z-index 8192
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
opacity 0
pointer-events none
> .bg
display block
position fixed
z-index 8192
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
opacity 0
pointer-events none
> .main
display block
position fixed
z-index 8192
top 20%
left 0
right 0
margin 0 auto 0 auto
padding 32px 42px
width 480px
background #fff
> .main
display block
position fixed
z-index 8192
top 20%
left 0
right 0
margin 0 auto 0 auto
padding 32px 42px
width 480px
background #fff
> header
margin 1em 0
color $theme-color
// color #43A4EC
font-weight bold
> i
margin-right 0.5em
> .body
margin 1em 0
color #888
> .buttons
> button
display inline-block
float right
margin 0
padding 10px 10px
font-size 1.1em
font-weight normal
text-decoration none
color #888
background transparent
outline none
border none
border-radius 0
cursor pointer
transition color 0.1s ease
margin 0 0.375em
> header
margin 1em 0
color $theme-color
// color #43A4EC
font-weight bold
color darken($theme-color, 10%)
transition color 0s ease
> i
margin-right 0.5em
@can-through = if opts.can-through? then opts.can-through else true
@opts.buttons.for-each (button) ~>
button._onclick = ~>
if button.onclick?
> .body
margin 1em 0
color #888
@on \mount ~>
@refs.header.innerHTML = @opts.title
@refs.body.innerHTML = @opts.text
> .buttons
> button
display inline-block
float right
margin 0
padding 10px 10px
font-size 1.1em
font-weight normal
text-decoration none
color #888
background transparent
outline none
border none
border-radius 0
cursor pointer
transition color 0.1s ease
@refs.bg.style.pointer-events = \auto
Velocity @refs.bg, \finish true
Velocity @refs.bg, {
opacity: 1
} {
queue: false
duration: 100ms
easing: \linear
margin 0 0.375em
Velocity @refs.main, {
opacity: 0
scale: 1.2
} {
duration: 0
Velocity @refs.main, {
opacity: 1
scale: 1
} {
duration: 300ms
easing: [ 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ]
color $theme-color
@close = ~>
@refs.bg.style.pointer-events = \none
Velocity @refs.bg, \finish true
Velocity @refs.bg, {
opacity: 0
} {
queue: false
duration: 300ms
easing: \linear
color darken($theme-color, 10%)
transition color 0s ease
@refs.main.style.pointer-events = \none
Velocity @refs.main, \finish true
Velocity @refs.main, {
opacity: 0
scale: 0.8
} {
queue: false
duration: 300ms
easing: [ 0.5, -0.5, 1, 0.5 ]
complete: ~>
@can-through = if opts.can-through? then opts.can-through else true
@opts.buttons.for-each (button) ~>
button._onclick = ~>
if button.onclick?
@bg-click = ~>
if @can-through
if @opts.on-through?
@on \mount ~>
@refs.header.innerHTML = @opts.title
@refs.body.innerHTML = @opts.text
@refs.bg.style.pointer-events = \auto
Velocity @refs.bg, \finish true
Velocity @refs.bg, {
opacity: 1
} {
queue: false
duration: 100ms
easing: \linear
Velocity @refs.main, {
opacity: 0
scale: 1.2
} {
duration: 0
Velocity @refs.main, {
opacity: 1
scale: 1
} {
duration: 300ms
easing: [ 0, 0.5, 0.5, 1 ]
@close = ~>
@refs.bg.style.pointer-events = \none
Velocity @refs.bg, \finish true
Velocity @refs.bg, {
opacity: 0
} {
queue: false
duration: 300ms
easing: \linear
@refs.main.style.pointer-events = \none
Velocity @refs.main, \finish true
Velocity @refs.main, {
opacity: 0
scale: 0.8
} {
queue: false
duration: 300ms
easing: [ 0.5, -0.5, 1, 0.5 ]
complete: ~>
@bg-click = ~>
if @can-through
if @opts.on-through?
@ -1,63 +1,68 @@
button.close(onclick={ close }) 閉じる x
p 利用者の皆さま、
| 今日は、日本の皆さまにお知らせがあります。
| Misskeyの援助をお願いいたします。
| 私は独立性を守るため、一切の広告を掲載いたしません。
| 平均で約¥1,500の寄付をいただき、運営しております。
| 援助をしてくださる利用者はほんの少数です。
| お願いいたします。
| 今日、利用者の皆さまが¥300ご援助くだされば、募金活動を一時間で終了することができます。
| コーヒー1杯ほどの金額です。
| Misskeyを活用しておられるのでしたら、広告を掲載せずにもう1年活動できるよう、どうか1分だけお時間をください。
| 私は小さな非営利個人ですが、サーバー、プログラム、人件費など、世界でトップクラスのウェブサイト同等のコストがかかります。
| 利用者は何億人といますが、他の大きなサイトに比べてほんの少額の費用で運営しているのです。
| 人間の可能性、自由、そして機会。知識こそ、これらの基盤を成すものです。
| 私は、誰もが無料かつ制限なく知識に触れられるべきだと信じています。
| 募金活動を終了し、Misskeyの改善に戻れるようご援助ください。
| よろしくお願いいたします。
display block
color #fff
background #03072C
> .close
position absolute
top 16px
right 16px
z-index 1
> .message
padding 32px
font-size 1.4em
font-family serif
> p
<button class="close" onclick="{ close }">閉じる x</button>
<div class="message">
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin 0 auto
max-width 1200px
color #fff
background #03072C
> p:first-child
margin-bottom 16px
> .close
position absolute
top 16px
right 16px
z-index 1
@mixin \api
@mixin \i
> .message
padding 32px
font-size 1.4em
font-family serif
@close = (e) ~>
> p
display block
margin 0 auto
max-width 1200px
@I.data.no_donation = true
@api \i/appdata/set do
data: JSON.stringify do
no_donation: @I.data.no_donation
.then ~>
> p:first-child
margin-bottom 16px
@mixin \api
@mixin \i
@close = (e) ~>
@I.data.no_donation = true
@api \i/appdata/set do
data: JSON.stringify do
no_donation: @I.data.no_donation
.then ~>
@ -1,28 +1,31 @@
li(onclick={ parent.create-folder }): p
| フォルダーを作成
li(onclick={ parent.upload }): p
| ファイルをアップロード
<mk-contextmenu ref="ctx">
<li onclick="{ parent.createFolder }">
<p><i class="fa fa-folder-o"></i>フォルダーを作成</p>
<li onclick="{ parent.upload }">
<p><i class="fa fa-upload"></i>ファイルをアップロード</p>
@browser = @opts.browser
@browser = @opts.browser
@on \mount ~>
@refs.ctx.on \closed ~>
@trigger \closed
@on \mount ~>
@refs.ctx.on \closed ~>
@trigger \closed
@open = (pos) ~>
@refs.ctx.open pos
@open = (pos) ~>
@refs.ctx.open pos
@create-folder = ~>
@create-folder = ~>
@upload = ~>
@upload = ~>
@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ false }, width={ '800px' }, height={ '500px' })
<yield to="header">
| ドライブ
<yield to="content">
mk-drive-browser(multiple={ true }, folder={ parent.folder })
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ false }" width="{ '800px' }" height="{ '500px' }"><yield to="header"><i class="fa fa-cloud"></i>ドライブ</yield>
<yield to="content">
<mk-drive-browser multiple="{ true }" folder="{ parent.folder }"></mk-drive-browser></yield>
<style type="stylus">
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-drive-browser
height 100%
> mk-drive-browser
height 100%
@folder = if @opts.folder? then @opts.folder else null
@folder = if @opts.folder? then @opts.folder else null
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@close = ~>
@close = ~>
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -1,97 +1,103 @@
mk-contextmenu@ctx: ul
li(onclick={ parent.rename }): p
| 名前を変更
li(onclick={ parent.copy-url }): p
| URLをコピー
li: a(href={ parent.file.url + '?download' }, download={ parent.file.name }, onclick={ parent.download })
| ダウンロード
li(onclick={ parent.delete }): p
| 削除
| その他...
li(onclick={ parent.set-avatar }): p
| アバターに設定
li(onclick={ parent.set-banner }): p
| バナーに設定
li(onclick={ parent.set-wallpaper }): p
| 壁紙に設定
| アプリで開く...
li(onclick={ parent.add-app }): p
| アプリを追加...
<mk-contextmenu ref="ctx">
<li onclick="{ parent.rename }">
<p><i class="fa fa-i-cursor"></i>名前を変更</p>
<li onclick="{ parent.copyUrl }">
<p><i class="fa fa-link"></i>URLをコピー</p>
<li><a href="{ parent.file.url + '?download' }" download="{ parent.file.name }" onclick="{ parent.download }"><i class="fa fa-download"></i>ダウンロード</a></li>
<li class="separator"></li>
<li onclick="{ parent.delete }">
<p><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>削除</p>
<li class="separator"></li>
<li class="has-child">
<p>その他...<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></p>
<li onclick="{ parent.setAvatar }">
<li onclick="{ parent.setBanner }">
<li onclick="{ parent.setWallpaper }">
<li class="has-child">
<p>アプリで開く...<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i></p>
<li onclick="{ parent.addApp }">
@mixin \api
@mixin \i
@mixin \update-avatar
@mixin \update-banner
@mixin \update-wallpaper
@mixin \input-dialog
@mixin \NotImplementedException
@mixin \api
@mixin \i
@mixin \update-avatar
@mixin \update-banner
@mixin \update-wallpaper
@mixin \input-dialog
@mixin \NotImplementedException
@browser = @opts.browser
@file = @opts.file
@browser = @opts.browser
@file = @opts.file
@on \mount ~>
@refs.ctx.on \closed ~>
@trigger \closed
@on \mount ~>
@refs.ctx.on \closed ~>
@trigger \closed
@open = (pos) ~>
@refs.ctx.open pos
@open = (pos) ~>
@refs.ctx.open pos
@rename = ~>
@rename = ~>
name <~ @input-dialog do
name <~ @input-dialog do
@api \drive/files/update do
file_id: @file.id
name: name
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@api \drive/files/update do
file_id: @file.id
name: name
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@copy-url = ~>
@copy-url = ~>
@download = ~>
@download = ~>
@set-avatar = ~>
@update-avatar @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
, @file
@set-avatar = ~>
@update-avatar @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
, @file
@set-banner = ~>
@update-banner @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
, @file
@set-banner = ~>
@update-banner @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
, @file
@set-wallpaper = ~>
@update-wallpaper @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
, @file
@set-wallpaper = ~>
@update-wallpaper @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
, @file
@add-app = ~>
@add-app = ~>
@ -1,207 +1,208 @@
mk-drive-browser-file(data-is-selected={ (file._selected || false).toString() }, data-is-contextmenu-showing={ is-contextmenu-showing.toString() }, onclick={ onclick }, oncontextmenu={ oncontextmenu }, draggable='true', ondragstart={ ondragstart }, ondragend={ ondragend }, title={ title })
div.label(if={ I.avatar_id == file.id })
p アバター
div.label(if={ I.banner_id == file.id })
p バナー
div.label(if={ I.data.wallpaper == file.id })
p 壁紙
div.thumbnail: img(src={ file.url + '?thumbnail&size=128' }, alt='')
span { file.name.lastIndexOf('.') != -1 ? file.name.substr(0, file.name.lastIndexOf('.')) : file.name }
span.ext(if={ file.name.lastIndexOf('.') != -1 }) { file.name.substr(file.name.lastIndexOf('.')) }
display block
margin 4px
padding 8px 0 0 0
width 144px
height 180px
border-radius 4px
&, *
cursor pointer
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
> .label
background #0b65a5
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> .label
background #0b588c
background $theme-color
background lighten($theme-color, 10%)
background darken($theme-color, 10%)
> .label
display none
> .name
color $theme-color-foreground
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -4px
right -4px
bottom -4px
left -4px
border 2px dashed rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
<mk-drive-browser-file data-is-selected="{ (file._selected || false).toString() }" data-is-contextmenu-showing="{ isContextmenuShowing.toString() }" onclick="{ onclick }" oncontextmenu="{ oncontextmenu }" draggable="true" ondragstart="{ ondragstart }" ondragend="{ ondragend }" title="{ title }">
<div class="label" if="{ I.avatar_id == file.id }"><img src="/_/resources/label.svg"/>
<div class="label" if="{ I.banner_id == file.id }"><img src="/_/resources/label.svg"/>
<div class="label" if="{ I.data.wallpaper == file.id }"><img src="/_/resources/label.svg"/>
<div class="thumbnail"><img src="{ file.url + '?thumbnail&size=128' }" alt=""/></div>
<p class="name"><span>{ file.name.lastIndexOf('.') != -1 ? file.name.substr(0, file.name.lastIndexOf('.')) : file.name }</span><span class="ext" if="{ file.name.lastIndexOf('.') != -1 }">{ file.name.substr(file.name.lastIndexOf('.')) }</span></p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin 4px
padding 8px 0 0 0
width 144px
height 180px
border-radius 4px
> .label
position absolute
top 0
left 0
pointer-events none
&, *
cursor pointer
content ""
display block
position absolute
z-index 1
top 0
left 57px
width 28px
height 8px
background #0c7ac9
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
content ""
display block
position absolute
z-index 1
top 57px
left 0
width 8px
height 28px
background #0c7ac9
> .label
background #0b65a5
> img
position absolute
z-index 2
top 0
left 0
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> p
position absolute
z-index 3
top 19px
left -28px
width 120px
margin 0
text-align center
line-height 28px
color #fff
transform rotate(-45deg)
> .label
background #0b588c
> .thumbnail
width 128px
height 128px
left 8px
background $theme-color
> img
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 0
right 0
bottom 0
margin auto
max-width 128px
max-height 128px
pointer-events none
background lighten($theme-color, 10%)
> .name
display block
margin 4px 0 0 0
font-size 0.8em
text-align center
word-break break-all
color #444
overflow hidden
background darken($theme-color, 10%)
> .ext
opacity 0.5
> .label
display none
@mixin \i
@mixin \bytes-to-size
> .name
color $theme-color-foreground
@file = @opts.file
@browser = @parent
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -4px
right -4px
bottom -4px
left -4px
border 2px dashed rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 4px
@title = @file.name + '\n' + @file.type + ' ' + (@bytes-to-size @file.datasize)
> .label
position absolute
top 0
left 0
pointer-events none
@is-contextmenu-showing = false
content ""
display block
position absolute
z-index 1
top 0
left 57px
width 28px
height 8px
background #0c7ac9
@onclick = ~>
if @browser.multiple
if @file._selected?
@file._selected = !@file._selected
content ""
display block
position absolute
z-index 1
top 57px
left 0
width 8px
height 28px
background #0c7ac9
> img
position absolute
z-index 2
top 0
left 0
> p
position absolute
z-index 3
top 19px
left -28px
width 120px
margin 0
text-align center
line-height 28px
color #fff
transform rotate(-45deg)
> .thumbnail
width 128px
height 128px
left 8px
> img
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 0
right 0
bottom 0
margin auto
max-width 128px
max-height 128px
pointer-events none
> .name
display block
margin 4px 0 0 0
font-size 0.8em
text-align center
word-break break-all
color #444
overflow hidden
> .ext
opacity 0.5
@mixin \i
@mixin \bytes-to-size
@file = @opts.file
@browser = @parent
@title = @file.name + '\n' + @file.type + ' ' + (@bytes-to-size @file.datasize)
@is-contextmenu-showing = false
@onclick = ~>
if @browser.multiple
if @file._selected?
@file._selected = !@file._selected
@file._selected = true
@browser.trigger \change-selection @browser.get-selection!
@file._selected = true
@browser.trigger \change-selection @browser.get-selection!
if @file._selected
@browser.trigger \selected @file
@browser.files.for-each (file) ~>
file._selected = false
@file._selected = true
@browser.trigger \change-selection @file
if @file._selected
@browser.trigger \selected @file
@browser.files.for-each (file) ~>
file._selected = false
@file._selected = true
@browser.trigger \change-selection @file
@oncontextmenu = (e) ~>
@oncontextmenu = (e) ~>
@is-contextmenu-showing = true
ctx = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-drive-browser-file-contextmenu
ctx = riot.mount ctx, do
browser: @browser
file: @file
ctx = ctx.0
ctx.open do
x: e.page-x - window.page-x-offset
y: e.page-y - window.page-y-offset
ctx.on \closed ~>
@is-contextmenu-showing = false
@is-contextmenu-showing = true
return false
ctx = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-drive-browser-file-contextmenu
ctx = riot.mount ctx, do
browser: @browser
file: @file
ctx = ctx.0
ctx.open do
x: e.page-x - window.page-x-offset
y: e.page-y - window.page-y-offset
ctx.on \closed ~>
@is-contextmenu-showing = false
return false
@ondragstart = (e) ~>
e.data-transfer.effect-allowed = \move
e.data-transfer.set-data 'text' JSON.stringify do
type: \file
id: @file.id
file: @file
@is-dragging = true
@ondragstart = (e) ~>
e.data-transfer.effect-allowed = \move
e.data-transfer.set-data 'text' JSON.stringify do
type: \file
id: @file.id
file: @file
@is-dragging = true
# 親ブラウザに対して、ドラッグが開始されたフラグを立てる
# (=あなたの子供が、ドラッグを開始しましたよ)
@browser.is-drag-source = true
# 親ブラウザに対して、ドラッグが開始されたフラグを立てる
# (=あなたの子供が、ドラッグを開始しましたよ)
@browser.is-drag-source = true
@ondragend = (e) ~>
@is-dragging = false
@browser.is-drag-source = false
@ondragend = (e) ~>
@is-dragging = false
@browser.is-drag-source = false
@ -1,62 +1,66 @@
mk-contextmenu@ctx: ul
li(onclick={ parent.move }): p
| このフォルダへ移動
li(onclick={ parent.new-window }): p
| 新しいウィンドウで表示
li(onclick={ parent.rename }): p
| 名前を変更
li(onclick={ parent.delete }): p
| 削除
<mk-contextmenu ref="ctx">
<li onclick="{ parent.move }">
<p><i class="fa fa-arrow-right"></i>このフォルダへ移動</p>
<li onclick="{ parent.newWindow }">
<p><i class="fa fa-share-square-o"></i>新しいウィンドウで表示</p>
<li class="separator"></li>
<li onclick="{ parent.rename }">
<p><i class="fa fa-i-cursor"></i>名前を変更</p>
<li class="separator"></li>
<li onclick="{ parent.delete }">
<p><i class="fa fa-trash-o"></i>削除</p>
@mixin \api
@mixin \input-dialog
@mixin \api
@mixin \input-dialog
@browser = @opts.browser
@folder = @opts.folder
@browser = @opts.browser
@folder = @opts.folder
@open = (pos) ~>
@refs.ctx.open pos
@open = (pos) ~>
@refs.ctx.open pos
@refs.ctx.on \closed ~>
@trigger \closed
@refs.ctx.on \closed ~>
@trigger \closed
@move = ~>
@browser.move @folder.id
@move = ~>
@browser.move @folder.id
@new-window = ~>
@browser.new-window @folder.id
@new-window = ~>
@browser.new-window @folder.id
@create-folder = ~>
@create-folder = ~>
@upload = ~>
@upload = ~>
@rename = ~>
@rename = ~>
name <~ @input-dialog do
name <~ @input-dialog do
@api \drive/folders/update do
folder_id: @folder.id
name: name
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@api \drive/folders/update do
folder_id: @folder.id
name: name
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@ -1,183 +1,184 @@
mk-drive-browser-folder(data-is-contextmenu-showing={ is-contextmenu-showing.toString() }, data-draghover={ draghover.toString() }, onclick={ onclick }, onmouseover={ onmouseover }, onmouseout={ onmouseout }, ondragover={ ondragover }, ondragenter={ ondragenter }, ondragleave={ ondragleave }, ondrop={ ondrop }, oncontextmenu={ oncontextmenu }, draggable='true', ondragstart={ ondragstart }, ondragend={ ondragend }, title={ title })
i.fa.fa-fw(class={ fa-folder-o: !hover, fa-folder-open-o: hover })
| { folder.name }
display block
margin 4px
padding 8px
width 144px
height 64px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
border-radius 4px
&, *
cursor pointer
pointer-events none
background lighten($theme-color, 90%)
background lighten($theme-color, 85%)
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -4px
right -4px
bottom -4px
left -4px
border 2px dashed rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
<mk-drive-browser-folder data-is-contextmenu-showing="{ isContextmenuShowing.toString() }" data-draghover="{ draghover.toString() }" onclick="{ onclick }" onmouseover="{ onmouseover }" onmouseout="{ onmouseout }" ondragover="{ ondragover }" ondragenter="{ ondragenter }" ondragleave="{ ondragleave }" ondrop="{ ondrop }" oncontextmenu="{ oncontextmenu }" draggable="true" ondragstart="{ ondragstart }" ondragend="{ ondragend }" title="{ title }">
<p class="name"><i class="fa fa-fw { fa-folder-o: !hover, fa-folder-open-o: hover }"></i>{ folder.name }</p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin 4px
padding 8px
width 144px
height 64px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
border-radius 4px
background lighten($theme-color, 90%)
&, *
cursor pointer
> .name
margin 0
font-size 0.9em
color darken($theme-color, 30%)
pointer-events none
> i
margin-right 4px
margin-left 2px
text-align left
background lighten($theme-color, 90%)
@mixin \api
@mixin \dialog
background lighten($theme-color, 85%)
@folder = @opts.folder
@browser = @parent
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -4px
right -4px
bottom -4px
left -4px
border 2px dashed rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 4px
@title = @folder.name
@hover = false
@draghover = false
@is-contextmenu-showing = false
background lighten($theme-color, 90%)
@onclick = ~>
@browser.move @folder
> .name
margin 0
font-size 0.9em
color darken($theme-color, 30%)
@onmouseover = ~>
@hover = true
> i
margin-right 4px
margin-left 2px
text-align left
@onmouseout = ~>
@mixin \api
@mixin \dialog
@folder = @opts.folder
@browser = @parent
@title = @folder.name
@hover = false
@draghover = false
@is-contextmenu-showing = false
@ondragover = (e) ~>
@onclick = ~>
@browser.move @folder
# 自分自身がドラッグされていない場合
if !@is-dragging
# ドラッグされてきたものがファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.effect-allowed == \all
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \copy
@onmouseover = ~>
@hover = true
@onmouseout = ~>
@hover = false
@ondragover = (e) ~>
# 自分自身がドラッグされていない場合
if !@is-dragging
# ドラッグされてきたものがファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.effect-allowed == \all
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \copy
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \move
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \move
# 自分自身にはドロップさせない
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \none
return false
@ondragenter = ~>
if !@is-dragging
@draghover = true
@ondragleave = ~>
@draghover = false
@ondrop = (e) ~>
@draghover = false
# ファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.files.length > 0
Array.prototype.for-each.call e.data-transfer.files, (file) ~>
@browser.upload file, @folder
# 自分自身にはドロップさせない
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \none
return false
# データ取得
data = e.data-transfer.get-data 'text'
if !data?
return false
@ondragenter = ~>
if !@is-dragging
@draghover = true
# パース
obj = JSON.parse data
@ondragleave = ~>
@draghover = false
# (ドライブの)ファイルだったら
if obj.type == \file
file = obj.id
@browser.remove-file file
@api \drive/files/update do
file_id: file
folder_id: @folder.id
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err, text-status) ~>
console.error err
@ondrop = (e) ~>
@draghover = false
# (ドライブの)フォルダーだったら
else if obj.type == \folder
folder = obj.id
# 移動先が自分自身ならreject
if folder == @folder.id
# ファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.files.length > 0
Array.prototype.for-each.call e.data-transfer.files, (file) ~>
@browser.upload file, @folder
return false
@browser.remove-folder folder
@api \drive/folders/update do
folder_id: folder
parent_id: @folder.id
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err) ~>
if err == 'detected-circular-definition'
@dialog do
'<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>操作を完了できません'
text: \OK
return false
# データ取得
data = e.data-transfer.get-data 'text'
if !data?
return false
@ondragstart = (e) ~>
e.data-transfer.effect-allowed = \move
e.data-transfer.set-data 'text' JSON.stringify do
type: \folder
id: @folder.id
@is-dragging = true
# パース
obj = JSON.parse data
# 親ブラウザに対して、ドラッグが開始されたフラグを立てる
# (=あなたの子供が、ドラッグを開始しましたよ)
@browser.is-drag-source = true
# (ドライブの)ファイルだったら
if obj.type == \file
file = obj.id
@browser.remove-file file
@api \drive/files/update do
file_id: file
folder_id: @folder.id
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err, text-status) ~>
console.error err
@ondragend = (e) ~>
@is-dragging = false
@browser.is-drag-source = false
# (ドライブの)フォルダーだったら
else if obj.type == \folder
folder = obj.id
# 移動先が自分自身ならreject
if folder == @folder.id
return false
@browser.remove-folder folder
@api \drive/folders/update do
folder_id: folder
parent_id: @folder.id
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err) ~>
if err == 'detected-circular-definition'
@dialog do
'<i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i>操作を完了できません'
text: \OK
@oncontextmenu = (e) ~>
return false
@is-contextmenu-showing = true
ctx = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-drive-browser-folder-contextmenu
ctx = riot.mount ctx, do
browser: @browser
folder: @folder
ctx = ctx.0
ctx.open do
x: e.page-x - window.page-x-offset
y: e.page-y - window.page-y-offset
ctx.on \closed ~>
@is-contextmenu-showing = false
@ondragstart = (e) ~>
e.data-transfer.effect-allowed = \move
e.data-transfer.set-data 'text' JSON.stringify do
type: \folder
id: @folder.id
@is-dragging = true
# 親ブラウザに対して、ドラッグが開始されたフラグを立てる
# (=あなたの子供が、ドラッグを開始しましたよ)
@browser.is-drag-source = true
@ondragend = (e) ~>
@is-dragging = false
@browser.is-drag-source = false
@oncontextmenu = (e) ~>
@is-contextmenu-showing = true
ctx = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-drive-browser-folder-contextmenu
ctx = riot.mount ctx, do
browser: @browser
folder: @folder
ctx = ctx.0
ctx.open do
x: e.page-x - window.page-x-offset
y: e.page-y - window.page-y-offset
ctx.on \closed ~>
@is-contextmenu-showing = false
return false
return false
@ -1,96 +1,97 @@
mk-drive-browser-nav-folder(data-draghover={ draghover }, onclick={ onclick }, ondragover={ ondragover }, ondragenter={ ondragenter }, ondragleave={ ondragleave }, ondrop={ ondrop })
i.fa.fa-cloud(if={ folder == null })
span { folder == null ? 'ドライブ' : folder.name }
<mk-drive-browser-nav-folder data-draghover="{ draghover }" onclick="{ onclick }" ondragover="{ ondragover }" ondragenter="{ ondragenter }" ondragleave="{ ondragleave }" ondrop="{ ondrop }"><i class="fa fa-cloud" if="{ folder == null }"></i><span>{ folder == null ? 'ドライブ' : folder.name }</span>
<style type="stylus">
background #eee
background #eee
@mixin \api
@mixin \api
# Riotのバグでnullを渡しても""になる
# https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2080
#@folder = @opts.folder
@folder = if @opts.folder? and @opts.folder != '' then @opts.folder else null
@browser = @parent
# Riotのバグでnullを渡しても""になる
# https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2080
#@folder = @opts.folder
@folder = if @opts.folder? and @opts.folder != '' then @opts.folder else null
@browser = @parent
@hover = false
@onclick = ~>
@browser.move @folder
@onmouseover = ~>
@hover = true
@onmouseout = ~>
@hover = false
@ondragover = (e) ~>
@onclick = ~>
@browser.move @folder
# このフォルダがルートかつカレントディレクトリならドロップ禁止
if @folder == null and @browser.folder == null
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \none
# ドラッグされてきたものがファイルだったら
else if e.data-transfer.effect-allowed == \all
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \copy
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \move
return false
@onmouseover = ~>
@hover = true
@ondragenter = ~>
if @folder != null or @browser.folder != null
@draghover = true
@onmouseout = ~>
@hover = false
@ondragleave = ~>
if @folder != null or @browser.folder != null
@ondragover = (e) ~>
# このフォルダがルートかつカレントディレクトリならドロップ禁止
if @folder == null and @browser.folder == null
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \none
# ドラッグされてきたものがファイルだったら
else if e.data-transfer.effect-allowed == \all
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \copy
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \move
return false
@ondragenter = ~>
if @folder != null or @browser.folder != null
@draghover = true
@ondragleave = ~>
if @folder != null or @browser.folder != null
@draghover = false
@ondrop = (e) ~>
@draghover = false
@ondrop = (e) ~>
@draghover = false
# ファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.files.length > 0
Array.prototype.for-each.call e.data-transfer.files, (file) ~>
@browser.upload file, @folder
return false
# データ取得
data = e.data-transfer.get-data 'text'
if !data?
