2017-03-30 19:11:38 +03:00
# Contribution guide
2018-09-01 12:02:04 +03:00
:v: Thanks for your contributions :v:
2017-03-26 15:32:19 +03:00
2018-09-01 12:02:04 +03:00
## Issues
Feature suggestions and bug reports are filed in https://github.com/syuilo/misskey/issues .
Before creating a new issue, please search existing issues to avoid duplication.
If you find the existing issue, please add your reaction or comment to the issue.
2017-03-26 15:32:19 +03:00
2018-09-01 12:02:04 +03:00
## Localization (l10n)
2018-09-01 12:15:25 +03:00
Please use [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/misskey) for localization.
2017-03-26 15:32:19 +03:00
2018-09-01 12:15:25 +03:00

2017-03-26 15:32:19 +03:00
2018-11-09 17:47:36 +02:00
## Internationalization (i18n)
Misskey uses [vue-i18n](https://github.com/kazupon/vue-i18n).
2018-09-01 12:02:04 +03:00
## Documentation
* Documents for contributors are located in `/docs`.
* Documents for instance admins are located in `/docs`.
* Documents for end users are located in `src/docs`.
2017-03-26 15:32:19 +03:00
2018-09-01 12:02:04 +03:00
## Test
* Test codes are located in `/test`.
## Continuous integration
2018-11-05 03:52:07 +02:00
Misskey uses CircleCI for automated test.
Configuration files are located in `/.circleci`.
2018-12-19 20:01:02 +02:00
## Glossary
### AP
2018-12-19 20:02:19 +02:00
Stands for _**A**ctivity**P**ub_.
2018-12-19 20:01:02 +02:00
### MFM
2018-12-19 20:02:19 +02:00
Stands for _**M**isskey **F**lavored **M**arkdown_.
2018-12-19 20:01:02 +02:00
### Mk
2018-12-19 20:02:19 +02:00
Stands for _**M**iss**k**ey_.
2018-12-19 20:44:19 +02:00
### SW
Stands for _**S**ervice**W**orker_.
2019-01-24 12:52:00 +02:00
### Nyaize
2019-02-26 11:00:47 +02:00
Convert な(na) to にゃ(nya)
2019-01-24 12:52:00 +02:00
#### Denyaize
2019-02-26 11:00:47 +02:00
Revert Nyaize
2019-02-07 07:54:14 +02:00
## Code style
2019-03-15 19:53:35 +02:00
### Use semicolon
To avoid ASI Hazard
2019-02-07 07:54:14 +02:00
### Don't use `export default`
``` ts
export default function(foo: string): string {
``` ts
export function something(foo: string): string {
2019-02-07 21:08:25 +02:00
## Directory structure
2019-02-26 11:00:47 +02:00
src ... Source code
@types ... Type definitions
prelude ... Independence utils for coding JavaScript without side effects
misc ... Independence utils for Misskey without side effects
service ... Common functions with side effects
queue ... Job queues and Jobs
server ... Web Server
client ... Client
2019-02-07 21:08:25 +02:00
mfm ... MFM
2019-02-26 11:00:47 +02:00
test ... Test code
2019-02-07 21:08:25 +02:00
2019-04-07 15:50:36 +03:00
## Notes
### placeholder
``` ts
query.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
for (const type of ps.fileType) {
qb.orWhere(`:type = ANY(note.attachedFileTypes)`, { type: type });
query.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
for (const type of ps.fileType) {
const i = ps.fileType.indexOf(type);
qb.orWhere(`:type${i} = ANY(note.attachedFileTypes)`, { [`type${i}`]: type });
### `null` in SQL
``` ts
query.where('file.folderId = :folderId', { folderId: ps.folderId });
という処理で、`ps.folderId`が`null`だと結果的に`file.folderId = null`のようなクエリが発行されてしまい、これは正しいSQLではないので期待した結果が得られない
``` ts
if (ps.folderId) {
query.where('file.folderId = :folderId', { folderId: ps.folderId });
} else {
query.where('file.folderId IS NULL');
### `[]` in SQL
``` ts
const users = await Users.find({
id: In(userIds)
という処理で、`userIds`が`[]`だと結果的に`user.id IN ()`のようなクエリが発行されてしまい、これは正しいSQLではないので期待した結果が得られない
``` ts
const users = userIds.length > 0 ? await Users.find({
id: In(userIds)
}) : [];
2019-04-13 08:04:29 +03:00
### 配列のインデックス in SQL
`[a, b, c]`の `a`にアクセスしたいなら`[0]`ではなく`[1]`と書く
2019-04-07 15:50:36 +03:00
### `undefined`にご用心
MongoDBの時とは違い、findOneでレコードを取得する時に対象レコードが存在しない場合 **`undefined`** が返ってくるので注意。
MongoDBは`null`で返してきてたので、その感覚で`if (x === null)`とか書くとバグる。代わりに`if (x == null)`と書いてください
2019-04-13 08:31:05 +03:00
### 簡素な`undefined`チェック
``` ts
2019-04-13 08:34:34 +03:00
const user = await Users.findOne(userId);
2019-04-13 08:31:05 +03:00
// この時点で user の型は User | undefined
if (user == null) {
throw 'missing user';
// この時点で user の型は User
``` ts
2019-04-13 08:37:45 +03:00
const user = await Users.findOne(userId).then(ensure);
2019-04-13 08:31:05 +03:00
// この時点で user の型は User
2019-04-13 08:34:34 +03:00
``` ts
2019-04-13 08:37:45 +03:00
const user = await Users.findOne(userId).then(ensure);
2019-04-13 08:34:34 +03:00
// 万が一 Users.findOne の結果が undefined だったら、ensure でエラーが発生するので
// この行に到達することは無い
2019-04-13 08:36:35 +03:00
// なので、.then(ensure) は
// if (user == null) {
// throw 'missing user';
// }
// の糖衣構文のような扱いです
2019-04-13 08:34:34 +03:00