return false
# パース
obj = JSON.parse data
# (ドライブの)ファイルだったら
if obj.type == \file
file = obj.id
@browser.remove-file file
@api \drive/files/update do
file_id: file
folder_id: if @folder? then @folder.id else null
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err, text-status) ~>
console.error err
# (ドライブの)フォルダーだったら
else if obj.type == \folder
folder = obj.id
# 移動先が自分自身ならreject
if @folder? and folder == @folder.id
# ファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.files.length > 0
Array.prototype.for-each.call e.data-transfer.files, (file) ~>
@browser.upload file, @folder
return false
@browser.remove-folder folder
@api \drive/folders/update do
folder_id: folder
parent_id: if @folder? then @folder.id else null
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err, text-status) ~>
console.error err
return false
# データ取得
data = e.data-transfer.get-data 'text'
if !data?
return false
# パース
obj = JSON.parse data
# (ドライブの)ファイルだったら
if obj.type == \file
file = obj.id
@browser.remove-file file
@api \drive/files/update do
file_id: file
folder_id: if @folder? then @folder.id else null
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err, text-status) ~>
console.error err
# (ドライブの)フォルダーだったら
else if obj.type == \folder
folder = obj.id
# 移動先が自分自身ならreject
if @folder? and folder == @folder.id
return false
@browser.remove-folder folder
@api \drive/folders/update do
folder_id: folder
parent_id: if @folder? then @folder.id else null
.then ~>
# something
.catch (err, text-status) ~>
console.error err
return false
@ -1,34 +1,41 @@
<style type="stylus">
display block
width 70px
margin 0 auto
text-align center
display block
width 70px
margin 0 auto
text-align center
> div
display inline-block
width 18px
height 18px
background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
border-radius 100%
animation bounce 1.4s infinite ease-in-out both
> div
display inline-block
width 18px
height 18px
background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
border-radius 100%
animation bounce 1.4s infinite ease-in-out both
animation-delay 0s
animation-delay 0s
margin 0 6px
animation-delay 0.16s
margin 0 6px
animation-delay 0.16s
animation-delay 0.32s
animation-delay 0.32s
@keyframes bounce
0%, 80%, 100%
transform scale(0)
transform scale(1)
@keyframes bounce
0%, 80%, 100%
transform scale(0)
transform scale(1)
@ -1,127 +1,124 @@
button(if={ !init }, class={ wait: wait, follow: !user.is_following, unfollow: user.is_following },
onclick={ onclick },
disabled={ wait },
title={ user.is_following ? 'フォロー解除' : 'フォローする' })
i.fa.fa-minus(if={ !wait && user.is_following })
i.fa.fa-plus(if={ !wait && !user.is_following })
i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse.fa-fw(if={ wait })
div.init(if={ init }): i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse.fa-fw
<button class="{ wait: wait, follow: !user.is_following, unfollow: user.is_following }" if="{ !init }" onclick="{ onclick }" disabled="{ wait }" title="{ user.is_following ? 'フォロー解除' : 'フォローする' }"><i class="fa fa-minus" if="{ !wait && user.is_following }"></i><i class="fa fa-plus" if="{ !wait && !user.is_following }"></i><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw" if="{ wait }"></i></button>
<div class="init" if="{ init }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw"></i></div>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> button
> .init
display block
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 32px
height 32px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
> button
> .init
display block
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 32px
height 32px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
pointer-events none
pointer-events none
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
font-weight bold
font-weight bold
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
cursor wait !important
opacity 0.7
cursor wait !important
opacity 0.7
@mixin \api
@mixin \is-promise
@mixin \stream
@mixin \api
@mixin \is-promise
@mixin \stream
@user = null
@user-promise = if @is-promise @opts.user then @opts.user else Promise.resolve @opts.user
@init = true
@wait = false
@user = null
@user-promise = if @is-promise @opts.user then @opts.user else Promise.resolve @opts.user
@init = true
@wait = false
@on \mount ~>
@user-promise.then (user) ~>
@user = user
@init = false
@stream.on \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.on \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.off \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on-stream-follow = (user) ~>
if user.id == @user.id
@user = user
@on-stream-unfollow = (user) ~>
if user.id == @user.id
@user = user
@onclick = ~>
@wait = true
if @user.is_following
@api \following/delete do
user_id: @user.id
.then ~>
@user.is_following = false
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
.then ~>
@wait = false
@on \mount ~>
@user-promise.then (user) ~>
@user = user
@init = false
@api \following/create do
user_id: @user.id
.then ~>
@user.is_following = true
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
.then ~>
@wait = false
@stream.on \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.on \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.off \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on-stream-follow = (user) ~>
if user.id == @user.id
@user = user
@on-stream-unfollow = (user) ~>
if user.id == @user.id
@user = user
@onclick = ~>
@wait = true
if @user.is_following
@api \following/delete do
user_id: @user.id
.then ~>
@user.is_following = false
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
.then ~>
@wait = false
@api \following/create do
user_id: @user.id
.then ~>
@user.is_following = true
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
.then ~>
@wait = false
@ -1,163 +1,163 @@
p.title 気になるユーザーをフォロー:
div.users(if={ !loading && users.length > 0 })
div.user(each={ users })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + username })
img.avatar(src={ avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=42' }, alt='', data-user-preview={ id })
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + username }, target='_blank', data-user-preview={ id }) { name }
p.username @{ username }
mk-follow-button(user={ this })
p.empty(if={ !loading && users.length == 0 })
| おすすめのユーザーは見つかりませんでした。
p.loading(if={ loading })
| 読み込んでいます
a.refresh(onclick={ refresh }) もっと見る
button.close(onclick={ close }, title='閉じる'): i.fa.fa-times
display block
padding 24px
background #fff
> .title
margin 0 0 12px 0
font-size 1em
font-weight bold
color #888
> .users
content ""
<p class="title">気になるユーザーをフォロー:</p>
<div class="users" if="{ !loading && users.length > 0 }">
<div class="user" each="{ users }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + username }"><img class="avatar" src="{ avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=42' }" alt="" data-user-preview="{ id }"/></a>
<div class="body"><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + username }" target="_blank" data-user-preview="{ id }">{ name }</a>
<p class="username">@{ username }</p>
<mk-follow-button user="{ this }"></mk-follow-button>
<p class="empty" if="{ !loading && users.length == 0 }">おすすめのユーザーは見つかりませんでした。</p>
<p class="loading" if="{ loading }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw"></i>読み込んでいます
</p><a class="refresh" onclick="{ refresh }">もっと見る</a>
<button class="close" onclick="{ close }" title="閉じる"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
clear both
padding 24px
background #fff
> .user
padding 16px
width 238px
float left
> .title
margin 0 0 12px 0
font-size 1em
font-weight bold
color #888
content ""
display block
clear both
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 12px 0 0
> .avatar
> .users
content ""
display block
width 42px
height 42px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
clear both
> .body
float left
width calc(100% - 54px)
> .user
padding 16px
width 238px
float left
> .name
margin 0
font-size 16px
line-height 24px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 12px 0 0
> .avatar
display block
width 42px
height 42px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .body
float left
width calc(100% - 54px)
> .name
margin 0
font-size 16px
line-height 24px
color #555
> .username
margin 0
font-size 15px
line-height 16px
color #ccc
> mk-follow-button
position absolute
top 16px
right 16px
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> .loading
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> i
margin-right 4px
> .refresh
display block
margin 0 8px 0 0
text-align right
font-size 0.9em
color #999
> .close
cursor pointer
display block
position absolute
top 6px
right 6px
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.2em
color #999
border none
outline none
background transparent
color #555
> .username
margin 0
font-size 15px
line-height 16px
color #ccc
color #222
> mk-follow-button
position absolute
top 16px
right 16px
> i
padding 14px
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
@mixin \api
@mixin \user-preview
> .loading
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> i
margin-right 4px
> .refresh
display block
margin 0 8px 0 0
text-align right
font-size 0.9em
color #999
> .close
cursor pointer
display block
position absolute
top 6px
right 6px
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.2em
color #999
border none
outline none
background transparent
color #555
color #222
> i
padding 14px
@mixin \api
@mixin \user-preview
@users = null
@loading = true
@limit = 6users
@page = 0
@on \mount ~>
@load = ~>
@loading = true
@users = null
@loading = true
@api \users/recommendation do
limit: @limit
offset: @limit * @page
.then (users) ~>
@loading = false
@users = users
@limit = 6users
@page = 0
@on \mount ~>
@load = ~>
@loading = true
@users = null
.catch (err, text-status) ->
console.error err
@refresh = ~>
if @users.length < @limit
@page = 0
@api \users/recommendation do
limit: @limit
offset: @limit * @page
.then (users) ~>
@loading = false
@users = users
.catch (err, text-status) ->
console.error err
@close = ~>
@refresh = ~>
if @users.length < @limit
@page = 0
@close = ~>
@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
<button class="hidden" title="一番上へ"><i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i></button>
window.add-event-listener \load @on-scroll
window.add-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
window.add-event-listener \resize @on-scroll
window.add-event-listener \load @on-scroll
window.add-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
window.add-event-listener \resize @on-scroll
@on-scroll = ~>
if $ window .scroll-top! > 500px
@remove-class \hidden
@add-class \hidden
@on-scroll = ~>
if $ window .scroll-top! > 500px
@remove-class \hidden
@add-class \hidden
@ -1,75 +1,83 @@
svg(height='32', version='1.1', viewBox='0 0 32 32', width='32')
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path.wave.b(d='M9.58,12.22c0.5-0.5,0.5-1.34,0-1.84C8.94,9.72,8.62,8.86,8.62,8s0.32-1.72,0.96-2.38c0.5-0.52,0.5-1.34,0-1.84 C9.346,3.534,9.02,3.396,8.68,3.4c-0.32,0-0.66,0.12-0.9,0.38C6.64,4.94,6.08,6.48,6.08,8s0.58,3.06,1.7,4.22 C8.28,12.72,9.1,12.72,9.58,12.22z')
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<p><a href="https://github.com/syuilo/misskey" target="_blank">Misskeyはオープンソースで開発されています。リポジトリはこちら。</a></p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
padding 10px 10px 10px 50px
background transparent
border-color #4078c0 !important
h1 開発者募集中!
p: a(href='https://github.com/syuilo/misskey', target='_blank') Misskeyはオープンソースで開発されています。リポジトリはこちら。
content ""
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opacity 1
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@ -1,147 +1,148 @@
mk-calendar-home-widget(data-special={ special })
div.calendar(data-is-holiday={ is-holiday })
span.year { year }年
span.month { month }月
p.day { day }日
p.week-day { week-day }曜日
| 今日:
b { day-p.to-fixed(1) }%
div.val(style={ 'width:' + day-p + '%' })
<mk-calendar-home-widget data-special="{ special }">
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<p class="month-and-year"><span class="year">{ year }年</span><span class="month">{ month }月</span></p>
<p class="day">{ day }日</p>
<p class="week-day">{ weekDay }曜日</p>
<div class="info">
<p>今日:<b>{ dayP.toFixed(1) }%</b></p>
<div class="meter">
<div class="val" style="{ 'width:' + dayP + '%' }"></div>
<p>今月:<b>{ monthP.toFixed(1) }%</b></p>
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<p>今年:<b>{ yearP.toFixed(1) }%</b></p>
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<div class="val" style="{ 'width:' + yearP + '%' }"></div>
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display block
padding 16px 0
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| 今月:
b { month-p.to-fixed(1) }%
div.val(style={ 'width:' + month-p + '%' })
border-color #ef95a0 !important
| 今年:
b { year-p.to-fixed(1) }%
div.val(style={ 'width:' + year-p + '%' })
content ""
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display block
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> .day
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> .info
display block
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width 40%
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> div
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margin-bottom 4px
> .info
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width 40%
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> p
margin 0 0 2px 0
font-size 12px
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color #888
> div
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> b
margin-left 2px
margin-bottom 4px
> .meter
width 100%
overflow hidden
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> p
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color #888
> .val
height 4px
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> b
margin-left 2px
> .meter > .val
background #f7796c
> .meter
width 100%
overflow hidden
background #eee
border-radius 8px
> .meter > .val
background #a1de41
> .val
height 4px
background $theme-color
> .meter > .val
background #41ddde
> .meter > .val
background #f7796c
@draw = ~>
now = new Date!
nd = now.get-date!
nm = now.get-month!
ny = now.get-full-year!
> .meter > .val
background #a1de41
@year = ny
@month = nm + 1
@day = nd
@week-day = [\日 \月 \火 \水 \木 \金 \土][now.get-day!]
> .meter > .val
background #41ddde
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@month-denom = (new Date ny, nm + 1, 1) - (new Date ny, nm, 1)
@year-numer = (now - (new Date ny, 0, 1))
@year-denom = (new Date ny + 1, 0, 1) - (new Date ny, 0, 1)
@draw = ~>
now = new Date!
nd = now.get-date!
nm = now.get-month!
ny = now.get-full-year!
@day-p = @day-numer / @day-denom * 100
@month-p = @month-numer / @month-denom * 100
@year-p = @year-numer / @year-denom * 100
@year = ny
@month = nm + 1
@day = nd
@week-day = [\日 \月 \火 \水 \木 \金 \土][now.get-day!]
@is-holiday =
(now.get-day! == 0 or now.get-day! == 6)
@day-numer = (now - (new Date ny, nm, nd))
@day-denom = 1000ms * 60s * 60m * 24h
@month-numer = (now - (new Date ny, nm, 1))
@month-denom = (new Date ny, nm + 1, 1) - (new Date ny, nm, 1)
@year-numer = (now - (new Date ny, 0, 1))
@year-denom = (new Date ny + 1, 0, 1) - (new Date ny, 0, 1)
@special =
| nm == 0 and nd == 1 => \on-new-years-day
| _ => false
@day-p = @day-numer / @day-denom * 100
@month-p = @month-numer / @month-denom * 100
@year-p = @year-numer / @year-denom * 100
@is-holiday =
(now.get-day! == 0 or now.get-day! == 6)
@special =
| nm == 0 and nd == 1 => \on-new-years-day
| _ => false
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @draw, 1000ms
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @draw, 1000ms
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@ -1,37 +1,36 @@
| 寄付のお願い
| Misskeyの運営にはドメイン、サーバー等のコストが掛かります。
| Misskeyは広告を掲載したりしないため、 収入を皆様からの寄付に頼っています。
| もしご興味があれば、
a(href='/syuilo', data-user-preview='@syuilo') @syuilo
| までご連絡ください。ご協力ありがとうございます。
display block
background #fff
border-color #ead8bb !important
> article
padding 20px
> h1
margin 0 0 5px 0
font-size 1em
color #888
> i
margin-right 0.25em
> p
<h1><i class="fa fa-heart"></i>寄付のお願い</h1>
Misskeyは広告を掲載したりしないため、 収入を皆様からの寄付に頼っています。
もしご興味があれば、<a href="/syuilo" data-user-preview="@syuilo">@syuilo</a>までご連絡ください。ご協力ありがとうございます。
<style type="stylus">
display block
z-index 1
margin 0
font-size 0.8em
color #999
background #fff
border-color #ead8bb !important
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padding 20px
> h1
margin 0 0 5px 0
font-size 1em
color #888
> i
margin-right 0.25em
> p
display block
z-index 1
margin 0
font-size 0.8em
color #999
<script>@mixin \user-preview</script>
@ -1,117 +1,112 @@
span(data-is-active={ mode == 'all' }, onclick={ set-mode.bind(this, 'all') }) すべて
span(data-is-active={ mode == 'following' }, onclick={ set-mode.bind(this, 'following') }) フォロー中
div.loading(if={ is-loading })
p.empty(if={ is-empty })
span(if={ mode == 'all' }) あなた宛ての投稿はありません。
span(if={ mode == 'following' }) あなたがフォローしているユーザーからの言及はありません。
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> .empty
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padding 64px 0
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tag = e.target.tag-name.to-lower-case!
if tag != \input and tag != \textarea
if e.which == 84 # t
> .empty
display block
margin 0 auto
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text-align center
color #999
@fetch = (cb) ~>
@api \posts/mentions do
following: @mode == \following
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@is-loading = false
@is-empty = posts.length == 0
> i
display block
margin-bottom 16px
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tag = e.target.tag-name.to-lower-case!
if tag != \input and tag != \textarea
if e.which == 84 # t
@fetch = (cb) ~>
@api \posts/mentions do
following: @mode == \following
.then (posts) ~>
@is-loading = false
@is-empty = posts.length == 0
@refs.timeline.set-posts posts
if cb? then cb!
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
if cb? then cb!
@more = ~>
if @more-loading or @is-loading or @refs.timeline.posts.length == 0
@more-loading = true
@refs.timeline.set-posts posts
if cb? then cb!
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
if cb? then cb!
@api \posts/mentions do
following: @mode == \following
max_id: @refs.timeline.tail!.id
.then (posts) ~>
@more-loading = false
@refs.timeline.prepend-posts posts
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@more = ~>
if @more-loading or @is-loading or @refs.timeline.posts.length == 0
@more-loading = true
@api \posts/mentions do
following: @mode == \following
max_id: @refs.timeline.tail!.id
.then (posts) ~>
@more-loading = false
@refs.timeline.prepend-posts posts
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
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current = window.scroll-y + window.inner-height
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mode: mode
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@update do
mode: mode
@ -1,23 +1,21 @@
a(href={ CONFIG.urls.about }) Misskeyについて
i ・
a(href={ CONFIG.urls.about + '/status' }) ステータス
i ・
a(href='https://github.com/syuilo/misskey') リポジトリ
i ・
a(href={ CONFIG.urls.dev }) 開発者
i ・
a(href='https://twitter.com/misskey_xyz', target='_blank') Follow us on <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i>
<mk-nav-home-widget><a href="{ CONFIG.urls.about }">Misskeyについて</a><i>・</i><a href="{ CONFIG.urls.about + '/status' }">ステータス</a><i>・</i><a href="https://github.com/syuilo/misskey">リポジトリ</a><i>・</i><a href="{ CONFIG.urls.dev }">開発者</a><i>・</i><a href="https://twitter.com/misskey_xyz" target="_blank">Follow us on <i class="fa fa-twitter"></i></a>
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display block
padding 16px
font-size 12px
color #aaa
background #fff
display block
padding 16px
font-size 12px
color #aaa
background #fff
color #999
color #999
color #ccc
color #ccc
@ -1,49 +1,50 @@
| 通知
button(onclick={ settings }, title='通知の設定'): i.fa.fa-cog
<p class="title"><i class="fa fa-bell-o"></i>通知</p>
<button onclick="{ settings }" title="通知の設定"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i></button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
background #fff
display block
background #fff
> .title
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0 16px
line-height 42px
font-size 0.9em
font-weight bold
color #888
box-shadow 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)
> .title
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0 16px
line-height 42px
font-size 0.9em
font-weight bold
color #888
box-shadow 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)
> i
margin-right 4px
> i
margin-right 4px
> button
position absolute
z-index 2
top 0
right 0
padding 0
width 42px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 42px
color #ccc
> button
position absolute
z-index 2
top 0
right 0
padding 0
width 42px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 42px
color #ccc
color #aaa
color #aaa
color #999
color #999
> mk-notifications
max-height 300px
overflow auto
> mk-notifications
max-height 300px
overflow auto
@settings = ~>
w = riot.mount document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-settings-window .0
w.switch \notification
@settings = ~>
w = riot.mount document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-settings-window .0
w.switch \notification
@ -1,86 +1,87 @@
| フォトストリーム
p.initializing(if={ initializing })
| 読み込んでいます
div.stream(if={ !initializing && images.length > 0 })
virtual(each={ image in images })
div.img(style={ 'background-image: url(' + image.url + '?thumbnail&size=256)' })
p.empty(if={ !initializing && images.length == 0 })
| 写真はありません
<p class="title"><i class="fa fa-camera"></i>フォトストリーム</p>
<p class="initializing" if="{ initializing }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw"></i>読み込んでいます
<div class="stream" if="{ !initializing && images.length > 0 }">
<virtual each="{ image in images }">
<div class="img" style="{ 'background-image: url(' + image.url + '?thumbnail&size=256)' }"></div>
<p class="empty" if="{ !initializing && images.length == 0 }">写真はありません</p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
background #fff
display block
background #fff
> .title
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0 16px
line-height 42px
font-size 0.9em
font-weight bold
color #888
box-shadow 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)
> .title
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0 16px
line-height 42px
font-size 0.9em
font-weight bold
color #888
box-shadow 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)
> i
margin-right 4px
> i
margin-right 4px
> .stream
display -webkit-flex
display -moz-flex
display -ms-flex
display flex
justify-content center
flex-wrap wrap
padding 8px
> .stream
display -webkit-flex
display -moz-flex
display -ms-flex
display flex
justify-content center
flex-wrap wrap
padding 8px
> .img
flex 1 1 33%
width 33%
height 80px
background-position center center
background-size cover
background-clip content-box
border solid 2px transparent
> .img
flex 1 1 33%
width 33%
height 80px
background-position center center
background-size cover
background-clip content-box
border solid 2px transparent
> .initializing
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> .initializing
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> i
margin-right 4px
> i
margin-right 4px
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
@images = []
@initializing = true
@images = []
@initializing = true
@on \mount ~>
@stream.on \drive_file_created @on-stream-drive-file-created
@on \mount ~>
@stream.on \drive_file_created @on-stream-drive-file-created
@api \drive/stream do
type: 'image/*'
limit: 9images
.then (images) ~>
@initializing = false
@images = images
@api \drive/stream do
type: 'image/*'
limit: 9images
.then (images) ~>
@initializing = false
@images = images
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \drive_file_created @on-stream-drive-file-created
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \drive_file_created @on-stream-drive-file-created
@on-stream-drive-file-created = (file) ~>
if /^image\/.+$/.test file.type
@images.unshift file
if @images.length > 9
@on-stream-drive-file-created = (file) ~>
if /^image\/.+$/.test file.type
@images.unshift file
if @images.length > 9
@ -1,55 +1,56 @@
div.banner(style={ I.banner_url ? 'background-image: url(' + I.banner_url + '?thumbnail&size=256)' : '' }, onclick={ set-banner })
img.avatar(src={ I.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, onclick={ set-avatar }, alt='avatar', data-user-preview={ I.id })
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + I.username }) { I.name }
p.username @{ I.username }
<div class="banner" style="{ I.banner_url ? 'background-image: url(' + I.banner_url + '?thumbnail&size=256)' : '' }" onclick="{ setBanner }"></div><img class="avatar" src="{ I.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" onclick="{ setAvatar }" alt="avatar" data-user-preview="{ I.id }"/><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + I.username }">{ I.name }</a>
<p class="username">@{ I.username }</p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
background #fff
display block
background #fff
> .banner
height 100px
background-color #f5f5f5
background-size cover
background-position center
> .banner
height 100px
background-color #f5f5f5
background-size cover
background-position center
> .avatar
display block
position absolute
top 76px
left 16px
width 58px
height 58px
margin 0
border solid 3px #fff
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .avatar
display block
position absolute
top 76px
left 16px
width 58px
height 58px
margin 0
border solid 3px #fff
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .name
display block
margin 10px 0 0 92px
line-height 16px
font-weight bold
color #555
> .name
display block
margin 10px 0 0 92px
line-height 16px
font-weight bold
color #555
> .username
display block
margin 4px 0 8px 92px
line-height 16px
font-size 0.9em
color #999
> .username
display block
margin 4px 0 8px 92px
line-height 16px
font-size 0.9em
color #999
@mixin \i
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \update-avatar
@mixin \update-banner
@mixin \i
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \update-avatar
@mixin \update-banner
@set-avatar = ~>
@update-avatar @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
@set-avatar = ~>
@update-avatar @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
@set-banner = ~>
@update-banner @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
@set-banner = ~>
@update-banner @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
@ -1,94 +1,94 @@
button(onclick={ settings }, title='設定'): i.fa.fa-cog
div.feed(if={ !initializing })
virtual(each={ item in items })
a(href={ item.link }, target='_blank') { item.title }
p.initializing(if={ initializing })
| 読み込んでいます
display block
background #fff
> .title
margin 0
padding 0 16px
line-height 42px
font-size 0.9em
font-weight bold
color #888
box-shadow 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)
> i
margin-right 4px
> button
position absolute
top 0
right 0
padding 0
width 42px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 42px
color #ccc
color #aaa
color #999
> .feed
padding 12px 16px
font-size 0.9em
> a
<p class="title"><i class="fa fa-rss-square"></i>RSS</p>
<button onclick="{ settings }" title="設定"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i></button>
<div class="feed" if="{ !initializing }">
<virtual each="{ item in items }"><a href="{ item.link }" target="_blank">{ item.title }</a></virtual>
<p class="initializing" if="{ initializing }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw"></i>読み込んでいます
<style type="stylus">
display block
padding 4px 0
color #666
border-bottom dashed 1px #eee
background #fff
border-bottom none
> .title
margin 0
padding 0 16px
line-height 42px
font-size 0.9em
font-weight bold
color #888
box-shadow 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.07)
> .initializing
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> i
margin-right 4px
> i
margin-right 4px
> button
position absolute
top 0
right 0
padding 0
width 42px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 42px
color #ccc
@mixin \api
@mixin \NotImplementedException
color #aaa
@url = 'http://news.yahoo.co.jp/pickup/rss.xml'
@items = []
@initializing = true
color #999
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @fetch, 60000ms
> .feed
padding 12px 16px
font-size 0.9em
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
> a
display block
padding 4px 0
color #666
border-bottom dashed 1px #eee
@fetch = ~>
@api CONFIG.url + '/api:rss' do
url: @url
.then (feed) ~>
@items = feed.rss.channel.item
@initializing = false
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
border-bottom none
@settings = ~>
> .initializing
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> i
margin-right 4px
@mixin \api
@mixin \NotImplementedException
@url = 'http://news.yahoo.co.jp/pickup/rss.xml'
@items = []
@initializing = true
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @fetch, 60000ms
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@fetch = ~>
@api CONFIG.url + '/api:rss' do
url: @url
.then (feed) ~>
@items = feed.rss.channel.item
@initializing = false
.catch (err) ->
console.error err
@settings = ~>
@ -1,113 +1,111 @@
mk-following-setuper(if={ no-following })
div.loading(if={ is-loading })
p.empty(if={ is-empty })
| 自分の投稿や、自分がフォローしているユーザーの投稿が表示されます。
<yield to="footer">
i.fa.fa-moon-o(if={ !parent.more-loading })
i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse.fa-fw(if={ parent.more-loading })
display block
background #fff
> mk-following-setuper
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
> .loading
padding 64px 0
> .empty
display block
margin 0 auto
padding 32px
max-width 400px
text-align center
color #999
> i
<mk-following-setuper if="{ noFollowing }"></mk-following-setuper>
<div class="loading" if="{ isLoading }">
<p class="empty" if="{ isEmpty }"><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i>自分の投稿や、自分がフォローしているユーザーの投稿が表示されます。</p>
<mk-timeline ref="timeline"><yield to="footer"><i class="fa fa-moon-o" if="{ !parent.moreLoading }"></i><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw" if="{ parent.moreLoading }"></i></yield></mk-timeline>
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin-bottom 16px
font-size 3em
color #ccc
background #fff
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
> mk-following-setuper
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
@is-loading = true
@is-empty = false
@more-loading = false
@no-following = @I.following_count == 0
> .loading
padding 64px 0
@on \mount ~>
@stream.on \post @on-stream-post
@stream.on \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.on \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
> .empty
display block
margin 0 auto
padding 32px
max-width 400px
text-align center
color #999
document.add-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
window.add-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
> i
display block
margin-bottom 16px
font-size 3em
color #ccc
@load ~>
@trigger \loaded
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \post @on-stream-post
@stream.off \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.off \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
document.remove-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
window.remove-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
@on-document-keydown = (e) ~>
tag = e.target.tag-name.to-lower-case!
if tag != \input and tag != \textarea
if e.which == 84 # t
@load = (cb) ~>
@api \posts/timeline
.then (posts) ~>
@is-loading = false
@is-empty = posts.length == 0
@refs.timeline.set-posts posts
if cb? then cb!
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
if cb? then cb!
@more = ~>
if @more-loading or @is-loading or @refs.timeline.posts.length == 0
@more-loading = true
@api \posts/timeline do
max_id: @refs.timeline.tail!.id
.then (posts) ~>
@more-loading = false
@refs.timeline.prepend-posts posts
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@on-stream-post = (post) ~>
@is-loading = true
@is-empty = false
@refs.timeline.add-post post
@more-loading = false
@no-following = @I.following_count == 0
@on-stream-follow = ~>
@on \mount ~>
@stream.on \post @on-stream-post
@stream.on \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.on \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
@on-stream-unfollow = ~>
document.add-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
window.add-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
@on-scroll = ~>
current = window.scroll-y + window.inner-height
if current > document.body.offset-height - 8
@load ~>
@trigger \loaded
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \post @on-stream-post
@stream.off \follow @on-stream-follow
@stream.off \unfollow @on-stream-unfollow
document.remove-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
window.remove-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
@on-document-keydown = (e) ~>
tag = e.target.tag-name.to-lower-case!
if tag != \input and tag != \textarea
if e.which == 84 # t
@load = (cb) ~>
@api \posts/timeline
.then (posts) ~>
@is-loading = false
@is-empty = posts.length == 0
@refs.timeline.set-posts posts
if cb? then cb!
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
if cb? then cb!
@more = ~>
if @more-loading or @is-loading or @refs.timeline.posts.length == 0
@more-loading = true
@api \posts/timeline do
max_id: @refs.timeline.tail!.id
.then (posts) ~>
@more-loading = false
@refs.timeline.prepend-posts posts
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@on-stream-post = (post) ~>
@is-empty = false
@refs.timeline.add-post post
@on-stream-follow = ~>
@on-stream-unfollow = ~>
@on-scroll = ~>
current = window.scroll-y + window.inner-height
if current > document.body.offset-height - 8
@ -1,70 +1,71 @@
<p ref="tip"><i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o"></i><span ref="text"></span></p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
background transparent !important
border none !important
overflow visible !important
display block
background transparent !important
border none !important
overflow visible !important
> p
display block
margin 0
padding 0 12px
text-align center
font-size 0.7em
color #999
> p
display block
margin 0
padding 0 12px
text-align center
font-size 0.7em
color #999
> i
margin-right 4px
> i
margin-right 4px
display inline
padding 0 6px
margin 0 2px
font-size 1em
font-family inherit
border solid 1px #999
border-radius 2px
display inline
padding 0 6px
margin 0 2px
font-size 1em
font-family inherit
border solid 1px #999
border-radius 2px
@tips = [
'MisskeyはMIT Licenseです'
@tips = [
'MisskeyはMIT Licenseです'
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @change, 20000ms
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @change, 20000ms
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@set = ~>
@refs.text.innerHTML = @tips[Math.floor Math.random! * @tips.length]
@set = ~>
@refs.text.innerHTML = @tips[Math.floor Math.random! * @tips.length]
@change = ~>
Velocity @refs.tip, {
opacity: 0
} {
duration: 500ms
easing: \linear
complete: @set
@change = ~>
Velocity @refs.tip, {
opacity: 0
} {
duration: 500ms
easing: \linear
complete: @set
Velocity @refs.tip, {
opacity: 1
} {
duration: 500ms
easing: \linear
Velocity @refs.tip, {
opacity: 1
} {
duration: 500ms
easing: \linear
@ -1,154 +1,152 @@
| おすすめユーザー
button(onclick={ refresh }, title='他を見る'): i.fa.fa-refresh
div.user(if={ !loading && users.length != 0 }, each={ _user in users })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + _user.username })
img.avatar(src={ _user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=42' }, alt='', data-user-preview={ _user.id })
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + _user.username }, data-user-preview={ _user.id }) { _user.name }
p.username @{ _user.username }
mk-follow-button(user={ _user })
p.empty(if={ !loading && users.length == 0 })
| いません!
p.loading(if={ loading })
| 読み込んでいます
display block
background #fff
> .title
margin 0
padding 0 16px
line-height 42px
font-size 0.9em
font-weight bold
color #888
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
> i
margin-right 4px
> button
position absolute
z-index 2
top 0
right 0
padding 0
width 42px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 42px
color #ccc
color #aaa
color #999
> .user
padding 16px
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
border-bottom none
content ""
<p class="title"><i class="fa fa-users"></i>おすすめユーザー</p>
<button onclick="{ refresh }" title="他を見る"><i class="fa fa-refresh"></i></button>
<div class="user" if="{ !loading && users.length != 0 }" each="{ _user in users }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + _user.username }"><img class="avatar" src="{ _user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=42' }" alt="" data-user-preview="{ _user.id }"/></a>
<div class="body"><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + _user.username }" data-user-preview="{ _user.id }">{ _user.name }</a>
<p class="username">@{ _user.username }</p>
<mk-follow-button user="{ _user }"></mk-follow-button>
<p class="empty" if="{ !loading && users.length == 0 }">いません!</p>
<p class="loading" if="{ loading }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw"></i>読み込んでいます
<style type="stylus">
display block
clear both
background #fff
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 12px 0 0
> .title
margin 0
padding 0 16px
line-height 42px
font-size 0.9em
font-weight bold
color #888
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
> .avatar
display block
> i
margin-right 4px
> button
position absolute
z-index 2
top 0
right 0
padding 0
width 42px
height 42px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .body
float left
width calc(100% - 54px)
> .name
margin 0
font-size 16px
line-height 24px
color #555
> .username
display block
margin 0
font-size 15px
line-height 16px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 42px
color #ccc
> mk-follow-button
position absolute
top 16px
right 16px
color #aaa
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
color #999
> .loading
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> .user
padding 16px
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
> i
margin-right 4px
border-bottom none
@mixin \api
@mixin \user-preview
content ""
display block
clear both
@users = null
@loading = true
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 12px 0 0
@limit = 3users
@page = 0
> .avatar
display block
width 42px
height 42px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval ~>
if @users.length < @limit
@fetch true
, 60000ms
> .body
float left
width calc(100% - 54px)
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
> .name
margin 0
font-size 16px
line-height 24px
color #555
> .username
display block
margin 0
font-size 15px
line-height 16px
color #ccc
> mk-follow-button
position absolute
top 16px
right 16px
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> .loading
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> i
margin-right 4px
@mixin \api
@mixin \user-preview
@fetch = (quiet = false) ~>
@loading = true
@users = null
if not quiet then @update!
@api \users/recommendation do
limit: @limit
offset: @limit * @page
.then (users) ~>
@loading = false
@users = users
.catch (err, text-status) ->
console.error err
@loading = true
@refresh = ~>
if @users.length < @limit
@page = 0
@limit = 3users
@page = 0
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval ~>
if @users.length < @limit
@fetch true
, 60000ms
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@fetch = (quiet = false) ~>
@loading = true
@users = null
if not quiet then @update!
@api \users/recommendation do
limit: @limit
offset: @limit * @page
.then (users) ~>
@loading = false
@users = users
.catch (err, text-status) ->
console.error err
@refresh = ~>
if @users.length < @limit
@page = 0
@ -1,86 +1,91 @@
mk-timeline-home-widget@tl(if={ mode == 'timeline' })
mk-mentions-home-widget@tl(if={ mode == 'mentions' })
display block
> .main
margin 0 auto
max-width 1200px
content ""
<div class="main">
<div class="left" ref="left"></div>
<mk-timeline-home-widget ref="tl" if="{ mode == 'timeline' }"></mk-timeline-home-widget>
<mk-mentions-home-widget ref="tl" if="{ mode == 'mentions' }"></mk-mentions-home-widget>
<div class="right" ref="right"></div>
<style type="stylus">
display block
clear both
> *
float left
> *
display block
//border solid 1px #eaeaea
border solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075)
border-radius 6px
overflow hidden
margin-bottom 16px
> main
padding 16px
width calc(100% - 275px * 2)
> *:not(main)
width 275px
> .left
padding 16px 0 16px 16px
> .right
padding 16px 16px 16px 0
@media (max-width 1100px)
> *:not(main)
display none
> main
float none
width 100%
max-width 700px
> .main
margin 0 auto
max-width 1200px
@mixin \i
@mode = @opts.mode || \timeline
content ""
display block
clear both
# https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2080
if @mode == '' then @mode = \timeline
> *
float left
@home = []
> *
display block
//border solid 1px #eaeaea
border solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075)
border-radius 6px
overflow hidden
@on \mount ~>
@refs.tl.on \loaded ~>
@trigger \loaded
margin-bottom 16px
@I.data.home.for-each (widget) ~>
el = document.create-element \mk- + widget.name + \-home-widget
switch widget.place
| \left => @refs.left.append-child el
| \right => @refs.right.append-child el
@home.push (riot.mount el, do
id: widget.id
data: widget.data
catch e
# noop
> main
padding 16px
width calc(100% - 275px * 2)
@on \unmount ~>
@home.for-each (widget) ~>
> *:not(main)
width 275px
> .left
padding 16px 0 16px 16px
> .right
padding 16px 16px 16px 0
@media (max-width 1100px)
> *:not(main)
display none
> main
float none
width 100%
max-width 700px
margin 0 auto
@mixin \i
@mode = @opts.mode || \timeline
# https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2080
if @mode == '' then @mode = \timeline
@home = []
@on \mount ~>
@refs.tl.on \loaded ~>
@trigger \loaded
@I.data.home.for-each (widget) ~>
el = document.create-element \mk- + widget.name + \-home-widget
switch widget.place
| \left => @refs.left.append-child el
| \right => @refs.right.append-child el
@home.push (riot.mount el, do
id: widget.id
data: widget.data
catch e
# noop
@on \unmount ~>
@home.for-each (widget) ~>
@ -1,73 +1,75 @@
div.bg@bg(onclick={ close })
img@img(src={ image.url }, alt={ image.name }, title={ image.name }, onclick={ close })
<div class="bg" ref="bg" onclick="{ close }"></div><img ref="img" src="{ image.url }" alt="{ image.name }" title="{ image.name }" onclick="{ close }"/>
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display block
position fixed
z-index 2048
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
opacity 0
display block
position fixed
z-index 2048
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
opacity 0
> .bg
display block
position fixed
z-index 1
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
> .bg
display block
position fixed
z-index 1
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height 100%
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
> img
position fixed
z-index 2
top 0
right 0
bottom 0
left 0
max-width 100%
max-height 100%
margin auto
cursor zoom-out
> img
position fixed
z-index 2
top 0
right 0
bottom 0
left 0
max-width 100%
max-height 100%
margin auto
cursor zoom-out
@image = @opts.image
@image = @opts.image
@on \mount ~>
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 1
} {
duration: 100ms
easing: \linear
@on \mount ~>
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 1
} {
duration: 100ms
easing: \linear
#Velocity @img, {
# scale: 1
# opacity: 1
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# duration: 200ms
# easing: \ease-out
#Velocity @img, {
# scale: 1
# opacity: 1
#} {
# duration: 200ms
# easing: \ease-out
@close = ~>
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 0
} {
duration: 100ms
easing: \linear
complete: ~> @unmount!
@close = ~>
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 0
} {
duration: 100ms
easing: \linear
complete: ~> @unmount!
#Velocity @img, {
# scale: 0.9
# opacity: 0
#} {
# duration: 200ms
# easing: \ease-in
# complete: ~>
# @unmount!
#Velocity @img, {
# scale: 0.9
# opacity: 0
#} {
# duration: 200ms
# easing: \ease-in
# complete: ~>
# @unmount!
@ -1,43 +1,45 @@
div.image@view(onmousemove={ mousemove }, style={ 'background-image: url(' + image.url + '?thumbnail' }, onclick={ click })
img(src={ image.url + '?thumbnail&size=512' }, alt={ image.name }, title={ image.name })
display block
padding 8px
overflow hidden
box-shadow 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
border-radius 4px
> .image
cursor zoom-in
> img
<div class="image" ref="view" onmousemove="{ mousemove }" style="{ 'background-image: url(' + image.url + '?thumbnail' }" onclick="{ click }"><img src="{ image.url + '?thumbnail&size=512' }" alt="{ image.name }" title="{ image.name }"/></div>
<style type="stylus">
display block
max-height 256px
max-width 100%
margin 0 auto
padding 8px
overflow hidden
box-shadow 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
border-radius 4px
> img
visibility hidden
> .image
cursor zoom-in
background-image none !important
> img
display block
max-height 256px
max-width 100%
margin 0 auto
@images = @opts.images
@image = @images.0
> img
visibility hidden
@mousemove = (e) ~>
rect = @refs.view.get-bounding-client-rect!
mouse-x = e.client-x - rect.left
mouse-y = e.client-y - rect.top
xp = mouse-x / @refs.view.offset-width * 100
yp = mouse-y / @refs.view.offset-height * 100
@refs.view.style.background-position = xp + '% ' + yp + '%'
background-image none !important
@click = ~>
dialog = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-image-dialog
riot.mount dialog, do
image: @image
@images = @opts.images
@image = @images.0
@mousemove = (e) ~>
rect = @refs.view.get-bounding-client-rect!
mouse-x = e.client-x - rect.left
mouse-y = e.client-y - rect.top
xp = mouse-x / @refs.view.offset-width * 100
yp = mouse-y / @refs.view.offset-height * 100
@refs.view.style.background-position = xp + '% ' + yp + '%'
@click = ~>
dialog = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-image-dialog
riot.mount dialog, do
image: @image
@ -1,156 +1,157 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ true }, width={ '500px' })
<yield to="header">
| { parent.title }
<yield to="content">
input@text(oninput={ parent.update }, onkeydown={ parent.on-keydown }, placeholder={ parent.placeholder })
button.cancel(onclick={ parent.cancel }) キャンセル
button.ok(disabled={ !parent.allow-empty && refs.text.value.length == 0 }, onclick={ parent.ok }) 決定
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ true }" width="{ '500px' }"><yield to="header"><i class="fa fa-i-cursor"></i>{ parent.title }</yield>
<yield to="content">
<div class="body">
<input ref="text" oninput="{ parent.update }" onkeydown="{ parent.onKeydown }" placeholder="{ parent.placeholder }"/>
<div class="action">
<button class="cancel" onclick="{ parent.cancel }">キャンセル</button>
<button class="ok" disabled="{ !parent.allowEmpty && refs.text.value.length == 0 }" onclick="{ parent.ok }">決定</button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> .body
padding 16px
> .body
padding 16px
> input
display block
padding 8px
margin 0
width 100%
max-width 100%
min-width 100%
font-size 1em
color #333
background #fff
outline none
border solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
border-radius 4px
transition border-color .3s ease
> input
display block
padding 8px
margin 0
width 100%
max-width 100%
min-width 100%
font-size 1em
color #333
background #fff
outline none
border solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
border-radius 4px
transition border-color .3s ease
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
transition border-color .1s ease
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
transition border-color .1s ease
color $theme-color
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
transition border-color 0s ease
color $theme-color
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
transition border-color 0s ease
color rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
color rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
> .action
height 72px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
> .action
height 72px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
display block
position absolute
bottom 16px
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 120px
height 40px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
bottom 16px
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 120px
height 40px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
opacity 0.7
cursor default
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
right 16px
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
opacity 0.7
cursor default
font-weight bold
right 16px
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
font-weight bold
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
right 148px
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
right 148px
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
@done = false
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
@title = @opts.title
@placeholder = @opts.placeholder
@default = @opts.default
@allow-empty = if @opts.allow-empty? then @opts.allow-empty else true
@on \mount ~>
@text = @refs.window.refs.text
if @default?
@text.value = @default
@refs.window.on \closing ~>
if @done
@opts.on-ok @text.value
if @opts.on-cancel?
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@cancel = ~>
@done = false
@ok = ~>
if not @allow-empty and @text.value == '' then return
@done = true
@title = @opts.title
@placeholder = @opts.placeholder
@default = @opts.default
@allow-empty = if @opts.allow-empty? then @opts.allow-empty else true
@on-keydown = (e) ~>
if e.which == 13 # Enter
@on \mount ~>
@text = @refs.window.refs.text
if @default?
@text.value = @default
@refs.window.on \closing ~>
if @done
@opts.on-ok @text.value
if @opts.on-cancel?
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@cancel = ~>
@done = false
@ok = ~>
if not @allow-empty and @text.value == '' then return
@done = true
@on-keydown = (e) ~>
if e.which == 13 # Enter
@ -1,100 +1,98 @@
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + user.username })
img.avatar(src={ user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='avatar')
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + user.username })
| { user.name }
| @{ user.username }
p.followed(if={ user.is_followed }) フォローされています
div.bio { user.bio }
mk-follow-button(user={ user })
display block
margin 0
padding 16px
font-size 16px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 16px 0 0
> .avatar
<mk-list-user><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + user.username }"><img class="avatar" src="{ user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt="avatar"/></a>
<div class="main">
<div class="left"><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + user.username }">{ user.name }</a><span class="username">@{ user.username }</span></div>
<div class="body">
<p class="followed" if="{ user.is_followed }">フォローされています</p>
<div class="bio">{ user.bio }</div>
<mk-follow-button user="{ user }"></mk-follow-button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
width 58px
height 58px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 74px)
> header
margin-bottom 2px
white-space nowrap
padding 16px
font-size 16px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .left
float left
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #777
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #ccc
> .body
> .followed
display inline-block
margin 0 0 4px 0
padding 2px 8px
vertical-align top
font-size 10px
color #71afc7
background #eefaff
border-radius 4px
> .bio
cursor default
> .avatar-anchor
display block
margin 0
padding 0
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
float left
margin 0 16px 0 0
> mk-follow-button
position absolute
top 16px
right 16px
> .avatar
display block
width 58px
height 58px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
@user = @opts.user
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 74px)
> header
margin-bottom 2px
white-space nowrap
content ""
display block
clear both
> .left
float left
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #777
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #ccc
> .body
> .followed
display inline-block
margin 0 0 4px 0
padding 2px 8px
vertical-align top
font-size 10px
color #71afc7
background #eefaff
border-radius 4px
> .bio
cursor default
display block
margin 0
padding 0
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
> mk-follow-button
position absolute
top 16px
right 16px
<script>@user = @opts.user</script>
@ -1,162 +1,161 @@
textarea@text(onkeypress={ onkeypress }, onpaste={ onpaste }, placeholder='ここにメッセージを入力')
button.send(onclick={ send }, disabled={ sending }, title='メッセージを送信')
i.fa.fa-paper-plane(if={ !sending })
i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-spin(if={ sending })
button.attach-from-local(type='button', title='PCから画像を添付する')
button.attach-from-drive(type='button', title='アルバムから画像を添付する')
input(name='file', type='file', accept='image/*')
display block
> textarea
cursor auto
display block
width 100%
min-width 100%
max-width 100%
height 64px
margin 0
padding 8px
font-size 1em
color #000
outline none
border none
border-top solid 1px #eee
border-radius 0
box-shadow none
background transparent
> .send
position absolute
bottom 0
right 0
margin 0
padding 10px 14px
line-height 1em
font-size 1em
color #aaa
transition color 0.1s ease
color $theme-color
color darken($theme-color, 10%)
transition color 0s ease
display block
margin 0
padding 0 8px
list-style none
content ''
<textarea ref="text" onkeypress="{ onkeypress }" onpaste="{ onpaste }" placeholder="ここにメッセージを入力"></textarea>
<div class="files"></div>
<mk-uploader ref="uploader"></mk-uploader>
<button class="send" onclick="{ send }" disabled="{ sending }" title="メッセージを送信"><i class="fa fa-paper-plane" if="{ !sending }"></i><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin" if="{ sending }"></i></button>
<button class="attach-from-local" type="button" title="PCから画像を添付する"><i class="fa fa-upload"></i></button>
<button class="attach-from-drive" type="button" title="アルバムから画像を添付する"><i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i></button>
<input name="file" type="file" accept="image/*"/>
<style type="stylus">
display block
clear both
> li
display block
float left
margin 4px
padding 0
width 64px
height 64px
background-color #eee
background-repeat no-repeat
background-position center center
background-size cover
cursor move
> .remove
display block
> .remove
display none
position absolute
right -6px
top -6px
> textarea
cursor auto
display block
width 100%
min-width 100%
max-width 100%
height 64px
margin 0
padding 0
background transparent
padding 8px
font-size 1em
color #000
outline none
border none
border-top solid 1px #eee
border-radius 0
box-shadow none
cursor pointer
background transparent
margin 0
padding 10px 14px
line-height 1em
font-size 1em
font-weight normal
text-decoration none
color #aaa
transition color 0.1s ease
> .send
position absolute
bottom 0
right 0
margin 0
padding 10px 14px
line-height 1em
font-size 1em
color #aaa
transition color 0.1s ease
color $theme-color
color $theme-color
color darken($theme-color, 10%)
transition color 0s ease
color darken($theme-color, 10%)
transition color 0s ease
display none
display block
margin 0
padding 0 8px
list-style none
@mixin \api
content ''
display block
clear both
@user = @opts.user
> li
display block
float left
margin 4px
padding 0
width 64px
height 64px
background-color #eee
background-repeat no-repeat
background-position center center
background-size cover
cursor move
@onpaste = (e) ~>
data = e.clipboard-data
items = data.items
for i from 0 to items.length - 1
item = items[i]
switch (item.kind)
| \file =>
@upload item.get-as-file!
> .remove
display block
@onkeypress = (e) ~>
if (e.which == 10 || e.which == 13) && e.ctrl-key
> .remove
display none
position absolute
right -6px
top -6px
margin 0
padding 0
background transparent
outline none
border none
border-radius 0
box-shadow none
cursor pointer
@select-file = ~>
margin 0
padding 10px 14px
line-height 1em
font-size 1em
font-weight normal
text-decoration none
color #aaa
transition color 0.1s ease
@select-file-from-drive = ~>
browser = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-select-file-from-drive-window
event = riot.observable!
riot.mount browser, do
multiple: true
event: event
event.one \selected (files) ~>
files.for-each @add-file
color $theme-color
@send = ~>
@sending = true
@api \messaging/messages/create do
user_id: @user.id
text: @refs.text.value
.then (message) ~>
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
.then ~>
@sending = false
color darken($theme-color, 10%)
transition color 0s ease
display none
@mixin \api
@user = @opts.user
@onpaste = (e) ~>
data = e.clipboard-data
items = data.items
for i from 0 to items.length - 1
item = items[i]
switch (item.kind)
| \file =>
@upload item.get-as-file!
@onkeypress = (e) ~>
if (e.which == 10 || e.which == 13) && e.ctrl-key
@select-file = ~>
@select-file-from-drive = ~>
browser = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-select-file-from-drive-window
event = riot.observable!
riot.mount browser, do
multiple: true
event: event
event.one \selected (files) ~>
files.for-each @add-file
@send = ~>
@sending = true
@api \messaging/messages/create do
user_id: @user.id
text: @refs.text.value
.then (message) ~>
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
.then ~>
@sending = false
@clear = ~>
@refs.text.value = ''
@files = []
@clear = ~>
@refs.text.value = ''
@files = []
@ -1,302 +1,301 @@
input@search-input(type='search', oninput={ search }, placeholder='ユーザーを探す')
ol.users(if={ search-result.length > 0 })
li(each={ user in search-result })
a(onclick={ user._click })
img.avatar(src={ user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }, alt='')
span.name { user.name }
span.username @{ user.username }
div.history(if={ history.length > 0 })
virtual(each={ history })
a.user(data-is-me={ is_me }, data-is-read={ is_read }, onclick={ _click }): div
img.avatar(src={ (is_me ? recipient.avatar_url : user.avatar_url) + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='')
span.name { is_me ? recipient.name : user.name }
span.username { '@' + (is_me ? recipient.username : user.username ) }
mk-time(time={ created_at })
span.me(if={ is_me }) あなた:
| { text }
p.no-history(if={ history.length == 0 })
| 履歴はありません。
| ユーザーを検索して、いつでもメッセージを送受信できます。
<div class="search">
<div class="form">
<label for="search-input"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></label>
<input ref="searchInput" type="search" oninput="{ search }" placeholder="ユーザーを探す"/>
<div class="result">
<ol class="users" if="{ searchResult.length > 0 }">
<li each="{ user in searchResult }"><a onclick="{ user._click }"><img class="avatar" src="{ user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }" alt=""/><span class="name">{ user.name }</span><span class="username">@{ user.username }</span></a></li>
<div class="main">
<div class="history" if="{ history.length > 0 }">
<virtual each="{ history }"><a class="user" data-is-me="{ is_me }" data-is-read="{ is_read }" onclick="{ _click }">
<div><img class="avatar" src="{ (is_me ? recipient.avatar_url : user.avatar_url) + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt=""/>
<header><span class="name">{ is_me ? recipient.name : user.name }</span><span class="username">{ '@' + (is_me ? recipient.username : user.username ) }</span>
<mk-time time="{ created_at }"></mk-time>
<div class="body">
<p class="text"><span class="me" if="{ is_me }">あなた:</span>{ text }</p>
<p class="no-history" if="{ history.length == 0 }">履歴はありません。<br/>ユーザーを検索して、いつでもメッセージを送受信できます。</p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> .search
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 0
z-index 1
width 100%
background #fff
box-shadow 0 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> .form
padding 8px
background #f7f7f7
> label
> .search
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 8px
left 0
z-index 1
height 100%
width 38px
pointer-events none
> i
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 0
bottom 0
left 0
width 1em
height 1em
margin auto
color #555
> input
margin 0
padding 0 12px 0 38px
width 100%
font-size 1em
line-height 38px
color #000
outline none
border solid 1px #eee
border-radius 5px
box-shadow none
transition color 0.5s ease, border 0.5s ease
border solid 1px #ddd
transition border 0.2s ease
color darken($theme-color, 20%)
border solid 1px $theme-color
transition color 0, border 0
> .result
display block
top 0
left 0
z-index 2
width 100%
margin 0
padding 0
background #fff
> .users
margin 0
padding 0
list-style none
> li
> a
display inline-block
z-index 1
width 100%
padding 8px 32px
vertical-align top
white-space nowrap
overflow hidden
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
text-decoration none
transition none
color #fff
background $theme-color
color #fff
color #fff
color #fff
background darken($theme-color, 10%)
color #fff
color #fff
vertical-align middle
min-width 32px
min-height 32px
max-width 32px
max-height 32px
margin 0 8px 0 0
border-radius 6px
margin 0 8px 0 0
/*font-weight bold*/
font-weight normal
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
font-weight normal
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
> .main
padding-top 56px
> .history
> a
display block
padding 20px 30px
text-decoration none
background #fff
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
box-shadow 0 0px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
pointer-events none
user-select none
> .form
padding 8px
background #f7f7f7
background #fafafa
> label
display block
position absolute
top 0
left 8px
z-index 1
height 100%
width 38px
pointer-events none
> .avatar
filter saturate(200%)
background #eee
opacity 0.8
background-image url("/_/resources/desktop/unread.svg")
background-repeat no-repeat
background-position 0 center
content ""
display block
clear both
> div
max-width 500px
margin 0 auto
> header
margin-bottom 2px
white-space nowrap
overflow hidden
> .name
text-align left
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)
font-weight bold
transition all 0.1s ease
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
> mk-time
> i
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 0
display inline
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
font-size small
bottom 0
left 0
width 1em
height 1em
margin auto
color #555
> .avatar
float left
width 54px
height 54px
margin 0 16px 0 0
border-radius 8px
transition all 0.1s ease
> input
margin 0
padding 0 12px 0 38px
width 100%
font-size 1em
line-height 38px
color #000
outline none
border solid 1px #eee
border-radius 5px
box-shadow none
transition color 0.5s ease, border 0.5s ease
> .body
border solid 1px #ddd
transition border 0.2s ease
> .text
color darken($theme-color, 20%)
border solid 1px $theme-color
transition color 0, border 0
> .result
display block
top 0
left 0
z-index 2
width 100%
margin 0
padding 0
background #fff
> .users
margin 0
padding 0
list-style none
> li
> a
display inline-block
z-index 1
width 100%
padding 8px 32px
vertical-align top
white-space nowrap
overflow hidden
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
text-decoration none
transition none
color #fff
background $theme-color
color #fff
color #fff
color #fff
background darken($theme-color, 10%)
color #fff
color #fff
vertical-align middle
min-width 32px
min-height 32px
max-width 32px
max-height 32px
margin 0 8px 0 0
border-radius 6px
margin 0 8px 0 0
/*font-weight bold*/
font-weight normal
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
font-weight normal
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
> .main
padding-top 56px
> .history
> a
display block
padding 20px 30px
text-decoration none
background #fff
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
pointer-events none
user-select none
background #fafafa
> .avatar
filter saturate(200%)
background #eee
opacity 0.8
background-image url("/_/resources/desktop/unread.svg")
background-repeat no-repeat
background-position 0 center
content ""
display block
margin 0 0 0 0
padding 0
overflow hidden
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1.1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
clear both
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
> div
max-width 500px
margin 0 auto
> .image
display block
max-width 100%
max-height 512px
> header
margin-bottom 2px
white-space nowrap
overflow hidden
> .no-history
margin 0
padding 2em 1em
text-align center
color #999
font-weight 500
> .name
text-align left
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)
font-weight bold
transition all 0.1s ease
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
@search-result = []
> mk-time
position absolute
top 0
right 0
display inline
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
font-size small
@on \mount ~>
@api \messaging/history
.then (history) ~>
@is-loading = false
history.for-each (message) ~>
message.is_me = message.user_id == @I.id
message._click = ~>
if message.is_me
@trigger \navigate-user message.recipient
@trigger \navigate-user message.user
@history = history
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
> .avatar
float left
width 54px
height 54px
margin 0 16px 0 0
border-radius 8px
transition all 0.1s ease
@search = ~>
q = @refs.search-input.value
if q == ''
@search-result = []
@api \users/search do
query: q
.then (users) ~>
users.for-each (user) ~>
user._click = ~>
@trigger \navigate-user user
@search-result = []
@search-result = users
> .body
> .text
display block
margin 0 0 0 0
padding 0
overflow hidden
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1.1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
> .image
display block
max-width 100%
max-height 512px
> .no-history
margin 0
padding 2em 1em
text-align center
color #999
font-weight 500
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@search-result = []
@on \mount ~>
@api \messaging/history
.then (history) ~>
@is-loading = false
history.for-each (message) ~>
message.is_me = message.user_id == @I.id
message._click = ~>
if message.is_me
@trigger \navigate-user message.recipient
@trigger \navigate-user message.user
@history = history
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@search = ~>
q = @refs.search-input.value
if q == ''
@search-result = []
@api \users/search do
query: q
.then (users) ~>
users.for-each (user) ~>
user._click = ~>
@trigger \navigate-user user
@search-result = []
@search-result = users
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@ -1,227 +1,230 @@
mk-messaging-message(data-is-me={ message.is_me })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + message.user.username }, title={ message.user.username }, target='_blank')
img.avatar(src={ message.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='')
p.read(if={ message.is_me && message.is_read }) 既読
button.delete-button(if={ message.is_me }, title='メッセージを削除')
img(src='/_/resources/desktop/messaging/delete.png', alt='Delete')
div.content(if={ !message.is_deleted })
div.image(if={ message.file })
img(src={ message.file.url }, alt='image', title={ message.file.name })
div.content(if={ message.is_deleted })
p.is-deleted このメッセージは削除されました
mk-time(time={ message.created_at })
i.fa.fa-pencil.is-edited(if={ message.is_edited })
<mk-messaging-message data-is-me="{ message.is_me }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + message.user.username }" title="{ message.user.username }" target="_blank"><img class="avatar" src="{ message.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt=""/></a>
<div class="content-container">
<div class="balloon">
<p class="read" if="{ message.is_me && message.is_read }">既読</p>
<button class="delete-button" if="{ message.is_me }" title="メッセージを削除"><img src="/_/resources/desktop/messaging/delete.png" alt="Delete"/></button>
<div class="content" if="{ !message.is_deleted }">
<div ref="text"></div>
<div class="image" if="{ message.file }"><img src="{ message.file.url }" alt="image" title="{ message.file.name }"/></div>
<div class="content" if="{ message.is_deleted }">
<p class="is-deleted">このメッセージは削除されました</p>
<mk-time time="{ message.created_at }"></mk-time><i class="fa fa-pencil is-edited" if="{ message.is_edited }"></i>
<style type="stylus">
$me-balloon-color = #23A7B6
$me-balloon-color = #23A7B6
display block
padding 10px 12px 10px 12px
background-color transparent
content ""
display block
clear both
> .avatar-anchor
display block
> .avatar
display block
min-width 54px
min-height 54px
max-width 54px
max-height 54px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
transition all 0.1s ease
padding 10px 12px 10px 12px
background-color transparent
> .content-container
display block
margin 0 12px
padding 0
max-width calc(100% - 78px)
> .balloon
display block
float inherit
margin 0
padding 0
max-width 100%
min-height 38px
border-radius 16px
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top 12px
clear both
> .delete-button
> .avatar-anchor
display block
> .avatar
display block
min-width 54px
min-height 54px
max-width 54px
max-height 54px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
transition all 0.1s ease
> .delete-button
display none
position absolute
z-index 1
top -4px
right -4px
margin 0
> .content-container
display block
margin 0 12px
padding 0
cursor pointer
outline none
border none
border-radius 0
box-shadow none
background transparent
max-width calc(100% - 78px)
> img
vertical-align bottom
width 16px
height 16px
cursor pointer
> .read
user-select none
display block
position absolute
z-index 1
bottom -4px
left -12px
margin 0
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
font-size 11px
> .content
> .is-deleted
> .balloon
display block
float inherit
margin 0
padding 0
overflow hidden
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
max-width 100%
min-height 38px
border-radius 16px
> [ref='text']
display block
margin 0
padding 8px 16px
overflow hidden
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top 12px
&, *
user-select text
cursor auto
& + .file
> img
border-radius 0 0 16px 16px
> .file
> img
> .delete-button
display block
max-width 100%
max-height 512px
border-radius 16px
> footer
display block
clear both
margin 0
padding 2px
font-size 10px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
> .delete-button
display none
position absolute
z-index 1
top -4px
right -4px
margin 0
padding 0
cursor pointer
outline none
border none
border-radius 0
box-shadow none
background transparent
> .is-edited
margin-left 4px
> img
vertical-align bottom
width 16px
height 16px
cursor pointer
> .avatar-anchor
float left
> .read
user-select none
display block
position absolute
z-index 1
bottom -4px
left -12px
margin 0
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
font-size 11px
> .content-container
float left
> .content
> .balloon
background #eee
> .is-deleted
display block
margin 0
padding 0
overflow hidden
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
left -14px
border-top solid 8px transparent
border-right solid 8px #eee
border-bottom solid 8px transparent
border-left solid 8px transparent
> [ref='text']
display block
margin 0
padding 8px 16px
overflow hidden
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
> footer
text-align left
&, *
user-select text
cursor auto
> .avatar-anchor
float right
& + .file
> img
border-radius 0 0 16px 16px
> .content-container
float right
> .file
> img
display block
max-width 100%
max-height 512px
border-radius 16px
> .balloon
background $me-balloon-color
> footer
display block
clear both
margin 0
padding 2px
font-size 10px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
right -14px
left auto
border-top solid 8px transparent
border-right solid 8px transparent
border-bottom solid 8px transparent
border-left solid 8px $me-balloon-color
> .is-edited
margin-left 4px
> .content
> .avatar-anchor
float left
> p.is-deleted
color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
> .content-container
float left
> [ref='text']
&, *
color #fff !important
> .balloon
background #eee
> footer
text-align right
left -14px
border-top solid 8px transparent
border-right solid 8px #eee
border-bottom solid 8px transparent
border-left solid 8px transparent
> .content-container
opacity 0.5
> footer
text-align left
@mixin \i
@mixin \text
> .avatar-anchor
float right
@message = @opts.message
@message.is_me = @message.user.id == @I.id
> .content-container
float right
@on \mount ~>
if @message.text?
tokens = @analyze @message.text
> .balloon
background $me-balloon-color
@refs.text.innerHTML = @compile tokens
right -14px
left auto
border-top solid 8px transparent
border-right solid 8px transparent
border-bottom solid 8px transparent
border-left solid 8px $me-balloon-color
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
> .content
# URLをプレビュー
.filter (t) -> t.type == \link
.map (t) ~>
@preview = @refs.text.append-child document.create-element \mk-url-preview
riot.mount @preview, do
url: t.content
> p.is-deleted
color rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)
> [ref='text']
&, *
color #fff !important
> footer
text-align right
> .content-container
opacity 0.5
@mixin \i
@mixin \text
@message = @opts.message
@message.is_me = @message.user.id == @I.id
@on \mount ~>
if @message.text?
tokens = @analyze @message.text
@refs.text.innerHTML = @compile tokens
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
# URLをプレビュー
.filter (t) -> t.type == \link
.map (t) ~>
@preview = @refs.text.append-child document.create-element \mk-url-preview
riot.mount @preview, do
url: t.content
@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ false }, width={ '500px' }, height={ '560px' })
<yield to="header">
| メッセージ: { parent.user.name }
<yield to="content">
mk-messaging-room(user={ parent.user })
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ false }" width="{ '500px' }" height="{ '560px' }"><yield to="header"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i>メッセージ: { parent.user.name }</yield>
<yield to="content">
<mk-messaging-room user="{ parent.user }"></mk-messaging-room></yield>
<style type="stylus">
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-messaging-room
height 100%
> mk-messaging-room
height 100%
@user = @opts.user
@user = @opts.user
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@ -1,227 +1,227 @@
p.initializing(if={ init })
| 読み込み中
p.empty(if={ !init && messages.length == 0 })
| このユーザーとまだ会話したことがありません
virtual(each={ message, i in messages })
mk-messaging-message(message={ message })
p.date(if={ i != messages.length - 1 && message._date != messages[i + 1]._date })
span { messages[i + 1]._datetext }
mk-messaging-form(user={ user })
display block
> .stream
position absolute
top 0
left 0
width 100%
height calc(100% - 100px)
overflow auto
> .empty
width 100%
margin 0
padding 16px 8px 8px 8px
text-align center
font-size 0.8em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
margin-right 4px
> .no-history
<div class="stream" ref="stream">
<p class="initializing" if="{ init }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i>読み込み中</p>
<p class="empty" if="{ !init && messages.length == 0 }"><i class="fa fa-info-circle"></i>このユーザーとまだ会話したことがありません</p>
<virtual each="{ message, i in messages }">
<mk-messaging-message message="{ message }"></mk-messaging-message>
<p class="date" if="{ i != messages.length - 1 && message._date != messages[i + 1]._date }"><span>{ messages[i + 1]._datetext }</span></p>
<div class="typings"></div>
<div ref="notifications"></div>
<div class="grippie" title="ドラッグしてフォームの広さを調整"></div>
<mk-messaging-form user="{ user }"></mk-messaging-form>
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
font-size 0.8em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
margin-right 4px
> .message
// something
> .date
display block
margin 8px 0
text-align center
content ''
display block
> .stream
position absolute
height 1px
width 90%
top 16px
top 0
left 0
right 0
width 100%
height calc(100% - 100px)
overflow auto
> .empty
width 100%
margin 0
padding 16px 8px 8px 8px
text-align center
font-size 0.8em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
margin-right 4px
> .no-history
display block
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
font-size 0.8em
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)
margin-right 4px
> .message
// something
> .date
display block
margin 8px 0
text-align center
content ''
display block
position absolute
height 1px
width 90%
top 16px
left 0
right 0
margin 0 auto
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> span
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0 16px
//font-weight bold
line-height 32px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
background #fff
> footer
position absolute
z-index 2
bottom 0
width 600px
max-width 100%
margin 0 auto
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
padding 0
background rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95)
background-clip content-box
> span
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0 16px
//font-weight bold
line-height 32px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)
background #fff
> footer
position absolute
z-index 2
bottom 0
width 600px
max-width 100%
margin 0 auto
padding 0
background rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.95)
background-clip content-box
> [ref='notifications']
position absolute
top -48px
width 100%
padding 8px 0
text-align center
> p
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0 12px 0 28px
cursor pointer
line-height 32px
font-size 12px
color $theme-color-foreground
background $theme-color
border-radius 16px
transition opacity 1s ease
> i
> [ref='notifications']
position absolute
top 0
left 10px
line-height 32px
font-size 16px
top -48px
width 100%
padding 8px 0
text-align center
> .grippie
height 10px
margin-top -10px
background transparent
cursor ns-resize
> p
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0 12px 0 28px
cursor pointer
line-height 32px
font-size 12px
color $theme-color-foreground
background $theme-color
border-radius 16px
transition opacity 1s ease
//background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> i
position absolute
top 0
left 10px
line-height 32px
font-size 16px
//background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> .grippie
height 10px
margin-top -10px
background transparent
cursor ns-resize
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \messaging-stream
//background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
@user = @opts.user
@init = true
@sending = false
@messages = []
//background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
@connection = new @MessagingStreamConnection @I, @user.id
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \messaging-stream
@on \mount ~>
@connection.event.on \message @on-message
@connection.event.on \read @on-read
@user = @opts.user
@init = true
@sending = false
@messages = []
document.add-event-listener \visibilitychange @on-visibilitychange
@connection = new @MessagingStreamConnection @I, @user.id
@api \messaging/messages do
user_id: @user.id
.then (messages) ~>
@init = false
@messages = messages.reverse!
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@on \mount ~>
@connection.event.on \message @on-message
@connection.event.on \read @on-read
@on \unmount ~>
@connection.event.off \message @on-message
@connection.event.off \read @on-read
document.add-event-listener \visibilitychange @on-visibilitychange
document.remove-event-listener \visibilitychange @on-visibilitychange
@on \update ~>
@messages.for-each (message) ~>
date = (new Date message.created_at).get-date!
month = (new Date message.created_at).get-month! + 1
message._date = date
message._datetext = month + '月 ' + date + '日'
@on-message = (message) ~>
is-bottom = @is-bottom!
@messages.push message
if message.user_id != @I.id and not document.hidden
@connection.socket.send JSON.stringify do
type: \read
id: message.id
if is-bottom
# Scroll to bottom
else if message.user_id != @I.id
# Notify
@notify '新しいメッセージがあります'
@on-read = (ids) ~>
if not Array.isArray ids then ids = [ids]
ids.for-each (id) ~>
if (@messages.some (x) ~> x.id == id)
exist = (@messages.map (x) -> x.id).index-of id
@messages[exist].is_read = true
@api \messaging/messages do
user_id: @user.id
.then (messages) ~>
@init = false
@messages = messages.reverse!
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@is-bottom = ~>
current = @refs.stream.scroll-top + @refs.stream.offset-height
max = @refs.stream.scroll-height
current > (max - 32)
@on \unmount ~>
@connection.event.off \message @on-message
@connection.event.off \read @on-read
@scroll-to-bottom = ~>
@refs.stream.scroll-top = @refs.stream.scroll-height
document.remove-event-listener \visibilitychange @on-visibilitychange
@notify = (message) ~>
n = document.create-element \p
n.inner-HTML = '<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-down"></i>' + message
n.onclick = ~>
n.parent-node.remove-child n
@refs.notifications.append-child n
@on \update ~>
@messages.for-each (message) ~>
date = (new Date message.created_at).get-date!
month = (new Date message.created_at).get-month! + 1
message._date = date
message._datetext = month + '月 ' + date + '日'
set-timeout ~>
n.style.opacity = 0
set-timeout ~>
n.parent-node.remove-child n
, 1000ms
, 4000ms
@on-message = (message) ~>
is-bottom = @is-bottom!
@on-visibilitychange = ~>
if document.hidden then return
@messages.for-each (message) ~>
if message.user_id != @I.id and not message.is_read
@messages.push message
if message.user_id != @I.id and not document.hidden
@connection.socket.send JSON.stringify do
type: \read
id: message.id
if is-bottom
# Scroll to bottom
else if message.user_id != @I.id
# Notify
@notify '新しいメッセージがあります'
@on-read = (ids) ~>
if not Array.isArray ids then ids = [ids]
ids.for-each (id) ~>
if (@messages.some (x) ~> x.id == id)
exist = (@messages.map (x) -> x.id).index-of id
@messages[exist].is_read = true
@is-bottom = ~>
current = @refs.stream.scroll-top + @refs.stream.offset-height
max = @refs.stream.scroll-height
current > (max - 32)
@scroll-to-bottom = ~>
@refs.stream.scroll-top = @refs.stream.scroll-height
@notify = (message) ~>
n = document.create-element \p
n.inner-HTML = '<i class="fa fa-arrow-circle-down"></i>' + message
n.onclick = ~>
n.parent-node.remove-child n
@refs.notifications.append-child n
set-timeout ~>
n.style.opacity = 0
set-timeout ~>
n.parent-node.remove-child n
, 1000ms
, 4000ms
@on-visibilitychange = ~>
if document.hidden then return
@messages.for-each (message) ~>
if message.user_id != @I.id and not message.is_read
@connection.socket.send JSON.stringify do
type: \read
id: message.id
@ -1,29 +1,28 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ false }, width={ '500px' }, height={ '560px' })
<yield to="header">
| メッセージ
<yield to="content">
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ false }" width="{ '500px' }" height="{ '560px' }"><yield to="header"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i>メッセージ</yield>
<yield to="content">
<mk-messaging ref="index"></mk-messaging></yield>
<style type="stylus">
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-messaging
height 100%
> mk-messaging
height 100%
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@refs.window.refs.index.on \navigate-user (user) ~>
w = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-messaging-room-window
riot.mount w, do
user: user
@refs.window.refs.index.on \navigate-user (user) ~>
w = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-messaging-room-window
riot.mount w, do
user: user
@ -1,226 +1,199 @@
div.notifications(if={ notifications.length != 0 })
virtual(each={ notification, i in notifications })
div.notification(class={ notification.type })
mk-time(time={ notification.created_at })
<div class="notifications" if="{ notifications.length != 0 }">
<virtual each="{ notification, i in notifications }">
<div class="notification { notification.type }">
<mk-time time="{ notification.created_at }"></mk-time>
<div class="main" if="{ notification.type == 'like' }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.user.id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ notification.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }" alt="avatar"/></a>
<div class="text">
<p><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"></i><a href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.user.id }">{ notification.user.name }</a></p><a class="post-ref" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }">{ getPostSummary(notification.post) }</a>
<div class="main" if="{ notification.type == 'repost' }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.post.user_id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ notification.post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }" alt="avatar"/></a>
<div class="text">
<p><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i><a href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.post.user_id }">{ notification.post.user.name }</a></p><a class="post-ref" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }">{ getPostSummary(notification.post.repost) }</a>
<div class="main" if="{ notification.type == 'quote' }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.post.user_id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ notification.post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }" alt="avatar"/></a>
<div class="text">
<p><i class="fa fa-quote-left"></i><a href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.post.user_id }">{ notification.post.user.name }</a></p><a class="post-preview" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }">{ getPostSummary(notification.post) }</a>
<div class="main" if="{ notification.type == 'follow' }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.user.id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ notification.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }" alt="avatar"/></a>
<div class="text">
<p><i class="fa fa-user-plus"></i><a href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.user.id }">{ notification.user.name }</a></p>
<div class="main" if="{ notification.type == 'reply' }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.post.user_id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ notification.post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }" alt="avatar"/></a>
<div class="text">
<p><i class="fa fa-reply"></i><a href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.post.user_id }">{ notification.post.user.name }</a></p><a class="post-preview" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }">{ getPostSummary(notification.post) }</a>
<div class="main" if="{ notification.type == 'mention' }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.post.user_id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ notification.post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }" alt="avatar"/></a>
<div class="text">
<p><i class="fa fa-at"></i><a href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ notification.post.user_id }">{ notification.post.user.name }</a></p><a class="post-preview" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }">{ getPostSummary(notification.post) }</a>
<p class="date" if="{ i != notifications.length - 1 && notification._date != notifications[i + 1]._date }"><span><i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i>{ notification._datetext }</span><span><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i>{ notifications[i + 1]._datetext }</span></p>
<p class="empty" if="{ notifications.length == 0 && !loading }">ありません!</p>
<p class="loading" if="{ loading }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw"></i>読み込んでいます
<style type="stylus">
display block
div.main(if={ notification.type == 'like' })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.user.id })
img.avatar(src={ notification.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }, alt='avatar')
a(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.user.id }) { notification.user.name }
a.post-ref(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }) { get-post-summary(notification.post) }
div.main(if={ notification.type == 'repost' })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.post.user_id })
img.avatar(src={ notification.post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }, alt='avatar')
a(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.post.user_id }) { notification.post.user.name }
a.post-ref(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }) { get-post-summary(notification.post.repost) }
div.main(if={ notification.type == 'quote' })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.post.user_id })
img.avatar(src={ notification.post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }, alt='avatar')
a(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.post.user_id }) { notification.post.user.name }
a.post-preview(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }) { get-post-summary(notification.post) }
div.main(if={ notification.type == 'follow' })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.user.id })
img.avatar(src={ notification.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }, alt='avatar')
a(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.user.id }) { notification.user.name }
div.main(if={ notification.type == 'reply' })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.post.user_id })
img.avatar(src={ notification.post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }, alt='avatar')
a(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.post.user_id }) { notification.post.user.name }
a.post-preview(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }) { get-post-summary(notification.post) }
div.main(if={ notification.type == 'mention' })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.post.user_id })
img.avatar(src={ notification.post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=48' }, alt='avatar')
a(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ notification.post.user_id }) { notification.post.user.name }
a.post-preview(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + notification.post.user.username + '/' + notification.post.id }) { get-post-summary(notification.post) }
p.date(if={ i != notifications.length - 1 && notification._date != notifications[i + 1]._date })
| { notification._datetext }
| { notifications[i + 1]._datetext }
p.empty(if={ notifications.length == 0 && !loading })
| ありません!
p.loading(if={ loading })
| 読み込んでいます
display block
> .notifications
> .notification
margin 0
padding 16px
font-size 0.9em
border-bottom solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
border-bottom none
> mk-time
display inline
position absolute
top 16px
right 12px
vertical-align top
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
font-size small
> .main
word-wrap break-word
content ""
display block
clear both
display block
float left
min-width 36px
min-height 36px
max-width 36px
max-height 36px
border-radius 6px
float right
width calc(100% - 36px)
padding-left 8px
> .notifications
> .notification
margin 0
padding 16px
font-size 0.9em
border-bottom solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
border-bottom none
> mk-time
display inline
position absolute
top 16px
right 12px
vertical-align top
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
font-size small
> .main
word-wrap break-word
content ""
display block
clear both
display block
float left
min-width 36px
min-height 36px
max-width 36px
max-height 36px
border-radius 6px
float right
width calc(100% - 36px)
padding-left 8px
margin 0
margin-right 4px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
&:before, &:after
font-family FontAwesome
font-size 1em
font-weight normal
font-style normal
display inline-block
margin-right 3px
content "\f10d"
content "\f10e"
.text p i
color #FFAC33
&.repost, &.quote
.text p i
color #77B255
.text p i
color #53c7ce
&.reply, &.mention
.text p i
color #555
> .date
display block
margin 0
line-height 32px
text-align center
font-size 0.8em
color #aaa
background #fdfdfd
border-bottom solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
margin 0 16px
margin-right 4px
margin-right 8px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7)
> .loading
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
&:before, &:after
font-family FontAwesome
font-size 1em
font-weight normal
font-style normal
display inline-block
margin-right 3px
> i
margin-right 4px
content "\f10d"
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \get-post-summary
content "\f10e"
@notifications = []
@loading = true
.text p i
color #FFAC33
@on \mount ~>
@api \i/notifications
.then (notifications) ~>
@notifications = notifications
@loading = false
.catch (err, text-status) ->
console.error err
&.repost, &.quote
.text p i
color #77B255
@stream.on \notification @on-notification
.text p i
color #53c7ce
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \notification @on-notification
&.reply, &.mention
.text p i
color #555
> .date
display block
margin 0
line-height 32px
text-align center
font-size 0.8em
color #aaa
background #fdfdfd
border-bottom solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)
margin 0 16px
margin-right 8px
> .empty
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> .loading
margin 0
padding 16px
text-align center
color #aaa
> i
margin-right 4px
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \get-post-summary
@notifications = []
@loading = true
@on \mount ~>
@api \i/notifications
.then (notifications) ~>
@notifications = notifications
@loading = false
@on-notification = (notification) ~>
@notifications.unshift notification
.catch (err, text-status) ->
console.error err
@stream.on \notification @on-notification
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \notification @on-notification
@on-notification = (notification) ~>
@notifications.unshift notification
@on \update ~>
@notifications.for-each (notification) ~>
date = (new Date notification.created_at).get-date!
month = (new Date notification.created_at).get-month! + 1
notification._date = date
notification._datetext = month + '月 ' + date + '日'
@on \update ~>
@notifications.for-each (notification) ~>
date = (new Date notification.created_at).get-date!
month = (new Date notification.created_at).get-month! + 1
notification._date = date
notification._datetext = month + '月 ' + date + '日'
@ -1,77 +1,80 @@
img(src='/_/resources/title.svg', alt='Misskey')
mk-entrance-signin(if={ mode == 'signin' })
mk-entrance-signup(if={ mode == 'signup' })
div.introduction(if={ mode == 'introduction' })
button(onclick={ signin }) わかった
// ↓ https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2134 (将来的)
<main><img src="/_/resources/title.svg" alt="Misskey"/>
<mk-entrance-signin if="{ mode == 'signin' }"></mk-entrance-signin>
<mk-entrance-signup if="{ mode == 'signup' }"></mk-entrance-signup>
<div class="introduction" if="{ mode == 'introduction' }">
<button onclick="{ signin }">わかった</button>
<!-- ↓ https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2134 (将来的)-->
<style data-disable-scope="data-disable-scope">
#wait {
right: auto;
left: 15px;
display block
height 100%
> main
display block
> img
<style type="stylus">
display block
width 160px
height 170px
margin 0 auto
pointer-events none
user-select none
height 100%
> .introduction
max-width 360px
margin 0 auto
color #777
> mk-introduction
padding 32px
background #fff
box-shadow 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> button
> main
display block
margin 16px auto 0 auto
color #666
text-decoration underline
> img
display block
width 160px
height 170px
margin 0 auto
pointer-events none
user-select none
> footer
> mk-copyright
margin 0
text-align center
line-height 64px
font-size 10px
color rgba(#000, 0.5)
> .introduction
max-width 360px
margin 0 auto
color #777
@mode = \signin
> mk-introduction
padding 32px
background #fff
box-shadow 0 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
@signup = ~>
@mode = \signup
> button
display block
margin 16px auto 0 auto
color #666
@signin = ~>
text-decoration underline
> footer
> mk-copyright
margin 0
text-align center
line-height 64px
font-size 10px
color rgba(#000, 0.5)
@mode = \signin
@introduction = ~>
@mode = \introduction
@signup = ~>
@mode = \signup
@signin = ~>
@mode = \signin
@introduction = ~>
@mode = \introduction
@ -1,128 +1,130 @@
a.help(href={ CONFIG.urls.about + '/help' }, title='お困りですか?'): i.fa.fa-question
img(if={ user }, src={ user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' })
p { user ? user.name : 'アカウント' }
div.divider: span or
button.signup(onclick={ parent.signup }) 新規登録
a.introduction(onclick={ introduction }) Misskeyについて
display block
width 290px
margin 0 auto
text-align center
> .help
opacity 1
> .help
cursor pointer
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 0
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.2em
color #999
border none
outline none
background transparent
opacity 0
transition opacity 0.1s ease
color #444
color #222
> i
padding 14px
> .form
padding 10px 28px 16px 28px
background #fff
box-shadow 0px 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> h1
<mk-entrance-signin><a class="help" href="{ CONFIG.urls.about + '/help' }" title="お困りですか?"><i class="fa fa-question"></i></a>
<div class="form">
<h1><img if="{ user }" src="{ user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }"/>
<p>{ user ? user.name : 'アカウント' }</p>
<mk-signin ref="signin"></mk-signin>
<div class="divider"><span>or</span></div>
<button class="signup" onclick="{ parent.signup }">新規登録</button><a class="introduction" onclick="{ introduction }">Misskeyについて</a>
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin 0
padding 0
height 54px
line-height 54px
width 290px
margin 0 auto
text-align center
text-transform uppercase
font-size 1em
font-weight bold
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
border-bottom solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> p
display inline
> .help
opacity 1
> .help
cursor pointer
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 0
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.2em
color #999
border none
outline none
background transparent
opacity 0
transition opacity 0.1s ease
> img
color #444
color #222
> i
padding 14px
> .form
padding 10px 28px 16px 28px
background #fff
box-shadow 0px 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> h1
display block
margin 0
padding 0
height 54px
line-height 54px
text-align center
text-transform uppercase
font-size 1em
font-weight bold
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
border-bottom solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> p
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
> img
display inline-block
top 10px
width 32px
height 32px
margin-right 8px
border-radius 100%
display none
> .divider
padding 16px 0
text-align center
content ""
display block
position absolute
top 50%
width 100%
height 1px
border-top solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> *
z-index 1
padding 0 8px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
background #fdfdfd
> .signup
width 100%
line-height 56px
font-size 1em
color #fff
background $theme-color
border-radius 64px
background lighten($theme-color, 5%)
background darken($theme-color, 5%)
> .introduction
display inline-block
top 10px
width 32px
height 32px
margin-right 8px
border-radius 100%
margin-top 16px
font-size 12px
color #666
display none
@on \mount ~>
@refs.signin.on \user (user) ~>
@update do
user: user
> .divider
padding 16px 0
text-align center
content ""
display block
position absolute
top 50%
width 100%
height 1px
border-top solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
> *
z-index 1
padding 0 8px
color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)
background #fdfdfd
> .signup
width 100%
line-height 56px
font-size 1em
color #fff
background $theme-color
border-radius 64px
background lighten($theme-color, 5%)
background darken($theme-color, 5%)
> .introduction
display inline-block
margin-top 16px
font-size 12px
color #666
@on \mount ~>
@refs.signin.on \user (user) ~>
@update do
user: user
@introduction = ~>
@introduction = ~>
@ -1,44 +1,51 @@
button.cancel(type='button', onclick={ parent.signin }, title='キャンセル'): i.fa.fa-times
<button class="cancel" type="button" onclick="{ parent.signin }" title="キャンセル"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
width 368px
margin 0 auto
display block
width 368px
margin 0 auto
> .cancel
opacity 1
> .cancel
opacity 1
> mk-signup
padding 18px 32px 0 32px
background #fff
box-shadow 0px 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> mk-signup
padding 18px 32px 0 32px
background #fff
box-shadow 0px 4px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)
> .cancel
cursor pointer
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 0
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.2em
color #999
border none
outline none
box-shadow none
background transparent
opacity 0
transition opacity 0.1s ease
> .cancel
cursor pointer
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 0
z-index 1
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.2em
color #999
border none
outline none
box-shadow none
background transparent
opacity 0
transition opacity 0.1s ease
color #555
color #555
color #222
color #222
> i
padding 14px
> i
padding 14px
@ -1,51 +1,56 @@
mk-ui@ui(page={ page }): mk-home@home(mode={ parent.opts.mode })
<mk-ui ref="ui" page="{ page }">
<mk-home ref="home" mode="{ parent.opts.mode }"></mk-home>
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display block
display block
background-position center center
background-attachment fixed
background-size cover
background-position center center
background-attachment fixed
background-size cover
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \ui-progress
@mixin \stream
@mixin \get-post-summary
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \ui-progress
@mixin \stream
@mixin \get-post-summary
@unread-count = 0
@unread-count = 0
@page = switch @opts.mode
| \timelie => \home
| \mentions => \mentions
| _ => \home
@page = switch @opts.mode
| \timelie => \home
| \mentions => \mentions
| _ => \home
@on \mount ~>
@refs.ui.refs.home.on \loaded ~>
@on \mount ~>
@refs.ui.refs.home.on \loaded ~>
document.title = 'Misskey'
if @I.data.wallpaper
@api \drive/files/show do
file_id: @I.data.wallpaper
.then (file) ~>
@root.style.background-image = 'url(' + file.url + ')'
@stream.on \post @on-stream-post
document.add-event-listener \visibilitychange @window-on-visibilitychange, false
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \post @on-stream-post
document.remove-event-listener \visibilitychange @window-on-visibilitychange
@on-stream-post = (post) ~>
if document.hidden and post.user_id !== @I.id
document.title = '(' + @unread-count + ') ' + @get-post-summary post
@window-on-visibilitychange = ~>
if !document.hidden
@unread-count = 0
document.title = 'Misskey'
if @I.data.wallpaper
@api \drive/files/show do
file_id: @I.data.wallpaper
.then (file) ~>
@root.style.background-image = 'url(' + file.url + ')'
@stream.on \post @on-stream-post
document.add-event-listener \visibilitychange @window-on-visibilitychange, false
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \post @on-stream-post
document.remove-event-listener \visibilitychange @window-on-visibilitychange
@on-stream-post = (post) ~>
if document.hidden and post.user_id !== @I.id
document.title = '(' + @unread-count + ') ' + @get-post-summary post
@window-on-visibilitychange = ~>
if !document.hidden
@unread-count = 0
document.title = 'Misskey'
@ -1,46 +1,54 @@
h1 Not Found
img(src='/_/resources/rogge.jpg', alt='')
display block
display block
width 600px
margin 32px auto
> img
<h1>Not Found</h1><img src="/_/resources/rogge.jpg" alt=""/>
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display block
margin 0
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top 260px
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transform rotate(-12deg)
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display block
width 600px
margin 32px auto
> .mask
position absolute
top 262px
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height 18px
transform rotate(-12deg)
background #D6D5DA
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> img
display block
width 600px
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pointer-events none
user-select none
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> h1
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> .mask
position absolute
top 262px
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transform rotate(-12deg)
background #D6D5DA
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@ -1,25 +1,32 @@
mk-ui@ui: main: mk-post-detail@detail(post={ parent.post })
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display block
display block
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padding 16px
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margin 0 auto
> mk-post-detail
margin 0 auto
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@post = @opts.post
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@refs.ui.refs.detail.on \post-fetched ~>
@Progress.set 0.5
@refs.ui.refs.detail.on \post-fetched ~>
@Progress.set 0.5
@refs.ui.refs.detail.on \loaded ~>
@refs.ui.refs.detail.on \loaded ~>
@ -1,14 +1,19 @@
mk-ui@ui: mk-search@search(query={ parent.opts.query })
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display block
display block
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@refs.ui.refs.search.on \loaded ~>
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@ -1,20 +1,25 @@
mk-ui@ui: mk-user@user(user={ parent.user }, page={ parent.opts.page })
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display block
display block
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document.title = user.name + ' | Misskey'
@refs.ui.refs.user.on \user-fetched (user) ~>
@Progress.set 0.5
document.title = user.name + ' | Misskey'
@refs.ui.refs.user.on \loaded ~>
@refs.ui.refs.user.on \loaded ~>
@ -1,141 +1,140 @@
mk-post-detail-sub(title={ title })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username })
img.avatar(src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='avatar', data-user-preview={ post.user_id })
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ post.user_id })
| { post.user.name }
| @{ post.user.username }
a.time(href={ url })
mk-time(time={ post.created_at })
div.media(if={ post.media })
virtual(each={ file in post.media })
img(src={ file.url + '?thumbnail&size=512' }, alt={ file.name }, title={ file.name })
display block
margin 0
padding 20px 32px
background #fdfdfd
content ""
display block
clear both
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 16px 0 0
> .avatar
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<div class="main">
<div class="left"><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ post.user_id }">{ post.user.name }</a><span class="username">@{ post.user.username }</span></div>
<div class="right"><a class="time" href="{ url }">
<mk-time time="{ post.created_at }"></mk-time></a></div>
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display block
width 44px
height 44px
margin 0
border-radius 4px
vertical-align bottom
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 60px)
> header
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
padding 20px 32px
background #fdfdfd
content ""
display block
clear both
> .left
float left
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #777
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #ccc
> .right
float right
> .time
font-size 0.9em
color #c0c0c0
> .body
> .text
cursor default
> .avatar-anchor
display block
margin 0
padding 0
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1em
color #717171
float left
margin 0 16px 0 0
> mk-url-preview
margin-top 8px
> .media
> img
> .avatar
display block
max-width 100%
width 44px
height 44px
margin 0
border-radius 4px
vertical-align bottom
@mixin \api
@mixin \text
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \user-preview
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 60px)
@post = @opts.post
> header
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
@url = CONFIG.url + '/' + @post.user.username + '/' + @post.id
content ""
display block
clear both
@title = @date-stringify @post.created_at
> .left
float left
@on \mount ~>
if @post.text?
tokens = @analyze @post.text
@refs.text.innerHTML = @compile tokens
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #777
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
text-decoration underline
@like = ~>
if @post.is_liked
@api \posts/likes/delete do
post_id: @post.id
.then ~>
@post.is_liked = false
@api \posts/likes/create do
post_id: @post.id
.then ~>
@post.is_liked = true
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #ccc
> .right
float right
> .time
font-size 0.9em
color #c0c0c0
> .body
> .text
cursor default
display block
margin 0
padding 0
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1em
color #717171
> mk-url-preview
margin-top 8px
> .media
> img
display block
max-width 100%
@mixin \api
@mixin \text
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \user-preview
@post = @opts.post
@url = CONFIG.url + '/' + @post.user.username + '/' + @post.id
@title = @date-stringify @post.created_at
@on \mount ~>
if @post.text?
tokens = @analyze @post.text
@refs.text.innerHTML = @compile tokens
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
@like = ~>
if @post.is_liked
@api \posts/likes/delete do
post_id: @post.id
.then ~>
@post.is_liked = false
@api \posts/likes/create do
post_id: @post.id
.then ~>
@post.is_liked = true
@ -1,415 +1,409 @@
mk-post-detail(title={ title })
div.fetching(if={ fetching })
div.main(if={ !fetching })
button.read-more(if={ p.reply_to && p.reply_to.reply_to_id && context == null }, title='会話をもっと読み込む', onclick={ load-context }, disabled={ loading-context })
i.fa.fa-ellipsis-v(if={ !loading-context })
i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse(if={ loading-context })
virtual(each={ post in context })
mk-post-detail-sub(post={ post })
div.reply-to(if={ p.reply_to })
mk-post-detail-sub(post={ p.reply_to })
div.repost(if={ is-repost })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ post.user_id }): img.avatar(src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }, alt='avatar')
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }) { post.user.name }
| がRepost
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + p.user.username })
img.avatar(src={ p.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='avatar', data-user-preview={ p.user.id })
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + p.user.username }, data-user-preview={ p.user.id })
| { p.user.name }
| @{ p.user.username }
a.time(href={ url })
mk-time(time={ p.created_at })
div.media(if={ p.media })
virtual(each={ file in p.media })
img(src={ file.url + '?thumbnail&size=512' }, alt={ file.name }, title={ file.name })
button(onclick={ reply }, title='返信')
p.count(if={ p.replies_count > 0 }) { p.replies_count }
button(onclick={ repost }, title='Repost')
p.count(if={ p.repost_count > 0 }) { p.repost_count }
button(class={ liked: p.is_liked }, onclick={ like }, title='善哉')
p.count(if={ p.likes_count > 0 }) { p.likes_count }
button(onclick={ NotImplementedException }): i.fa.fa-ellipsis-h
div.reposts(if={ reposts && reposts.length > 0 })
a { p.repost_count }
p Repost
li.user(each={ reposts })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + user.username }, title={ user.name }, data-user-preview={ user.id })
img.avatar(src={ user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }, alt='')
div.likes(if={ likes && likes.length > 0 })
a { p.likes_count }
p いいね
li.user(each={ likes })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + username }, title={ name }, data-user-preview={ id })
img.avatar(src={ avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }, alt='')
virtual(each={ post in replies })
mk-post-detail-sub(post={ post })
display block
margin 0
padding 0
width 640px
overflow hidden
background #fff
border solid 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-radius 8px
> .fetching
padding 64px 0
> .main
> .read-more
<mk-post-detail title="{ title }">
<div class="fetching" if="{ fetching }">
<div class="main" if="{ !fetching }">
<button class="read-more" if="{ p.reply_to && p.reply_to.reply_to_id && context == null }" title="会話をもっと読み込む" onclick="{ loadContext }" disabled="{ loadingContext }"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-v" if="{ !loadingContext }"></i><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse" if="{ loadingContext }"></i></button>
<div class="context">
<virtual each="{ post in context }">
<mk-post-detail-sub post="{ post }"></mk-post-detail-sub>
<div class="reply-to" if="{ p.reply_to }">
<mk-post-detail-sub post="{ p.reply_to }"></mk-post-detail-sub>
<div class="repost" if="{ isRepost }">
<p><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ post.user_id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }" alt="avatar"/></a><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }">{ post.user.name }</a>がRepost</p>
<article><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + p.user.username }"><img class="avatar" src="{ p.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt="avatar" data-user-preview="{ p.user.id }"/></a>
<header><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + p.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ p.user.id }">{ p.user.name }</a><span class="username">@{ p.user.username }</span><a class="time" href="{ url }">
<mk-time time="{ p.created_at }"></mk-time></a></header>
<div class="body">
<div class="text" ref="text"></div>
<div class="media" if="{ p.media }">
<virtual each="{ file in p.media }"><img src="{ file.url + '?thumbnail&size=512' }" alt="{ file.name }" title="{ file.name }"/></virtual>
<button onclick="{ reply }" title="返信"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i>
<p class="count" if="{ p.replies_count > 0 }">{ p.replies_count }</p>
<button onclick="{ repost }" title="Repost"><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i>
<p class="count" if="{ p.repost_count > 0 }">{ p.repost_count }</p>
<button class="{ liked: p.is_liked }" onclick="{ like }" title="善哉"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"></i>
<p class="count" if="{ p.likes_count > 0 }">{ p.likes_count }</p>
<button onclick="{ NotImplementedException }"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i></button>
<div class="reposts-and-likes">
<div class="reposts" if="{ reposts && reposts.length > 0 }">
<header><a>{ p.repost_count }</a>
<ol class="users">
<li class="user" each="{ reposts }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + user.username }" title="{ user.name }" data-user-preview="{ user.id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }" alt=""/></a></li>
<div class="likes" if="{ likes && likes.length > 0 }">
<header><a>{ p.likes_count }</a>
<ol class="users">
<li class="user" each="{ likes }"><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + username }" title="{ name }" data-user-preview="{ id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }" alt=""/></a></li>
<div class="replies">
<virtual each="{ post in replies }">
<mk-post-detail-sub post="{ post }"></mk-post-detail-sub>
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background #f6f6f6
> .fetching
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> .main
color #ccc
> .context
> *
border-bottom 1px solid #eef0f2
> .repost
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> p
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& + article
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> .reply-to
border-bottom 1px solid #eef0f2
> article
padding 28px 32px 18px 32px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .avatar-anchor
display block
width 60px
height 60px
> .avatar
> .read-more
display block
width 60px
height 60px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> header
position absolute
top 28px
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width calc(100% - 108px)
> .name
display inline-block
margin 0
line-height 24px
color #777
font-size 18px
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
> .username
display block
text-align left
margin 0
color #ccc
> .time
position absolute
top 0
right 32px
padding 10px 0
width 100%
font-size 1em
color #c0c0c0
> .body
padding 8px 0
> .text
cursor default
display block
margin 0
padding 0
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1.5em
color #717171
> mk-url-preview
margin-top 8px
> .media
> img
display block
max-width 100%
> footer
font-size 1.2em
> button
margin 0 28px 0 0
padding 8px
background transparent
border none
font-size 1em
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color #999
cursor pointer
background #fafafa
outline none
border none
border-bottom solid 1px #eef0f2
border-radius 6px 6px 0 0
color #666
background #f6f6f6
> .count
display inline
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #999
background #f0f0f0
color $theme-color
color #ccc
> .reposts-and-likes
display flex
justify-content center
padding 0
margin 16px 0
> .context
> *
border-bottom 1px solid #eef0f2
display none
> .repost
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background linear-gradient(to bottom, #edfde2 0%, #fff 100%)
> .reposts
> .likes
display flex
flex 1 1
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> p
margin 0
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& + article
padding-top 8px
> .reply-to
border-bottom 1px solid #eef0f2
> article
padding 28px 32px 18px 32px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .avatar-anchor
display block
width 60px
height 60px
> .avatar
display block
width 60px
height 60px
margin 0
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> header
flex 1 1 80px
max-width 80px
padding 8px 5px 0px 10px
position absolute
top 28px
left 108px
width calc(100% - 108px)
> a
> .name
display inline-block
margin 0
line-height 24px
color #777
font-size 18px
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
> .username
display block
font-size 1.5em
line-height 1.4em
text-align left
margin 0
color #ccc
> p
> .time
position absolute
top 0
right 32px
font-size 1em
color #c0c0c0
> .body
padding 8px 0
> .text
cursor default
display block
margin 0
font-size 0.7em
line-height 1em
font-weight normal
color #a0a2a5
> .users
display block
flex 1 1
margin 0
padding 10px 10px 10px 5px
list-style none
> .user
display block
float left
margin 4px
padding 0
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1.5em
color #717171
> .avatar-anchor
> mk-url-preview
margin-top 8px
> .avatar
vertical-align bottom
width 24px
height 24px
border-radius 4px
> .media
> img
display block
max-width 100%
> .reposts + .likes
margin-left 16px
> footer
font-size 1.2em
> .replies
> *
border-top 1px solid #eef0f2
> button
margin 0 28px 0 0
padding 8px
background transparent
border none
font-size 1em
color #ddd
cursor pointer
@mixin \api
@mixin \text
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \NotImplementedException
color #666
@fetching = true
@loading-context = false
@content = null
@post = null
> .count
display inline
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #999
@on \mount ~>
color $theme-color
@api \posts/show do
post_id: @opts.post
.then (post) ~>
@fetching = false
@post = post
@trigger \loaded
> .reposts-and-likes
display flex
justify-content center
padding 0
margin 16px 0
@is-repost = @post.repost?
@p = if @is-repost then @post.repost else @post
display none
@title = @date-stringify @p.created_at
> .reposts
> .likes
display flex
flex 1 1
padding 0
border-top solid 1px #F2EFEE
> header
flex 1 1 80px
max-width 80px
padding 8px 5px 0px 10px
if @p.text?
tokens = @analyze @p.text
@refs.text.innerHTML = @compile tokens
> a
display block
font-size 1.5em
line-height 1.4em
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
> p
display block
margin 0
font-size 0.7em
line-height 1em
font-weight normal
color #a0a2a5
# URLをプレビュー
.filter (t) -> t.type == \link
.map (t) ~>
@preview = @refs.text.append-child document.create-element \mk-url-preview
riot.mount @preview, do
url: t.content
> .users
display block
flex 1 1
margin 0
padding 10px 10px 10px 5px
list-style none
> .user
display block
float left
margin 4px
padding 0
> .avatar-anchor
> .avatar
vertical-align bottom
width 24px
height 24px
border-radius 4px
> .reposts + .likes
margin-left 16px
> .replies
> *
border-top 1px solid #eef0f2
@mixin \api
@mixin \text
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \NotImplementedException
@fetching = true
@loading-context = false
@content = null
@post = null
@on \mount ~>
@api \posts/show do
post_id: @opts.post
.then (post) ~>
@fetching = false
@post = post
@trigger \loaded
@is-repost = @post.repost?
@p = if @is-repost then @post.repost else @post
@title = @date-stringify @p.created_at
# Get likes
@api \posts/likes do
post_id: @p.id
limit: 8
.then (likes) ~>
@likes = likes
# Get reposts
@api \posts/reposts do
post_id: @p.id
limit: 8
.then (reposts) ~>
@reposts = reposts
if @p.text?
tokens = @analyze @p.text
@refs.text.innerHTML = @compile tokens
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
# URLをプレビュー
.filter (t) -> t.type == \link
.map (t) ~>
@preview = @refs.text.append-child document.create-element \mk-url-preview
riot.mount @preview, do
url: t.content
# Get likes
@api \posts/likes do
post_id: @p.id
limit: 8
.then (likes) ~>
@likes = likes
# Get reposts
@api \posts/reposts do
post_id: @p.id
limit: 8
.then (reposts) ~>
@reposts = reposts
# Get replies
@api \posts/replies do
post_id: @p.id
limit: 8
.then (replies) ~>
@replies = replies
# Get replies
@api \posts/replies do
post_id: @p.id
limit: 8
.then (replies) ~>
@replies = replies
@reply = ~>
form = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-post-form-window
riot.mount form, do
reply: @p
@repost = ~>
form = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-repost-form-window
riot.mount form, do
post: @p
@like = ~>
if @p.is_liked
@api \posts/likes/delete do
post_id: @p.id
.then ~>
@p.is_liked = false
@api \posts/likes/create do
post_id: @p.id
.then ~>
@p.is_liked = true
@load-context = ~>
@loading-context = true
# Get context
@api \posts/context do
post_id: @p.reply_to_id
.then (context) ~>
@context = context.reverse!
@loading-context = false
@reply = ~>
form = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-post-form-window
riot.mount form, do
reply: @p
@repost = ~>
form = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-repost-form-window
riot.mount form, do
post: @p
@like = ~>
if @p.is_liked
@api \posts/likes/delete do
post_id: @p.id
.then ~>
@p.is_liked = false
@api \posts/likes/create do
post_id: @p.id
.then ~>
@p.is_liked = true
@load-context = ~>
@loading-context = true
# Get context
@api \posts/context do
post_id: @p.reply_to_id
.then (context) ~>
@context = context.reverse!
@loading-context = false
@ -1,60 +1,55 @@
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ true }" colored="{ true }"><yield to="header"><span if="{ !parent.opts.reply }">新規投稿</span><span if="{ parent.opts.reply }">返信</span><span class="files" if="{ parent.files.length != 0 }">添付: { parent.files.length }ファイル</span><span class="uploading-files" if="{ parent.uploadingFiles.length != 0 }">{ parent.uploadingFiles.length }個のファイルをアップロード中
<yield to="content">
<div class="ref" if="{ parent.opts.reply }">
<mk-post-preview post="{ parent.opts.reply }"></mk-post-preview>
<div class="body">
<mk-post-form ref="form" reply="{ parent.opts.reply }"></mk-post-form>
<style type="stylus">
> mk-window
mk-window@window(is-modal={ true }, colored={ true })
> .files
> .uploading-files
margin-left 8px
opacity 0.8
<yield to="header">
span(if={ !parent.opts.reply }) 新規投稿
span(if={ parent.opts.reply }) 返信
span.files(if={ parent.files.length != 0 }) 添付: { parent.files.length }ファイル
span.uploading-files(if={ parent.uploading-files.length != 0 })
| { parent.uploading-files.length }個のファイルをアップロード中
content '('
<yield to="content">
div.ref(if={ parent.opts.reply })
mk-post-preview(post={ parent.opts.reply })
mk-post-form@form(reply={ parent.opts.reply })
content ')'
> mk-window
> .ref
> mk-post-preview
margin 16px 22px
> .files
> .uploading-files
margin-left 8px
opacity 0.8
@uploading-files = []
@files = []
content '('
@on \mount ~>
content ')'
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
> .ref
> mk-post-preview
margin 16px 22px
@refs.window.refs.form.on \post ~>
@uploading-files = []
@files = []
@refs.window.refs.form.on \change-uploading-files (files) ~>
@uploading-files = files
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@refs.window.refs.form.on \post ~>
@refs.window.refs.form.on \change-uploading-files (files) ~>
@uploading-files = files
@refs.window.refs.form.on \change-files (files) ~>
@files = files
@refs.window.refs.form.on \change-files (files) ~>
@files = files
@ -1,430 +1,434 @@
mk-post-form(ondragover={ ondragover }, ondragenter={ ondragenter }, ondragleave={ ondragleave }, ondrop={ ondrop })
textarea@text(disabled={ wait }, class={ withfiles: files.length != 0 }, oninput={ update }, onkeydown={ onkeydown }, onpaste={ onpaste }, placeholder={ opts.reply ? 'この投稿への返信...' : 'いまどうしてる?' })
div.attaches(if={ files.length != 0 })
li.file(each={ files })
div.img(style='background-image: url({ url + "?thumbnail&size=64" })', title={ name })
img.remove(onclick={ _remove }, src='/_/resources/desktop/remove.png', title='添付取り消し', alt='')
li.add(if={ files.length < 4 }, title='PCからファイルを添付', onclick={ select-file }): i.fa.fa-plus
| 残り{ 4 - files.length }
button@upload(title='PCからファイルを添付', onclick={ select-file }): i.fa.fa-upload
button@drive(title='ドライブからファイルを添付', onclick={ select-file-from-drive }): i.fa.fa-cloud
p.text-count(class={ over: refs.text.value.length > 300 }) のこり{ 300 - refs.text.value.length }文字
button@submit(class={ wait: wait }, disabled={ wait || (refs.text.value.length == 0 && files.length == 0) }, onclick={ post })
| { wait ? '投稿中' : opts.reply ? '返信' : '投稿' }
mk-ellipsis(if={ wait })
input@file(type='file', accept='image/*', multiple, tabindex='-1', onchange={ change-file })
div.dropzone(if={ draghover })
display block
padding 16px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
content ""
display block
clear both
> .attaches
margin 0
padding 0
background lighten($theme-color, 98%)
border solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
border-top none
border-radius 0 0 4px 4px
transition border-color .3s ease
> .remain
<mk-post-form ondragover="{ ondragover }" ondragenter="{ ondragenter }" ondragleave="{ ondragleave }" ondrop="{ ondrop }">
<textarea class="{ withfiles: files.length != 0 }" ref="text" disabled="{ wait }" oninput="{ update }" onkeydown="{ onkeydown }" onpaste="{ onpaste }" placeholder="{ opts.reply ? 'この投稿への返信...' : 'いまどうしてる?' }"></textarea>
<div class="attaches" if="{ files.length != 0 }">
<ul class="files" ref="attaches">
<li class="file" each="{ files }">
<div class="img" style="background-image: url({ url + "?thumbnail&size=64" })" title="{ name }"></div><img class="remove" onclick="{ _remove }" src="/_/resources/desktop/remove.png" title="添付取り消し" alt=""/>
<li class="add" if="{ files.length < 4 }" title="PCからファイルを添付" onclick="{ selectFile }"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></li>
<p class="remain">残り{ 4 - files.length }</p>
<mk-uploader ref="uploader"></mk-uploader>
<button ref="upload" title="PCからファイルを添付" onclick="{ selectFile }"><i class="fa fa-upload"></i></button>
<button ref="drive" title="ドライブからファイルを添付" onclick="{ selectFileFromDrive }"><i class="fa fa-cloud"></i></button>
<p class="text-count { over: refs.text.value.length > 300 }">のこり{ 300 - refs.text.value.length }文字</p>
<button class="{ wait: wait }" ref="submit" disabled="{ wait || (refs.text.value.length == 0 && files.length == 0) }" onclick="{ post }">{ wait ? '投稿中' : opts.reply ? '返信' : '投稿' }
<mk-ellipsis if="{ wait }"></mk-ellipsis>
<input ref="file" type="file" accept="image/*" multiple="multiple" tabindex="-1" onchange="{ changeFile }"/>
<div class="dropzone" if="{ draghover }"></div>
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> .files
display block
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content ""
display block
clear both
> .file
display block
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> .attaches
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cursor move
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&:hover > .remove
> .remain
display block
> .img
width 64px
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> .remove
display none
position absolute
top -6px
right -6px
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top 8px
right 8px
margin 0
padding 0
color rgba($theme-color, 0.4)
> .add
> .files
display block
margin 0
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list-style none
content ""
display block
clear both
> .file
display block
float left
margin 4px
padding 0
cursor move
&:hover > .remove
display block
> .img
width 64px
height 64px
background-size cover
background-position center center
> .remove
display none
position absolute
top -6px
right -6px
width 16px
height 16px
cursor pointer
> .add
display block
float left
margin 4px
padding 0
border dashed 2px rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
cursor pointer
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
> i
color rgba($theme-color, 0.4)
> i
display block
width 60px
height 60px
line-height 60px
text-align center
font-size 1.2em
color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
> mk-uploader
margin 8px 0 0 0
padding 8px
border solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
border-radius 4px
display none
display block
float left
margin 4px
padding 0
border dashed 2px rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
cursor pointer
padding 12px
margin 0
width 100%
max-width 100%
min-width 100%
min-height calc(16px + 12px + 12px)
font-size 16px
color #333
background #fff
outline none
border solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
border-radius 4px
transition border-color .3s ease
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
transition border-color .1s ease
color $theme-color
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
transition border-color 0s ease
opacity 0.5
color rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-bottom solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.1) !important
border-radius 4px 4px 0 0
&:hover + .attaches
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
transition border-color .1s ease
&:focus + .attaches
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
transition border-color 0s ease
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
bottom 16px
right 138px
margin 0
line-height 40px
color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
color #ec3828
display block
position absolute
bottom 16px
right 16px
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 110px
height 40px
font-size 1em
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
outline none
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
border-radius 4px
font-weight bold
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
opacity 0.7
cursor default
background linear-gradient(
darken($theme-color, 10%) 25%,
$theme-color 25%,
$theme-color 50%,
darken($theme-color, 10%) 50%,
darken($theme-color, 10%) 75%,
$theme-color 75%,
background-size 32px 32px
animation stripe-bg 1.5s linear infinite
opacity 0.7
cursor wait
@keyframes stripe-bg
from {background-position: 0 0;}
to {background-position: -64px 32px;}
display inline-block
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 8px 4px 0 0
width 40px
height 40px
font-size 1em
color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
background transparent
outline none
border solid 1px transparent
border-radius 4px
background transparent
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
> i
color rgba($theme-color, 0.4)
color rgba($theme-color, 0.6)
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 80%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 90%) 100%)
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
box-shadow 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) inset
> i
display block
width 60px
height 60px
line-height 60px
text-align center
font-size 1.2em
color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
> mk-uploader
margin 8px 0 0 0
padding 8px
border solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
border-radius 4px
display none
display block
padding 12px
margin 0
width 100%
max-width 100%
min-width 100%
min-height calc(16px + 12px + 12px)
font-size 16px
color #333
background #fff
outline none
border solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
border-radius 4px
transition border-color .3s ease
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
transition border-color .1s ease
color $theme-color
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
transition border-color 0s ease
opacity 0.5
color rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-bottom solid 1px rgba($theme-color, 0.1) !important
border-radius 4px 4px 0 0
&:hover + .attaches
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
transition border-color .1s ease
&:focus + .attaches
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
transition border-color 0s ease
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
bottom 16px
right 138px
margin 0
line-height 40px
color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
color #ec3828
display block
position absolute
bottom 16px
right 16px
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 110px
height 40px
font-size 1em
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
outline none
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
border-radius 4px
font-weight bold
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
content ""
pointer-events none
> .dropzone
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
opacity 0.7
cursor default
background linear-gradient(
darken($theme-color, 10%) 25%,
$theme-color 25%,
$theme-color 50%,
darken($theme-color, 10%) 50%,
darken($theme-color, 10%) 75%,
$theme-color 75%,
background-size 32px 32px
animation stripe-bg 1.5s linear infinite
opacity 0.7
cursor wait
@keyframes stripe-bg
from {background-position: 0 0;}
to {background-position: -64px 32px;}
display inline-block
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 8px 4px 0 0
width 40px
height 40px
font-size 1em
color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
background transparent
outline none
border solid 1px transparent
border-radius 4px
background transparent
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
color rgba($theme-color, 0.6)
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 80%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 90%) 100%)
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
box-shadow 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15) inset
content ""
left 0
top 0
width 100%
height 100%
border dashed 2px rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
> .dropzone
position absolute
left 0
top 0
width 100%
height 100%
border dashed 2px rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
pointer-events none
@mixin \api
@mixin \notify
@mixin \autocomplete
@mixin \sortable
@mixin \api
@mixin \notify
@mixin \autocomplete
@mixin \sortable
@wait = false
@uploadings = []
@files = []
@autocomplete = null
@in-reply-to-post = @opts.reply
# https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2080
if @in-reply-to-post == '' then @in-reply-to-post = null
@on \mount ~>
@refs.uploader.on \uploaded (file) ~>
@add-file file
@refs.uploader.on \change-uploads (uploads) ~>
@trigger \change-uploading-files uploads
@autocomplete = new @Autocomplete @refs.text
@on \unmount ~>
@focus = ~>
@clear = ~>
@refs.text.value = ''
@wait = false
@uploadings = []
@files = []
@trigger \change-files
@autocomplete = null
@ondragover = (e) ~>
@draghover = true
# ドラッグされてきたものがファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.effect-allowed == \all
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \copy
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \move
return false
@in-reply-to-post = @opts.reply
@ondragenter = (e) ~>
@draghover = true
# https://github.com/riot/riot/issues/2080
if @in-reply-to-post == '' then @in-reply-to-post = null
@ondragleave = (e) ~>
@draghover = false
@on \mount ~>
@refs.uploader.on \uploaded (file) ~>
@add-file file
@ondrop = (e) ~>
@draghover = false
@refs.uploader.on \change-uploads (uploads) ~>
@trigger \change-uploading-files uploads
# ファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.files.length > 0
Array.prototype.for-each.call e.data-transfer.files, (file) ~>
@autocomplete = new @Autocomplete @refs.text
@on \unmount ~>
@focus = ~>
@clear = ~>
@refs.text.value = ''
@files = []
@trigger \change-files
@ondragover = (e) ~>
@draghover = true
# ドラッグされてきたものがファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.effect-allowed == \all
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \copy
e.data-transfer.drop-effect = \move
return false
@ondragenter = (e) ~>
@draghover = true
@ondragleave = (e) ~>
@draghover = false
@ondrop = (e) ~>
@draghover = false
# ファイルだったら
if e.data-transfer.files.length > 0
Array.prototype.for-each.call e.data-transfer.files, (file) ~>
@upload file
return false
# データ取得
data = e.data-transfer.get-data 'text'
if !data?
return false
# パース
obj = JSON.parse data
# (ドライブの)ファイルだったら
if obj.type == \file
@add-file obj.file
# ignore
return false
@onkeydown = (e) ~>
if (e.which == 10 || e.which == 13) && (e.ctrl-key || e.meta-key)
@onpaste = (e) ~>
data = e.clipboard-data
items = data.items
for i from 0 to items.length - 1
item = items[i]
switch (item.kind)
| \file =>
@upload item.get-as-file!
@select-file = ~>
@select-file-from-drive = ~>
browser = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-select-file-from-drive-window
i = riot.mount browser, do
multiple: true
i[0].one \selected (files) ~>
files.for-each @add-file
@change-file = ~>
files = @refs.file.files
for i from 0 to files.length - 1
file = files.item i
@upload file
return false
# データ取得
data = e.data-transfer.get-data 'text'
if !data?
return false
@upload = (file) ~>
@refs.uploader.upload file
# パース
obj = JSON.parse data
@add-file = (file) ~>
file._remove = ~>
@files = @files.filter (x) -> x.id != file.id
@trigger \change-files @files
# (ドライブの)ファイルだったら
if obj.type == \file
@add-file obj.file
# ignore
return false
@onkeydown = (e) ~>
if (e.which == 10 || e.which == 13) && (e.ctrl-key || e.meta-key)
@onpaste = (e) ~>
data = e.clipboard-data
items = data.items
for i from 0 to items.length - 1
item = items[i]
switch (item.kind)
| \file =>
@upload item.get-as-file!
@select-file = ~>
@select-file-from-drive = ~>
browser = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-select-file-from-drive-window
i = riot.mount browser, do
multiple: true
i[0].one \selected (files) ~>
files.for-each @add-file
@change-file = ~>
files = @refs.file.files
for i from 0 to files.length - 1
file = files.item i
@upload file
@upload = (file) ~>
@refs.uploader.upload file
@add-file = (file) ~>
file._remove = ~>
@files = @files.filter (x) -> x.id != file.id
@files.push file
@trigger \change-files @files
@files.push file
@trigger \change-files @files
new @Sortable @refs.attaches, do
draggable: \.file
animation: 150ms
new @Sortable @refs.attaches, do
draggable: \.file
animation: 150ms
@post = (e) ~>
@wait = true
@post = (e) ~>
@wait = true
files = if @files? and @files.length > 0
then @files.map (f) -> f.id
else undefined
files = if @files? and @files.length > 0
then @files.map (f) -> f.id
else undefined
@api \posts/create do
text: @refs.text.value
media_ids: files
reply_to_id: if @in-reply-to-post? then @in-reply-to-post.id else undefined
.then (data) ~>
@trigger \post
@notify if @in-reply-to-post? then '返信しました!' else '投稿しました!'
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@notify '投稿できませんでした'
.then ~>
@wait = false
@api \posts/create do
text: @refs.text.value
media_ids: files
reply_to_id: if @in-reply-to-post? then @in-reply-to-post.id else undefined
.then (data) ~>
@trigger \post
@notify if @in-reply-to-post? then '返信しました!' else '投稿しました!'
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@notify '投稿できませんでした'
.then ~>
@wait = false
@ -1,94 +1,93 @@
mk-post-preview(title={ title })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username })
img.avatar(src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='avatar', data-user-preview={ post.user_id })
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ post.user_id })
| { post.user.name }
| @{ post.user.username }
a.time(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username + '/' + post.id })
mk-time(time={ post.created_at })
mk-sub-post-content.text(post={ post })
display block
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 0.9em
background #fff
> article
content ""
<mk-post-preview title="{ title }">
<article><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }"><img class="avatar" src="{ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt="avatar" data-user-preview="{ post.user_id }"/></a>
<div class="main">
<header><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ post.user_id }">{ post.user.name }</a><span class="username">@{ post.user.username }</span><a class="time" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username + '/' + post.id }">
<mk-time time="{ post.created_at }"></mk-time></a></header>
<div class="body">
<mk-sub-post-content class="text" post="{ post }"></mk-sub-post-content>
<style type="stylus">
display block
clear both
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 0.9em
background #fff
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> article
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 16px 0 0
content ""
display block
clear both
> .avatar
display block
width 52px
height 52px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 68px)
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 16px 0 0
> header
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
> .avatar
display block
width 52px
height 52px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #607073
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 68px)
text-decoration underline
> header
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #d1d8da
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #607073
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
> .time
position absolute
top 0
right 0
color #b2b8bb
text-decoration underline
> .body
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #d1d8da
> .text
cursor default
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
> .time
position absolute
top 0
right 0
color #b2b8bb
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \user-preview
> .body
@post = @opts.post
> .text
cursor default
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
@title = @date-stringify @post.created_at
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \user-preview
@post = @opts.post
@title = @date-stringify @post.created_at
@ -1,72 +1,75 @@
canvas@canv(width={ opts.width }, height={ opts.height })
<canvas ref="canv" width="{ opts.width }" height="{ opts.height }"></canvas>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> canvas
margin 0 auto
> canvas
margin 0 auto
@mixin \api
@mixin \is-promise
@mixin \api
@mixin \is-promise
@post = null
@post-promise = if @is-promise @opts.post then @opts.post else Promise.resolve @opts.post
@post = null
@post-promise = if @is-promise @opts.post then @opts.post else Promise.resolve @opts.post
@on \mount ~>
post <~ @post-promise.then
@post = post
@on \mount ~>
post <~ @post-promise.then
@post = post
@api \aggregation/posts/like do
post_id: @post.id
limit: 30days
.then (likes) ~>
likes = likes.reverse!
@api \aggregation/posts/repost do
@api \aggregation/posts/like do
post_id: @post.id
limit: 30days
.then (repost) ~>
repost = repost.reverse!
.then (likes) ~>
likes = likes.reverse!
@api \aggregation/posts/reply do
@api \aggregation/posts/repost do
post_id: @post.id
limit: 30days
.then (replies) ~>
replies = replies.reverse!
.then (repost) ~>
repost = repost.reverse!
new Chart @refs.canv, do
type: \bar
labels: likes.map (x, i) ~> if i % 3 == 2 then x.date.day + '日' else ''
datasets: [
label: \いいね
type: \line
data: likes.map (x) ~> x.count
line-tension: 0
border-width: 2
fill: true
background-color: 'rgba(247, 121, 108, 0.2)'
point-background-color: \#fff
point-radius: 4
point-border-width: 2
border-color: \#F7796C
label: \返信
type: \bar
data: replies.map (x) ~> x.count
background-color: \#555
label: \Repost
type: \bar
data: repost.map (x) ~> x.count
background-color: \#a2d61e
responsive: false
@api \aggregation/posts/reply do
post_id: @post.id
limit: 30days
.then (replies) ~>
replies = replies.reverse!
new Chart @refs.canv, do
type: \bar
labels: likes.map (x, i) ~> if i % 3 == 2 then x.date.day + '日' else ''
datasets: [
label: \いいね
type: \line
data: likes.map (x) ~> x.count
line-tension: 0
border-width: 2
fill: true
background-color: 'rgba(247, 121, 108, 0.2)'
point-background-color: \#fff
point-radius: 4
point-border-width: 2
border-color: \#F7796C
label: \返信
type: \bar
data: replies.map (x) ~> x.count
background-color: \#555
label: \Repost
type: \bar
data: repost.map (x) ~> x.count
background-color: \#a2d61e
responsive: false
@ -1,92 +1,94 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ false }, can-close={ false }, width={ '500px' })
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| { parent.title }
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p.init(if={ isNaN(parent.value) })
| 待機中
p.percentage(if={ !isNaN(parent.value) }) { Math.floor((parent.value / parent.max) * 100) }
progress(if={ !isNaN(parent.value) && parent.value < parent.max }, value={ isNaN(parent.value) ? 0 : parent.value }, max={ parent.max })
div.progress.waiting(if={ parent.value >= parent.max })
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<p class="init" if="{ isNaN(parent.value) }">待機中
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> .percentage
display block
margin 0 0 4px 0
text-align center
line-height 16px
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content '%'
content '%'
> progress
> .progress
display block
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> progress
> .progress
display block
margin 0
width 100%
height 10px
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border none
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background $theme-color
background rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
background rgba($theme-color, 0.1)
> .progress
background linear-gradient(
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 25%,
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lighten($theme-color, 30%) 50%,
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 75%,
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background-size 32px 32px
animation progress-dialog-tag-progress-waiting 1.5s linear infinite
> .progress
background linear-gradient(
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 25%,
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lighten($theme-color, 30%) 50%,
lighten($theme-color, 30%) 75%,
$theme-color 75%,
background-size 32px 32px
animation progress-dialog-tag-progress-waiting 1.5s linear infinite
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to {background-position: -64px 32px;}
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from {background-position: 0 0;}
to {background-position: -64px 32px;}
@title = @opts.title
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@title = @opts.title
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@value = parse-int value, 10
@max = parse-int max, 10
@update-progress = (value, max) ~>
@value = parse-int value, 10
@max = parse-int max, 10
@close = ~>
@close = ~>
@ -1,38 +1,36 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ true }, colored={ true })
<yield to="header">
| この投稿をRepostしますか?
<yield to="content">
mk-repost-form@form(post={ parent.opts.post })
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ true }" colored="{ true }"><yield to="header"><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i>この投稿をRepostしますか?</yield>
<yield to="content">
<mk-repost-form ref="form" post="{ parent.opts.post }"></mk-repost-form></yield>
<style type="stylus">
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
@on-document-keydown = (e) ~>
tag = e.target.tag-name.to-lower-case!
if tag != \input and tag != \textarea
if e.which == 27 # Esc
@on-document-keydown = (e) ~>
tag = e.target.tag-name.to-lower-case!
if tag != \input and tag != \textarea
if e.which == 27 # Esc
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.refs.form.on \cancel ~>
@on \mount ~>
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@refs.window.refs.form.on \posted ~>
@refs.window.refs.form.on \posted ~>
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document.add-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
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document.remove-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
@on \unmount ~>
document.remove-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
@ -1,140 +1,144 @@
mk-post-preview(post={ opts.post })
div.form(if={ quote })
textarea@text(disabled={ wait }, placeholder='この投稿を引用...')
a.quote(if={ !quote }, onclick={ onquote }) 引用する...
button.cancel(onclick={ cancel }) キャンセル
button.ok(onclick={ ok }) Repost
<mk-post-preview post="{ opts.post }"></mk-post-preview>
<div class="form" if="{ quote }">
<textarea ref="text" disabled="{ wait }" placeholder="この投稿を引用..."></textarea>
<footer><a class="quote" if="{ !quote }" onclick="{ onquote }">引用する...</a>
<button class="cancel" onclick="{ cancel }">キャンセル</button>
<button class="ok" onclick="{ ok }">Repost</button>
<style type="stylus">
> mk-post-preview
margin 16px 22px
> mk-post-preview
margin 16px 22px
> .form
display block
padding 12px
margin 0
width 100%
max-width 100%
min-width 100%
min-height calc(1em + 12px + 12px)
font-size 1em
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transition border-color .3s ease
> .form
display block
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transition border-color .3s ease
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
transition border-color .1s ease
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.2)
transition border-color .1s ease
color $theme-color
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
transition border-color 0s ease
color $theme-color
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
transition border-color 0s ease
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opacity 0.5
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> div
padding 16px
> div
padding 16px
> footer
height 72px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
> footer
height 72px
background lighten($theme-color, 95%)
> .quote
position absolute
bottom 16px
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line-height 40px
display block
position absolute
bottom 16px
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 120px
height 40px
font-size 1em
outline none
border-radius 4px
content ""
pointer-events none
> .quote
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
bottom 16px
left 28px
line-height 40px
> .cancel
right 148px
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
display block
position absolute
bottom 16px
cursor pointer
padding 0
margin 0
width 120px
height 40px
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outline none
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border-color #dcdcdc
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top -5px
right -5px
bottom -5px
left -5px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 8px
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
> .cancel
right 148px
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
> .ok
right 16px
font-weight bold
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
> .ok
right 16px
font-weight bold
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
@mixin \api
@mixin \notify
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
@wait = false
@quote = false
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
@cancel = ~>
@trigger \cancel
@mixin \api
@mixin \notify
@ok = ~>
@wait = true
@api \posts/create do
repost_id: @opts.post.id
text: if @quote then @refs.text.value else undefined
.then (data) ~>
@trigger \posted
@notify 'Repostしました!'
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@notify 'Repostできませんでした'
.then ~>
@wait = false
@wait = false
@quote = false
@onquote = ~>
@quote = true
@cancel = ~>
@trigger \cancel
@ok = ~>
@wait = true
@api \posts/create do
repost_id: @opts.post.id
text: if @quote then @refs.text.value else undefined
.then (data) ~>
@trigger \posted
@notify 'Repostしました!'
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@notify 'Repostできませんでした'
.then ~>
@wait = false
@onquote = ~>
@quote = true
@ -1,88 +1,86 @@
div.loading(if={ is-loading })
p.empty(if={ is-empty })
| 「{ query }」に関する投稿は見つかりませんでした。
<yield to="footer">
i.fa.fa-moon-o(if={ !parent.more-loading })
i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-pulse.fa-fw(if={ parent.more-loading })
display block
background #fff
> .loading
padding 64px 0
> .empty
display block
margin 0 auto
padding 32px
max-width 400px
text-align center
color #999
> i
<div class="loading" if="{ isLoading }">
<p class="empty" if="{ isEmpty }"><i class="fa fa-search"></i>「{ query }」に関する投稿は見つかりませんでした。</p>
<mk-timeline ref="timeline"><yield to="footer"><i class="fa fa-moon-o" if="{ !parent.moreLoading }"></i><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-fw" if="{ parent.moreLoading }"></i></yield></mk-timeline>
<style type="stylus">
display block
margin-bottom 16px
font-size 3em
color #ccc
background #fff
@mixin \api
@mixin \get-post-summary
> .loading
padding 64px 0
@query = @opts.query
@is-loading = true
@is-empty = false
@more-loading = false
@page = 0
> .empty
display block
margin 0 auto
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document.add-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
window.add-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
> i
display block
margin-bottom 16px
font-size 3em
color #ccc
@api \posts/search do
query: @query
.then (posts) ~>
@is-loading = false
@is-empty = posts.length == 0
@mixin \api
@mixin \get-post-summary
@query = @opts.query
@is-loading = true
@is-empty = false
@more-loading = false
@page = 0
@on \mount ~>
document.add-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
window.add-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
@api \posts/search do
query: @query
.then (posts) ~>
@is-loading = false
@is-empty = posts.length == 0
@refs.timeline.set-posts posts
@trigger \loaded
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@on \unmount ~>
document.remove-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
window.remove-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
@on-document-keydown = (e) ~>
tag = e.target.tag-name.to-lower-case!
if tag != \input and tag != \textarea
if e.which == 84 # t
@more = ~>
if @more-loading or @is-loading or @timeline.posts.length == 0
@more-loading = true
@refs.timeline.set-posts posts
@trigger \loaded
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@api \posts/search do
query: @query
page: @page + 1
.then (posts) ~>
@more-loading = false
@refs.timeline.prepend-posts posts
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@on \unmount ~>
document.remove-event-listener \keydown @on-document-keydown
window.remove-event-listener \scroll @on-scroll
@on-document-keydown = (e) ~>
tag = e.target.tag-name.to-lower-case!
if tag != \input and tag != \textarea
if e.which == 84 # t
@more = ~>
if @more-loading or @is-loading or @timeline.posts.length == 0
@more-loading = true
@api \posts/search do
query: @query
page: @page + 1
.then (posts) ~>
@more-loading = false
@refs.timeline.prepend-posts posts
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@on-scroll = ~>
current = window.scroll-y + window.inner-height
if current > document.body.offset-height - 16 # 遊び
@on-scroll = ~>
current = window.scroll-y + window.inner-height
if current > document.body.offset-height - 16 # 遊び
@ -1,28 +1,32 @@
h1 { query }
mk-search-posts@posts(query={ query })
<h1>{ query }</h1>
<mk-search-posts ref="posts" query="{ query }"></mk-search-posts>
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padding-bottom 32px
display block
padding-bottom 32px
> header
width 100%
max-width 600px
margin 0 auto
color #555
> header
width 100%
max-width 600px
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color #555
> mk-search-posts
max-width 600px
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> mk-search-posts
max-width 600px
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@query = @opts.query
@query = @opts.query
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@on \mount ~>
@refs.posts.on \loaded ~>
@trigger \loaded
@ -1,160 +1,161 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ true }, width={ '800px' }, height={ '500px' })
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mk-raw(content={ parent.title })
span.count(if={ parent.multiple && parent.file.length > 0 }) ({ parent.file.length }ファイル選択中)
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mk-drive-browser@browser(multiple={ parent.multiple })
button.upload(title='PCからドライブにファイルをアップロード', onclick={ parent.upload }): i.fa.fa-upload
button.cancel(onclick={ parent.close }) キャンセル
button.ok(disabled={ parent.multiple && parent.file.length == 0 }, onclick={ parent.ok }) 決定
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> mk-window
> mk-raw
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> mk-raw
> i
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background transparent
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content ""
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right 16px
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> mk-drive-browser
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height 72px
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border-color $theme-color
background transparent
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right 148px
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
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color rgba($theme-color, 0.6)
background transparent
border-color rgba($theme-color, 0.5)
box-shadow 0 2px 4px rgba(darken($theme-color, 50%), 0.15) inset
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
content ""
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top -5px
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left -5px
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border-color #dcdcdc
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bottom 16px
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@file = []
content ""
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border-radius 8px
@multiple = if @opts.multiple? then @opts.multiple else false
@title = @opts.title || '<i class="fa fa-file-o"></i>ファイルを選択'
opacity 0.7
cursor default
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.refs.browser.on \selected (file) ~>
@file = file
right 16px
color $theme-color-foreground
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 25%) 0%, lighten($theme-color, 10%) 100%)
border solid 1px lighten($theme-color, 15%)
@refs.window.refs.browser.on \change-selection (files) ~>
@file = files
font-weight bold
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
background linear-gradient(to bottom, lighten($theme-color, 8%) 0%, darken($theme-color, 8%) 100%)
border-color $theme-color
@close = ~>
background $theme-color
border-color $theme-color
@upload = ~>
right 148px
color #888
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #ffffff 0%, #f5f5f5 100%)
border solid 1px #e2e2e2
@ok = ~>
@trigger \selected @file
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #f9f9f9 0%, #ececec 100%)
border-color #dcdcdc
background #ececec
border-color #dcdcdc
@file = []
@multiple = if @opts.multiple? then @opts.multiple else false
@title = @opts.title || '<i class="fa fa-file-o"></i>ファイルを選択'
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.refs.browser.on \selected (file) ~>
@file = file
@refs.window.refs.browser.on \change-selection (files) ~>
@file = files
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@close = ~>
@upload = ~>
@ok = ~>
@trigger \selected @file
@ -1,44 +1,46 @@
mk-set-avatar-suggestion(onclick={ set })
b アバターを設定
| してみませんか?
button(onclick={ close }): i.fa.fa-times
display block
cursor pointer
color #fff
background #a8cad0
background #70abb5
> p
display block
margin 0 auto
padding 8px
max-width 1024px
> a
font-weight bold
<mk-set-avatar-suggestion onclick="{ set }">
<button onclick="{ close }"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
cursor pointer
color #fff
background #a8cad0
> button
position absolute
top 0
right 0
padding 8px
color #fff
background #70abb5
@mixin \i
@mixin \update-avatar
> p
display block
margin 0 auto
padding 8px
max-width 1024px
@set = ~>
@update-avatar @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
> a
font-weight bold
color #fff
@close = (e) ~>
> button
position absolute
top 0
right 0
padding 8px
color #fff
@mixin \i
@mixin \update-avatar
@set = ~>
@update-avatar @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
@close = (e) ~>
@ -1,44 +1,46 @@
mk-set-banner-suggestion(onclick={ set })
b バナーを設定
| してみませんか?
button(onclick={ close }): i.fa.fa-times
display block
cursor pointer
color #fff
background #a8cad0
background #70abb5
> p
display block
margin 0 auto
padding 8px
max-width 1024px
> a
font-weight bold
<mk-set-banner-suggestion onclick="{ set }">
<button onclick="{ close }"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>
<style type="stylus">
display block
cursor pointer
color #fff
background #a8cad0
> button
position absolute
top 0
right 0
padding 8px
color #fff
background #70abb5
@mixin \i
@mixin \update-banner
> p
display block
margin 0 auto
padding 8px
max-width 1024px
@set = ~>
@update-banner @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
> a
font-weight bold
color #fff
@close = (e) ~>
> button
position absolute
top 0
right 0
padding 8px
color #fff
@mixin \i
@mixin \update-banner
@set = ~>
@update-banner @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
@close = (e) ~>
@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
mk-window@window(is-modal={ true }, width={ '700px' }, height={ '550px' })
<yield to="header">
| 設定
<yield to="content">
<mk-window ref="window" is-modal="{ true }" width="{ '700px' }" height="{ '550px' }"><yield to="header"><i class="fa fa-cog"></i>設定</yield>
<yield to="content">
<style type="stylus">
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
> mk-window
> i
margin-right 4px
overflow auto
overflow auto
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@on \mount ~>
@refs.window.on \closed ~>
@close = ~>
@close = ~>
@ -1,271 +1,266 @@
p(class={ active: page == 'account' }, onmousedown={ set-page.bind(null, 'account') })
| アカウント
p(class={ active: page == 'web' }, onmousedown={ set-page.bind(null, 'web') })
| Web
p(class={ active: page == 'notification' }, onmousedown={ set-page.bind(null, 'notification') })
| 通知
p(class={ active: page == 'drive' }, onmousedown={ set-page.bind(null, 'drive') })
| ドライブ
p(class={ active: page == 'apps' }, onmousedown={ set-page.bind(null, 'apps') })
| アプリ
p(class={ active: page == 'signin' }, onmousedown={ set-page.bind(null, 'signin') })
| ログイン履歴
p(class={ active: page == 'password' }, onmousedown={ set-page.bind(null, 'password') })
| パスワード
p(class={ active: page == 'api' }, onmousedown={ set-page.bind(null, 'api') })
section.account(show={ page == 'account' })
h1 アカウント
p アバター
img.avatar(src={ I.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='avatar')
button.style-normal(onclick={ avatar }) 画像を選択
p 名前
input@account-name(type='text', value={ I.name })
p 場所
input@account-location(type='text', value={ I.location })
p 自己紹介
textarea@account-bio { I.bio }
p 誕生日
input@account-birthday(type='date', value={ I.birthday })
button.style-primary(onclick={ update-account }) 保存
section.web(show={ page == 'web' })
h1 デザイン
p 壁紙
button.style-normal(onclick={ wallpaper }) 画像を選択
section.web(show={ page == 'web' })
h1 その他
input(type='checkbox', checked={ I.data.cache }, onclick={ update-cache })
p 読み込みを高速化する
p API通信時に新鮮なユーザー情報をキャッシュすることでフェッチのオーバーヘッドを無くします。(実験的)
input(type='checkbox', checked={ I.data.debug }, onclick={ update-debug })
p 開発者モード
p デバッグ等の開発者モードを有効にします。
input(type='checkbox', checked={ I.data.nya }, onclick={ update-nya })
p <i>な</i>を<i>にゃ</i>に変換する
p 攻撃的な投稿が多少和らぐ可能性があります。
section.signin(show={ page == 'signin' })
h1 ログイン履歴
section.api(show={ page == 'api' })
h1 API
| Token:
code { I.token }
p APIを利用するには、上記のトークンを「i」というキーでパラメータに付加してリクエストします。
p アカウントを乗っ取られてしまう可能性があるため、このトークンは第三者に教えないでください(アプリなどにも入力しないでください)。
| 万が一このトークンが漏れたりその可能性がある場合は
button.regenerate(onclick={ regenerate-token }) トークンを再生成
| できます。(副作用として、ログインしているすべてのデバイスでログアウトが発生します)
display block
padding 8px
width 100%
font-size 16px
color #55595c
border solid 1px #dadada
border-radius 4px
border-color #aeaeae
border-color #aeaeae
> .nav
position absolute
top 0
left 0
width 200px
height 100%
padding 16px 0 0 0
border-right solid 1px #ddd
> p
<div class="nav">
<p class="{ active: page == 'account' }" onmousedown="{ setPage.bind(null, 'account') }"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-user"></i>アカウント</p>
<p class="{ active: page == 'web' }" onmousedown="{ setPage.bind(null, 'web') }"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-desktop"></i>Web</p>
<p class="{ active: page == 'notification' }" onmousedown="{ setPage.bind(null, 'notification') }"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-bell-o"></i>通知</p>
<p class="{ active: page == 'drive' }" onmousedown="{ setPage.bind(null, 'drive') }"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-cloud"></i>ドライブ</p>
<p class="{ active: page == 'apps' }" onmousedown="{ setPage.bind(null, 'apps') }"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-puzzle-piece"></i>アプリ</p>
<p class="{ active: page == 'signin' }" onmousedown="{ setPage.bind(null, 'signin') }"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-sign-in"></i>ログイン履歴</p>
<p class="{ active: page == 'password' }" onmousedown="{ setPage.bind(null, 'password') }"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-unlock-alt"></i>パスワード</p>
<p class="{ active: page == 'api' }" onmousedown="{ setPage.bind(null, 'api') }"><i class="fa fa-fw fa-key"></i>API</p>
<div class="pages">
<section class="account" show="{ page == 'account' }">
<label class="avatar">
<p>アバター</p><img class="avatar" src="{ I.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt="avatar"/>
<button class="style-normal" onclick="{ avatar }">画像を選択</button>
<input ref="accountName" type="text" value="{ I.name }"/>
<input ref="accountLocation" type="text" value="{ I.location }"/>
<textarea ref="accountBio">{ I.bio }</textarea>
<input ref="accountBirthday" type="date" value="{ I.birthday }"/>
<button class="style-primary" onclick="{ updateAccount }">保存</button>
<section class="web" show="{ page == 'web' }">
<button class="style-normal" onclick="{ wallpaper }">画像を選択</button>
<section class="web" show="{ page == 'web' }">
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" checked="{ I.data.cache }" onclick="{ updateCache }"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" checked="{ I.data.debug }" onclick="{ updateDebug }"/>
<label class="checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" checked="{ I.data.nya }" onclick="{ updateNya }"/>
<section class="signin" show="{ page == 'signin' }">
<section class="api" show="{ page == 'api' }">
<p>Token:<code>{ I.token }</code></p>
<button class="regenerate" onclick="{ regenerateToken }">トークンを再生成</button>できます。(副作用として、ログインしているすべてのデバイスでログアウトが発生します)
<style type="stylus">
display block
padding 10px 16px
margin 0
color #666
cursor pointer
-ms-user-select none
-moz-user-select none
-webkit-user-select none
user-select none
padding 8px
width 100%
font-size 16px
color #55595c
border solid 1px #dadada
border-radius 4px
transition margin-left 0.2s ease
border-color #aeaeae
> i
margin-right 4px
border-color #aeaeae
color #555
margin-left 8px
color $theme-color !important
> .pages
position absolute
top 0
left 200px
width calc(100% - 200px)
> section
padding 32px
// & + section
// margin-top 16px
display block
margin 0
padding 0 0 8px 0
font-size 1em
color #555
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
display block
margin 16px 0
content ""
display block
clear both
> .nav
position absolute
top 0
left 0
width 200px
height 100%
padding 16px 0 0 0
border-right solid 1px #ddd
> p
margin 0 0 8px 0
font-weight bold
color #373a3c
display block
padding 10px 16px
margin 0
color #666
cursor pointer
> input
position absolute
top 0
left 0
-ms-user-select none
-moz-user-select none
-webkit-user-select none
user-select none
&:checked + p
color $theme-color
transition margin-left 0.2s ease
> p
width calc(100% - 32px)
margin 0 0 0 32px
font-weight bold
font-weight normal
color #999
> .general
> .avatar
> img
display block
float left
width 64px
height 64px
border-radius 4px
> button
float left
margin-left 8px
padding 4px
background #eee
display inline
color $theme-color
> i
margin-right 4px
text-decoration underline
color #555
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \dialog
@mixin \update-avatar
@mixin \update-wallpaper
margin-left 8px
color $theme-color !important
@page = \account
> .pages
position absolute
top 0
left 200px
width calc(100% - 200px)
@set-page = (page) ~>
@page = page
> section
padding 32px
@avatar = ~>
@update-avatar @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
// & + section
// margin-top 16px
@wallpaper = ~>
@update-wallpaper @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
display block
margin 0
padding 0 0 8px 0
font-size 1em
color #555
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
@update-account = ~>
@api \i/update do
name: @refs.account-name.value
location: @refs.account-location.value
bio: @refs.account-bio.value
birthday: @refs.account-birthday.value
.then (i) ~>
@update-i i
alert \ok
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
display block
margin 16px 0
@update-cache = ~>
@I.data.cache = !@I.data.cache
@api \i/appdata/set do
data: JSON.stringify do
cache: @I.data.cache
.then ~>
content ""
display block
clear both
@update-debug = ~>
@I.data.debug = !@I.data.debug
@api \i/appdata/set do
data: JSON.stringify do
debug: @I.data.debug
.then ~>
> p
margin 0 0 8px 0
font-weight bold
color #373a3c
@update-nya = ~>
@I.data.nya = !@I.data.nya
@api \i/appdata/set do
data: JSON.stringify do
nya: @I.data.nya
.then ~>
> input
position absolute
top 0
left 0
&:checked + p
color $theme-color
> p
width calc(100% - 32px)
margin 0 0 0 32px
font-weight bold
font-weight normal
color #999
> .general
> .avatar
> img
display block
float left
width 64px
height 64px
border-radius 4px
> button
float left
margin-left 8px
padding 4px
background #eee
display inline
color $theme-color
text-decoration underline
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \dialog
@mixin \update-avatar
@mixin \update-wallpaper
@page = \account
@set-page = (page) ~>
@page = page
@avatar = ~>
@update-avatar @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
@wallpaper = ~>
@update-wallpaper @I, (i) ~>
@update-i i
@update-account = ~>
@api \i/update do
name: @refs.account-name.value
location: @refs.account-location.value
bio: @refs.account-bio.value
birthday: @refs.account-birthday.value
.then (i) ~>
@update-i i
alert \ok
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@update-cache = ~>
@I.data.cache = !@I.data.cache
@api \i/appdata/set do
data: JSON.stringify do
cache: @I.data.cache
.then ~>
@update-debug = ~>
@I.data.debug = !@I.data.debug
@api \i/appdata/set do
data: JSON.stringify do
debug: @I.data.debug
.then ~>
@update-nya = ~>
@I.data.nya = !@I.data.nya
@api \i/appdata/set do
data: JSON.stringify do
nya: @I.data.nya
.then ~>
@ -1,73 +1,75 @@
div.records(if={ history.length != 0 })
div(each={ history })
mk-time(time={ created_at })
i.fa.fa-check(if={ success })
i.fa.fa-times(if={ !success })
span.ip { ip }
pre: code { JSON.stringify(headers, null, ' ') }
<div class="records" if="{ history.length != 0 }">
<div each="{ history }">
<mk-time time="{ created_at }"></mk-time>
<header><i class="fa fa-check" if="{ success }"></i><i class="fa fa-times" if="{ !success }"></i><span class="ip">{ ip }</span></header>
<pre><code>{ JSON.stringify(headers, null, ' ') }</code></pre>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> .records
> div
padding 16px 0 0 0
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
> .records
> div
padding 16px 0 0 0
border-bottom solid 1px #eee
> header
> header
> i
margin-right 8px
> i
margin-right 8px
color #0fda82
color #0fda82
color #ff3100
color #ff3100
> .ip
display inline-block
color #444
background #f8f8f8
> .ip
display inline-block
color #444
background #f8f8f8
> mk-time
position absolute
top 16px
right 0
color #777
> mk-time
position absolute
top 16px
right 0
color #777
> pre
overflow auto
max-height 100px
> pre
overflow auto
max-height 100px
> code
white-space pre-wrap
word-break break-all
color #4a535a
> code
white-space pre-wrap
word-break break-all
color #4a535a
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
@history = []
@fetching = true
@history = []
@fetching = true
@on \mount ~>
@api \i/signin_history
.then (history) ~>
@history = history
@fetching = false
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@on \mount ~>
@api \i/signin_history
.then (history) ~>
@history = history
@fetching = false
@stream.on \signin @on-signin
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \signin @on-signin
@on-signin = (signin) ~>
@history.unshift signin
.catch (err) ~>
console.error err
@stream.on \signin @on-signin
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \signin @on-signin
@on-signin = (signin) ~>
@history.unshift signin
@ -1,59 +1,54 @@
p(if={ state == 'initializing' })
| 接続中
p(if={ state == 'reconnecting' })
| 切断されました 接続中
p(if={ state == 'connected' })
span 接続完了
<p if="{ state == 'initializing' }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i><span>接続中
<p if="{ state == 'reconnecting' }"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i><span>切断されました 接続中
<p if="{ state == 'connected' }"><i class="fa fa-check"></i><span>接続完了</span></p>
<style type="stylus">
display block
pointer-events none
position fixed
z-index 16384
bottom 8px
right 8px
margin 0
padding 6px 12px
font-size 0.9em
color #fff
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
display block
pointer-events none
position fixed
z-index 16384
bottom 8px
right 8px
margin 0
padding 6px 12px
font-size 0.9em
color #fff
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
> p
display block
margin 0
> p
display block
margin 0
> i
margin-right 0.25em
> i
margin-right 0.25em
@mixin \stream
@mixin \stream
@on \before-mount ~>
@state = @get-stream-state!
@on \before-mount ~>
@state = @get-stream-state!
if @state == \connected
@root.style.opacity = 0
if @state == \connected
@root.style.opacity = 0
@stream-state-ev.on \connected ~>
@state = @get-stream-state!
set-timeout ~>
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 0
} 200ms \linear
, 1000ms
@stream-state-ev.on \connected ~>
@state = @get-stream-state!
set-timeout ~>
@stream-state-ev.on \closed ~>
@state = @get-stream-state!
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 0
} 200ms \linear
, 1000ms
@stream-state-ev.on \closed ~>
@state = @get-stream-state!
Velocity @root, {
opacity: 1
} 0ms
opacity: 1
} 0ms
@ -1,37 +1,38 @@
a.reply(if={ post.reply_to_id }): i.fa.fa-reply
a.quote(if={ post.repost_id }, href={ '/post:' + post.repost_id }) RP: ...
details(if={ post.media })
summary ({ post.media.length }枚の画像)
mk-images-viewer(images={ post.media })
<div class="body"><a class="reply" if="{ post.reply_to_id }"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i></a><span ref="text"></span><a class="quote" if="{ post.repost_id }" href="{ '/post:' + post.repost_id }">RP: ...</a></div>
<details if="{ post.media }">
<summary>({ post.media.length }枚の画像)</summary>
<mk-images-viewer images="{ post.media }"></mk-images-viewer>
<style type="stylus">
display block
word-wrap break-word
display block
word-wrap break-word
> .body
> .reply
margin-right 6px
color #717171
> .body
> .reply
margin-right 6px
color #717171
> .quote
margin-left 4px
font-style oblique
color #a0bf46
> .quote
margin-left 4px
font-style oblique
color #a0bf46
@mixin \text
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \text
@mixin \user-preview
@post = @opts.post
@post = @opts.post
@on \mount ~>
if @post.text?
tokens = @analyze @post.text
@refs.text.innerHTML = @compile tokens, false
@on \mount ~>
if @post.text?
tokens = @analyze @post.text
@refs.text.innerHTML = @compile tokens, false
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
@ -1,95 +1,99 @@
mk-timeline-post-sub(title={ title })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username })
img.avatar(src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='avatar', data-user-preview={ post.user_id })
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ post.user_id })
| { post.user.name }
| @{ post.user.username }
a.created-at(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username + '/' + post.id })
mk-time(time={ post.created_at })
mk-sub-post-content.text(post={ post })
<mk-timeline-post-sub title="{ title }">
<article><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }"><img class="avatar" src="{ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt="avatar" data-user-preview="{ post.user_id }"/></a>
<div class="main">
<header><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ post.user_id }">{ post.user.name }</a><span class="username">@{ post.user.username }</span><a class="created-at" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username + '/' + post.id }">
<mk-time time="{ post.created_at }"></mk-time></a></header>
<div class="body">
<mk-sub-post-content class="text" post="{ post }"></mk-sub-post-content>
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \user-preview
@post = @opts.post
@post = @opts.post
@title = @date-stringify @post.created_at
@title = @date-stringify @post.created_at
display block
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 0.9em
> article
padding 16px
content ""
<style type="stylus">
display block
clear both
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 0.9em
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> article
padding 16px
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 14px 0 0
content ""
display block
clear both
> .avatar
display block
width 52px
height 52px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 66px)
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 14px 0 0
> header
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
line-height 21px
> .avatar
display block
width 52px
height 52px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #607073
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 66px)
text-decoration underline
> header
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
line-height 21px
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #d1d8da
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #607073
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
> .created-at
position absolute
top 0
right 0
color #b2b8bb
text-decoration underline
> .body
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #d1d8da
> .text
cursor default
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
> .created-at
position absolute
top 0
right 0
color #b2b8bb
> .body
> .text
cursor default
margin 0
padding 0
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
@ -1,376 +1,332 @@
mk-timeline-post(tabindex='-1', title={ title }, onkeydown={ on-key-down })
div.reply-to(if={ p.reply_to })
mk-timeline-post-sub(post={ p.reply_to })
div.repost(if={ is-repost })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ post.user_id }): img.avatar(src={ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }, alt='avatar')
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }, data-user-preview={ post.user_id }) { post.user.name }
| がRepost
mk-time(time={ post.created_at })
a.avatar-anchor(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + p.user.username })
img.avatar(src={ p.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='avatar', data-user-preview={ p.user.id })
a.name(href={ CONFIG.url + '/' + p.user.username }, data-user-preview={ p.user.id })
| { p.user.name }
| @{ p.user.username }
a.created-at(href={ url })
mk-time(time={ p.created_at })
a.reply(if={ p.reply_to }): i.fa.fa-reply
a.quote(if={ p.repost != null }) RP:
div.media(if={ p.media })
mk-images-viewer(images={ p.media })
div.repost(if={ p.repost })
mk-post-preview.repost(post={ p.repost })
button(onclick={ reply }, title='返信')
p.count(if={ p.replies_count > 0 }) { p.replies_count }
button(onclick={ repost }, title='Repost')
p.count(if={ p.repost_count > 0 }) { p.repost_count }
button(class={ liked: p.is_liked }, onclick={ like }, title='善哉')
p.count(if={ p.likes_count > 0 }) { p.likes_count }
button(onclick={ NotImplementedException }): i.fa.fa-ellipsis-h
button(onclick={ toggle-detail }, title='詳細')
i.fa.fa-caret-down(if={ !is-detail-opened })
i.fa.fa-caret-up(if={ is-detail-opened })
div.detail(if={ is-detail-opened })
mk-post-status-graph(width='462', height='130', post={ p })
display block
margin 0
padding 0
background #fff
z-index 1
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top 2px
right 2px
bottom 2px
left 2px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 4px
> .repost
color #9dbb00
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #edfde2 0%, #fff 100%)
> p
<mk-timeline-post tabindex="-1" title="{ title }" onkeydown="{ onKeyDown }">
<div class="reply-to" if="{ p.reply_to }">
<mk-timeline-post-sub post="{ p.reply_to }"></mk-timeline-post-sub>
<div class="repost" if="{ isRepost }">
<p><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ post.user_id }"><img class="avatar" src="{ post.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=32' }" alt="avatar"/></a><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + post.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ post.user_id }">{ post.user.name }</a>がRepost</p>
<mk-time time="{ post.created_at }"></mk-time>
<article><a class="avatar-anchor" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + p.user.username }"><img class="avatar" src="{ p.user.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt="avatar" data-user-preview="{ p.user.id }"/></a>
<div class="main">
<header><a class="name" href="{ CONFIG.url + '/' + p.user.username }" data-user-preview="{ p.user.id }">{ p.user.name }</a><span class="username">@{ p.user.username }</span><a class="created-at" href="{ url }">
<mk-time time="{ p.created_at }"></mk-time></a></header>
<div class="body">
<div class="text"><a class="reply" if="{ p.reply_to }"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i></a><span ref="text"></span><a class="quote" if="{ p.repost != null }">RP:</a></div>
<div class="media" if="{ p.media }">
<mk-images-viewer images="{ p.media }"></mk-images-viewer>
<div class="repost" if="{ p.repost }"><i class="fa fa-quote-right fa-flip-horizontal"></i>
<mk-post-preview class="repost" post="{ p.repost }"></mk-post-preview>
<button onclick="{ reply }" title="返信"><i class="fa fa-reply"></i>
<p class="count" if="{ p.replies_count > 0 }">{ p.replies_count }</p>
<button onclick="{ repost }" title="Repost"><i class="fa fa-retweet"></i>
<p class="count" if="{ p.repost_count > 0 }">{ p.repost_count }</p>
<button class="{ liked: p.is_liked }" onclick="{ like }" title="善哉"><i class="fa fa-thumbs-o-up"></i>
<p class="count" if="{ p.likes_count > 0 }">{ p.likes_count }</p>
<button onclick="{ NotImplementedException }"><i class="fa fa-ellipsis-h"></i></button>
<button onclick="{ toggleDetail }" title="詳細"><i class="fa fa-caret-down" if="{ !isDetailOpened }"></i><i class="fa fa-caret-up" if="{ isDetailOpened }"></i></button>
<div class="detail" if="{ isDetailOpened }">
<mk-post-status-graph width="462" height="130" post="{ p }"></mk-post-status-graph>
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margin 0
padding 16px 32px
line-height 28px
padding 0
background #fff
display inline-block
z-index 1
vertical-align bottom
width 28px
height 28px
margin 0 8px 0 0
border-radius 6px
margin-right 4px
font-weight bold
> mk-time
position absolute
top 16px
right 32px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 28px
& + article
padding-top 8px
> .reply-to
padding 0 16px
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0125)
> mk-post-preview
background transparent
> article
padding 28px 32px 18px 32px
content ""
display block
clear both
> .main > footer > button
color #888
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 16px 0 0
> .avatar
display block
width 58px
height 58px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 74px)
> header
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
line-height 24px
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #777
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
text-decoration underline
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #ccc
> .created-at
content ""
pointer-events none
position absolute
top 0
right 0
font-size 0.9em
color #c0c0c0
top 2px
right 2px
bottom 2px
left 2px
border 2px solid rgba($theme-color, 0.3)
border-radius 4px
> .body
> .repost
color #9dbb00
background linear-gradient(to bottom, #edfde2 0%, #fff 100%)
> .text
cursor default
display block
> p
margin 0
padding 0
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
padding 16px 32px
line-height 28px
margin-top 8px
display inline-block
> .reply
margin-right 8px
color #717171
vertical-align bottom
width 28px
height 28px
margin 0 8px 0 0
border-radius 6px
> .quote
margin-left 4px
font-style oblique
color #a0bf46
margin-right 4px
> .media
> img
display block
max-width 100%
font-weight bold
> .repost
margin 8px 0
> mk-time
position absolute
top 16px
right 32px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 28px
> i:first-child
position absolute
top -8px
left -8px
z-index 1
color #c0dac6
font-size 28px
background #fff
& + article
padding-top 8px
> mk-post-preview
padding 16px
border dashed 1px #c0dac6
border-radius 8px
> .reply-to
padding 0 16px
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0125)
> footer
> button
margin 0 28px 0 0
padding 0 8px
line-height 32px
font-size 1em
color #ddd
> mk-post-preview
background transparent
border none
cursor pointer
color #666
> article
padding 28px 32px 18px 32px
> .count
display inline
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #999
content ""
display block
clear both
color $theme-color
> .main > footer > button
color #888
position absolute
right 0
> .avatar-anchor
display block
float left
margin 0 16px 0 0
> .avatar
display block
width 58px
height 58px
margin 0
border-radius 8px
vertical-align bottom
> .detail
padding-top 4px
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0125)
> .main
float left
width calc(100% - 74px)
background #0D0D0D
> header
margin-bottom 4px
white-space nowrap
line-height 24px
> article
> .name
display inline
margin 0
padding 0
color #777
font-size 1em
font-weight 700
text-align left
text-decoration none
> .main > footer > button
color #eee
text-decoration underline
> .main
> header
> .left
> .name
color #9e9c98
> .username
text-align left
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #ccc
> .username
color #41403f
> .created-at
position absolute
top 0
right 0
font-size 0.9em
color #c0c0c0
> .right
> .time
color #4e4d4b
> .body
> .body
> .text
color #9e9c98
> .text
cursor default
display block
margin 0
padding 0
word-wrap break-word
font-size 1.1em
color #717171
> footer
> button
color #9e9c98
margin-top 8px
color #fff
> .reply
margin-right 8px
color #717171
> .count
color #eee
> .quote
margin-left 4px
font-style oblique
color #a0bf46
@mixin \api
@mixin \text
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \NotImplementedException
> .media
> img
display block
max-width 100%
@post = @opts.post
@is-repost = @post.repost? and !@post.text?
@p = if @is-repost then @post.repost else @post
> .repost
margin 8px 0
@title = @date-stringify @p.created_at
> i:first-child
position absolute
top -8px
left -8px
z-index 1
color #c0dac6
font-size 28px
background #fff
@url = CONFIG.url + '/' + @p.user.username + '/' + @p.id
@is-detail-opened = false
> mk-post-preview
padding 16px
border dashed 1px #c0dac6
border-radius 8px
@on \mount ~>
if @p.text?
tokens = if @p._highlight?
then @analyze @p._highlight
else @analyze @p.text
> footer
> button
margin 0 28px 0 0
padding 0 8px
line-height 32px
font-size 1em
color #ddd
background transparent
border none
cursor pointer
@refs.text.innerHTML = if @p._highlight?
then @compile tokens, true, false
else @compile tokens
color #666
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
> .count
display inline
margin 0 0 0 8px
color #999
# URLをプレビュー
.filter (t) -> t.type == \link
.map (t) ~>
@preview = @refs.text.append-child document.create-element \mk-url-preview
riot.mount @preview, do
url: t.content
color $theme-color
@reply = ~>
form = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-post-form-window
riot.mount form, do
reply: @p
position absolute
right 0
margin 0
@repost = ~>
form = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-repost-form-window
riot.mount form, do
post: @p
> .detail
padding-top 4px
background rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0125)
@like = ~>
if @p.is_liked
@api \posts/likes/delete do
post_id: @p.id
.then ~>
@p.is_liked = false
@api \posts/likes/create do
post_id: @p.id
.then ~>
@p.is_liked = true
@mixin \api
@mixin \text
@mixin \date-stringify
@mixin \user-preview
@mixin \NotImplementedException
@toggle-detail = ~>
@is-detail-opened = !@is-detail-opened
@post = @opts.post
@is-repost = @post.repost? and !@post.text?
@p = if @is-repost then @post.repost else @post
@on-key-down = (e) ~>
should-be-cancel = true
| e.which == 38 or e.which == 74 or (e.which == 9 and e.shift-key) => # ↑, j or Shift+Tab
focus @root, (e) -> e.previous-element-sibling
| e.which == 40 or e.which == 75 or e.which == 9 => # ↓, k or Tab
focus @root, (e) -> e.next-element-sibling
| e.which == 81 or e.which == 69 => # q or e
| e.which == 70 or e.which == 76 => # f or l
| e.which == 82 => # r
| _ =>
should-be-cancel = false
@title = @date-stringify @p.created_at
if should-be-cancel
@url = CONFIG.url + '/' + @p.user.username + '/' + @p.id
@is-detail-opened = false
function focus(el, fn)
target = fn el
if target?
if target.has-attribute \tabindex
@on \mount ~>
if @p.text?
tokens = if @p._highlight?
then @analyze @p._highlight
else @analyze @p.text
@refs.text.innerHTML = if @p._highlight?
then @compile tokens, true, false
else @compile tokens
@refs.text.children.for-each (e) ~>
if e.tag-name == \MK-URL
riot.mount e
# URLをプレビュー
.filter (t) -> t.type == \link
.map (t) ~>
@preview = @refs.text.append-child document.create-element \mk-url-preview
riot.mount @preview, do
url: t.content
@reply = ~>
form = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-post-form-window
riot.mount form, do
reply: @p
@repost = ~>
form = document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-repost-form-window
riot.mount form, do
post: @p
@like = ~>
if @p.is_liked
@api \posts/likes/delete do
post_id: @p.id
.then ~>
@p.is_liked = false
focus target, fn
@api \posts/likes/create do
post_id: @p.id
.then ~>
@p.is_liked = true
@toggle-detail = ~>
@is-detail-opened = !@is-detail-opened
@on-key-down = (e) ~>
should-be-cancel = true
| e.which == 38 or e.which == 74 or (e.which == 9 and e.shift-key) => # ↑, j or Shift+Tab
focus @root, (e) -> e.previous-element-sibling
| e.which == 40 or e.which == 75 or e.which == 9 => # ↓, k or Tab
focus @root, (e) -> e.next-element-sibling
| e.which == 81 or e.which == 69 => # q or e
| e.which == 70 or e.which == 76 => # f or l
| e.which == 82 => # r
| _ =>
should-be-cancel = false
if should-be-cancel
function focus(el, fn)
target = fn el
if target?
if target.has-attribute \tabindex
focus target, fn
@ -1,86 +1,79 @@
virtual(each={ post, i in posts })
mk-timeline-post(post={ post })
p.date(if={ i != posts.length - 1 && post._date != posts[i + 1]._date })
| { post._datetext }
| { posts[i + 1]._datetext }
| <yield from="footer"/>
<virtual each="{ post, i in posts }">
<mk-timeline-post post="{ post }"></mk-timeline-post>
<p class="date" if="{ i != posts.length - 1 && post._date != posts[i + 1]._date }"><span><i class="fa fa-angle-up"></i>{ post._datetext }</span><span><i class="fa fa-angle-down"></i>{ posts[i + 1]._datetext }</span></p>
<footer data-yield="footer"><yield from="footer"/></footer>
<style type="stylus">
display block
display block
> mk-timeline-post
border-bottom solid 1px #eaeaea
> mk-timeline-post
border-bottom solid 1px #eaeaea
border-top-left-radius 4px
border-top-right-radius 4px
border-top-left-radius 4px
border-top-right-radius 4px
border-bottom none
border-bottom none
> .date
display block
margin 0
line-height 32px
font-size 14px
text-align center
color #aaa
background #fdfdfd
border-bottom solid 1px #eaeaea
> .date
display block
margin 0
line-height 32px
font-size 14px
text-align center
color #aaa
background #fdfdfd
border-bottom solid 1px #eaeaea
margin 0 16px
margin 0 16px
margin-right 8px
margin-right 8px
> footer
padding 16px
text-align center
color #ccc
border-top solid 1px #eaeaea
border-bottom-left-radius 4px
border-bottom-right-radius 4px
> footer
padding 16px
text-align center
color #ccc
border-top solid 1px #eaeaea
border-bottom-left-radius 4px
border-bottom-right-radius 4px
@posts = []
> mk-timeline-post
border-bottom-color #222221
@posts = []
@set-posts = (posts) ~>
@posts = posts
@prepend-posts = (posts) ~>
posts.for-each (post) ~>
@posts.push post
@set-posts = (posts) ~>
@posts = posts
@add-post = (post) ~>
@posts.unshift post
@prepend-posts = (posts) ~>
posts.for-each (post) ~>
@posts.push post
@clear = ~>
@posts = []
@add-post = (post) ~>
@posts.unshift post
@focus = ~>
@clear = ~>
@posts = []
@on \update ~>
@posts.for-each (post) ~>
date = (new Date post.created_at).get-date!
month = (new Date post.created_at).get-month! + 1
post._date = date
post._datetext = month + '月 ' + date + '日'
@focus = ~>
@tail = ~>
@posts[@posts.length - 1]
@on \update ~>
@posts.for-each (post) ~>
date = (new Date post.created_at).get-date!
month = (new Date post.created_at).get-month! + 1
post._date = date
post._datetext = month + '月 ' + date + '日'
@tail = ~>
@posts[@posts.length - 1]
@ -1,219 +1,212 @@
button.header(data-active={ is-open.toString() }, onclick={ toggle })
| { I.username }
i.fa.fa-angle-down(if={ !is-open })
i.fa.fa-angle-up(if={ is-open })
img.avatar(src={ I.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }, alt='avatar')
div.menu(if={ is-open })
li: a(href={ '/' + I.username })
| プロフィール
li(onclick={ drive }): p
| ドライブ
li: a(href='/i>mentions')
| あなた宛て
li(onclick={ settings }): p
| 設定
li(onclick={ signout }): p
i(class='fa fa-power-off')
| サインアウト
display block
float left
> .header
display block
margin 0
padding 0
color #9eaba8
border none
background transparent
cursor pointer
pointer-events none
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
color darken(#9eaba8, 30%)
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
> .avatar
$saturate = 150%
filter saturate($saturate)
-webkit-filter saturate($saturate)
-moz-filter saturate($saturate)
-ms-filter saturate($saturate)
> .username
<button class="header" data-active="{ isOpen.toString() }" onclick="{ toggle }"><span class="username">{ I.username }<i class="fa fa-angle-down" if="{ !isOpen }"></i><i class="fa fa-angle-up" if="{ isOpen }"></i></span><img class="avatar" src="{ I.avatar_url + '?thumbnail&size=64' }" alt="avatar"/></button>
<div class="menu" if="{ isOpen }">
<li><a href="{ '/' + I.username }"><i class="fa fa-user"></i>プロフィール<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li>
<li onclick="{ drive }">
<p><i class="fa fa-cloud"></i>ドライブ<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></p>
<li><a href="/i>mentions"><i class="fa fa-at"></i>あなた宛て<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></a></li>
<li onclick="{ settings }">
<p><i class="fa fa-cog"></i>設定<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></p>
<li onclick="{ signout }">
<p><i class="fa fa-power-off"></i>サインアウト<i class="fa fa-angle-right"></i></p>
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display block
float left
margin 0 12px 0 16px
max-width 16em
line-height 48px
font-weight bold
font-family Meiryo, sans-serif
text-decoration none
margin-left 8px
> .avatar
display block
float left
min-width 32px
max-width 32px
min-height 32px
max-height 32px
margin 8px 8px 8px 0
border-radius 4px
transition filter 100ms ease
> .menu
display block
position absolute
top 56px
right -2px
width 230px
font-size 0.8em
background #fff
border-radius 4px
box-shadow 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -28px
right 12px
border-top solid 14px transparent
border-right solid 14px transparent
border-bottom solid 14px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-left solid 14px transparent
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -27px
right 12px
border-top solid 14px transparent
border-right solid 14px transparent
border-bottom solid 14px #fff
border-left solid 14px transparent
display block
margin 10px 0
padding 0
list-style none
& + ul
padding-top 10px
border-top solid 1px #eee
> li
> .header
display block
margin 0
padding 0
color #9eaba8
border none
background transparent
cursor pointer
> a
> p
pointer-events none
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
color darken(#9eaba8, 30%)
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
> .avatar
$saturate = 150%
filter saturate($saturate)
-webkit-filter saturate($saturate)
-moz-filter saturate($saturate)
-ms-filter saturate($saturate)
> .username
display block
z-index 1
padding 0 28px
margin 0
line-height 40px
color #868C8C
cursor pointer
float left
margin 0 12px 0 16px
max-width 16em
line-height 48px
font-weight bold
font-family Meiryo, sans-serif
text-decoration none
pointer-events none
margin-left 8px
> i:first-of-type
margin-right 6px
> .avatar
display block
float left
min-width 32px
max-width 32px
min-height 32px
max-height 32px
margin 8px 8px 8px 0
border-radius 4px
transition filter 100ms ease
> i:last-of-type
> .menu
display block
position absolute
top 56px
right -2px
width 230px
font-size 0.8em
background #fff
border-radius 4px
box-shadow 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -28px
right 12px
border-top solid 14px transparent
border-right solid 14px transparent
border-bottom solid 14px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-left solid 14px transparent
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -27px
right 12px
border-top solid 14px transparent
border-right solid 14px transparent
border-bottom solid 14px #fff
border-left solid 14px transparent
display block
margin 10px 0
padding 0
list-style none
& + ul
padding-top 10px
border-top solid 1px #eee
> li
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 8px
z-index 1
padding 0 20px
font-size 1.2em
line-height 40px
margin 0
padding 0
&:hover, &:active
text-decoration none
background $theme-color
color $theme-color-foreground
> a
> p
display block
z-index 1
padding 0 28px
margin 0
line-height 40px
color #868C8C
cursor pointer
@mixin \i
@mixin \signout
pointer-events none
@is-open = false
> i:first-of-type
margin-right 6px
@on \before-unmount ~>
> i:last-of-type
display block
position absolute
top 0
right 8px
z-index 1
padding 0 20px
font-size 1.2em
line-height 40px
@toggle = ~>
if @is-open
&:hover, &:active
text-decoration none
background $theme-color
color $theme-color-foreground
@open = ~>
@is-open = true
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.add-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@mixin \i
@mixin \signout
@close = ~>
@is-open = false
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.remove-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@mousedown = (e) ~>
if (!contains @root, e.target) and (@root != e.target)
@on \before-unmount ~>
return false
@drive = ~>
riot.mount document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-drive-browser-window
@toggle = ~>
if @is-open
@settings = ~>
riot.mount document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-settings-window
@open = ~>
@is-open = true
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.add-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parent-node
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parent-node
return false
@close = ~>
@is-open = false
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.remove-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@mousedown = (e) ~>
if (!contains @root, e.target) and (@root != e.target)
return false
@drive = ~>
riot.mount document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-drive-browser-window
@settings = ~>
riot.mount document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-settings-window
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parent-node
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parent-node
return false
@ -1,82 +1,87 @@
<div class="header">
<time ref="time"></time>
<div class="content">
<style type="stylus">
display inline-block
overflow visible
display inline-block
overflow visible
> .header
padding 0 12px
text-align center
font-size 0.5em
> .header
padding 0 12px
text-align center
font-size 0.5em
&, *
cursor: default
&, *
cursor: default
background #899492
background #899492
& + .content
visibility visible
& + .content
visibility visible
> time
color #fff !important
> time
color #fff !important
color #fff !important
color #fff !important
content ""
display block
clear both
content ""
display block
clear both
> time
display table-cell
vertical-align middle
height 48px
color #9eaba8
> time
display table-cell
vertical-align middle
height 48px
color #9eaba8
> .yyyymmdd
opacity 0.7
> .yyyymmdd
opacity 0.7
> .content
visibility hidden
display block
position absolute
top auto
right 0
z-index 3
margin 0
padding 0
width 256px
background #899492
> .content
visibility hidden
display block
position absolute
top auto
right 0
z-index 3
margin 0
padding 0
width 256px
background #899492
@draw = ~>
now = new Date!
@draw = ~>
now = new Date!
yyyy = now.get-full-year!
mm = (\0 + (now.get-month! + 1)).slice -2
dd = (\0 + now.get-date!).slice -2
yyyymmdd = "<span class='yyyymmdd'>#yyyy/#mm/#dd</span>"
yyyy = now.get-full-year!
mm = (\0 + (now.get-month! + 1)).slice -2
dd = (\0 + now.get-date!).slice -2
yyyymmdd = "<span class='yyyymmdd'>#yyyy/#mm/#dd</span>"
hh = (\0 + now.get-hours!).slice -2
mm = (\0 + now.get-minutes!).slice -2
hhmm = "<span class='hhmm'>#hh:#mm</span>"
hh = (\0 + now.get-hours!).slice -2
mm = (\0 + now.get-minutes!).slice -2
hhmm = "<span class='hhmm'>#hh:#mm</span>"
if now.get-seconds! % 2 == 0
hhmm .= replace \: '<span style=\'visibility:visible\'>:</span>'
hhmm .= replace \: '<span style=\'visibility:hidden\'>:</span>'
if now.get-seconds! % 2 == 0
hhmm .= replace \: '<span style=\'visibility:visible\'>:</span>'
hhmm .= replace \: '<span style=\'visibility:hidden\'>:</span>'
@refs.time.innerHTML = "#yyyymmdd<br>#hhmm"
@refs.time.innerHTML = "#yyyymmdd<br>#hhmm"
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @draw, 1000ms
@on \mount ~>
@clock = set-interval @draw, 1000ms
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@on \unmount ~>
clear-interval @clock
@ -1,113 +1,113 @@
mk-ui-header-nav: ul(if={ SIGNIN })
li.home(class={ active: page == 'home' }): a(href={ CONFIG.url })
p ホーム
li.messaging: a(onclick={ messaging })
p メッセージ
i.fa.fa-circle(if={ has-unread-messaging-messages })
li.info: a(href='https://twitter.com/misskey_xyz', target='_blank')
p お知らせ
li.tv: a(href='https://misskey.tk', target='_blank')
p MisskeyTV™
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0
line-height 3rem
vertical-align top
> ul
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0
vertical-align top
line-height 3rem
list-style none
> li
display inline-block
vertical-align top
height 48px
line-height 48px
> a
border-bottom solid 3px $theme-color
> a
<ul if="{ SIGNIN }">
<li class="home { active: page == 'home' }"><a href="{ CONFIG.url }"><i class="fa fa-home"></i>
<li class="messaging"><a onclick="{ messaging }"><i class="fa fa-comments"></i>
<p>メッセージ</p><i class="fa fa-circle" if="{ hasUnreadMessagingMessages }"></i></a></li>
<li class="info"><a href="https://twitter.com/misskey_xyz" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-info"></i>
<li class="tv"><a href="https://misskey.tk" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-television"></i>
<style type="stylus">
display inline-block
z-index 1
height 100%
padding 0 24px
font-size 1em
font-variant small-caps
color #9eaba8
text-decoration none
transition none
cursor pointer
margin 0
padding 0
line-height 3rem
vertical-align top
pointer-events none
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
text-decoration none
> i:first-child
margin-right 8px
> i:last-child
margin-left 5px
vertical-align super
font-size 10px
color $theme-color
@media (max-width 1100px)
margin-left -5px
> p
display inline
> ul
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0
vertical-align top
line-height 3rem
list-style none
@media (max-width 1100px)
display none
> li
display inline-block
vertical-align top
height 48px
line-height 48px
@media (max-width 700px)
padding 0 12px
> a
border-bottom solid 3px $theme-color
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
> a
display inline-block
z-index 1
height 100%
padding 0 24px
font-size 1em
font-variant small-caps
color #9eaba8
text-decoration none
transition none
cursor pointer
@page = @opts.page
pointer-events none
@on \mount ~>
@stream.on \read_all_messaging_messages @on-read-all-messaging-messages
@stream.on \unread_messaging_message @on-unread-messaging-message
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
text-decoration none
# Fetch count of unread messaging messages
@api \messaging/unread
.then (count) ~>
if count.count > 0
> i:first-child
margin-right 8px
> i:last-child
margin-left 5px
vertical-align super
font-size 10px
color $theme-color
@media (max-width 1100px)
margin-left -5px
> p
display inline
margin 0
@media (max-width 1100px)
display none
@media (max-width 700px)
padding 0 12px
@mixin \i
@mixin \api
@mixin \stream
@page = @opts.page
@on \mount ~>
@stream.on \read_all_messaging_messages @on-read-all-messaging-messages
@stream.on \unread_messaging_message @on-unread-messaging-message
# Fetch count of unread messaging messages
@api \messaging/unread
.then (count) ~>
if count.count > 0
@has-unread-messaging-messages = true
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \read_all_messaging_messages @on-read-all-messaging-messages
@stream.off \unread_messaging_message @on-unread-messaging-message
@on-read-all-messaging-messages = ~>
@has-unread-messaging-messages = false
@on-unread-messaging-message = ~>
@has-unread-messaging-messages = true
@on \unmount ~>
@stream.off \read_all_messaging_messages @on-read-all-messaging-messages
@stream.off \unread_messaging_message @on-unread-messaging-message
@on-read-all-messaging-messages = ~>
@has-unread-messaging-messages = false
@on-unread-messaging-message = ~>
@has-unread-messaging-messages = true
@messaging = ~>
riot.mount document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-messaging-window
@messaging = ~>
riot.mount document.body.append-child document.create-element \mk-messaging-window
@ -1,111 +1,114 @@
button.header(data-active={ is-open }, onclick={ toggle })
div.notifications(if={ is-open })
display block
float left
> .header
display block
margin 0
padding 0
width 32px
color #9eaba8
border none
background transparent
cursor pointer
pointer-events none
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
color darken(#9eaba8, 30%)
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
> i
font-size 1.2em
line-height 48px
> .notifications
display block
position absolute
top 56px
right -72px
width 300px
background #fff
border-radius 4px
box-shadow 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
content ""
pointer-events none
<button class="header" data-active="{ isOpen }" onclick="{ toggle }"><i class="fa fa-bell-o"></i></button>
<div class="notifications" if="{ isOpen }">
<style type="stylus">
display block
position absolute
top -28px
right 74px
border-top solid 14px transparent
border-right solid 14px transparent
border-bottom solid 14px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-left solid 14px transparent
float left
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -27px
right 74px
border-top solid 14px transparent
border-right solid 14px transparent
border-bottom solid 14px #fff
border-left solid 14px transparent
> .header
display block
margin 0
padding 0
width 32px
color #9eaba8
border none
background transparent
cursor pointer
> mk-notifications
max-height 350px
font-size 1rem
overflow auto
pointer-events none
@is-open = false
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
@toggle = ~>
if @is-open
color darken(#9eaba8, 30%)
@open = ~>
@is-open = true
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.add-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
color darken(#9eaba8, 20%)
@close = ~>
> i
font-size 1.2em
line-height 48px
> .notifications
display block
position absolute
top 56px
right -72px
width 300px
background #fff
border-radius 4px
box-shadow 0 1px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -28px
right 74px
border-top solid 14px transparent
border-right solid 14px transparent
border-bottom solid 14px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
border-left solid 14px transparent
content ""
pointer-events none
display block
position absolute
top -27px
right 74px
border-top solid 14px transparent
border-right solid 14px transparent
border-bottom solid 14px #fff
border-left solid 14px transparent
> mk-notifications
max-height 350px
font-size 1rem
overflow auto
@is-open = false
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.remove-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@mousedown = (e) ~>
if (!contains @root, e.target) and (@root != e.target)
return false
@toggle = ~>
if @is-open
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parent-node
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parent-node
return false
@open = ~>
@is-open = true
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.add-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@close = ~>
@is-open = false
all = document.query-selector-all 'body *'
Array.prototype.for-each.call all, (el) ~>
el.remove-event-listener \mousedown @mousedown
@mousedown = (e) ~>
if (!contains @root, e.target) and (@root != e.target)
return false
function contains(parent, child)
node = child.parent-node
while node?
if node == parent
return true
node = node.parent-node
return false
@ -1,39 +1,41 @@
button(onclick={ post }, title='新規投稿')
<button onclick="{ post }" title="新規投稿"><i class="fa fa-pencil-square-o"></i></button>
<style type="stylus">
display inline-block
padding 8px
height 100%
vertical-align top
display inline-block
padding 8px
height 100%
vertical-align top
> button
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0 10px
height 100%
font-size 1.2em
font-weight normal
text-decoration none
color $theme-color-foreground
background $theme-color !important
outline none
border none
border-radius 2px
transition background 0.1s ease
cursor pointer
> button
display inline-block
margin 0
padding 0 10px
height 100%
font-size 1.2em
font-weight normal
text-decoration none
color $theme-color-foreground
background $theme-color !important
outline none
border none
border-radius 2px
transition background 0.1s ease
cursor pointer
pointer-events none
pointer-events none
background lighten($theme-color, 10%) !important
background lighten($theme-color, 10%) !important
background darken($theme-color, 10%) !important
transition background 0s ease
background darken($theme-color, 10%) !important
transition background 0s ease
@post = (e) ~>
@post = (e) ~>
@ -1,37 +1,41 @@
form.search(onsubmit={ onsubmit })
input@q(type='search', placeholder!=' 検索')
<form class="search" onsubmit="{ onsubmit }">
<input ref="q" type="search" placeholder=" 検索"/>
<div class="result"></div>
<style type="stylus">
> form
display block
float left
> form
display block
float left
> input
user-select text
cursor auto
margin 0
padding 6px 18px
width 14em
height 48px
font-size 1em
line-height calc(48px - 12px)
background transparent
outline none
//border solid 1px #ddd
border none
border-radius 0
transition color 0.5s ease, border 0.5s ease
font-family FontAwesome, sans-serif
> input
user-select text
cursor auto
margin 0
padding 6px 18px
width 14em
height 48px
font-size 1em
line-height calc(48px - 12px)
background transparent
outline none
//border solid 1px #ddd
border none
border-radius 0
transition color 0.5s ease, border 0.5s ease
font-family FontAwesome, sans-serif
color #9eaba8
color #9eaba8
@mixin \page
@mixin \page
@onsubmit = (e) ~>
@page '/search:' + @refs.q.value
@onsubmit = (e) ~>
@page '/search:' + @refs.q.value
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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